Free Event

About Leatherback Evening at the Sanctuary Exploration Center

In recognition of California Leatherback Day, the Sanctuary Exploration Center will host an evening event to highlight the conservation efforts of the critically endangered Pacific Leatherback Turtle on Friday, October 12th from 5 PM - 8 PM!

The event will feature Leatherback turtle artifacts, 20-minute talks by Leatherback turtle scientists, award-winning Leatherback short films by Dutton Media Productions, and local artist Anastasiya Bachmanova of Follow the Sun Art.

Families will be invited to participate in Leatherback art activities, such as DIY Leatherback wood-block printing, creating turtles and jellies from recycled materials, mini painting workshop, and will be able to dress up in a Leatherback turtle costume!

The event will offer sustainable fish from Ocean2Table and refreshments for purchase. The public is invited to build a better understanding of the California State Marine Reptile and one of NOAA’s “Species in the Spotlight.” For more information email: or call 831-421-9993

Free Event

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