
Learning Redwood Community Plants

Live Oak Grange
Thu Apr 16 6:30pm Ages: family friendly
Otherartenvironmentnative plants

About Learning Redwood Community Plants

Despite a continued shortage of rain, the Redwood forest is in full bloom. Come join David Casterson to learn more about Redwood Community plants.

6:30pm: Social time & snacks
7pm: Event begins

Former Executive Committee Chair David Casterson taught high school Biology and Nature Photography for 34 years with an emphasis on the environment. After retiring, he wrote "In the Company of Redwoods", a book covering the natural history, botany, ecology and uses of 50 plants commonly found living with Coast Redwoods Through years of leading field trips, he has perfected a technique for learning about these plants based on observation and hands on active participation through hand coloring photographs.

He says, "As your hand adds color to the pictures and your eyes move back and forth between the plants you see and the images in this fieldbook, you will quickly learn the names, facts and faces of members of the Redwood forest. By adding color to my black and white photographs, the beautifully detailed pictures you create will be works of art! My goal is to engage you in the process of learning thereby building a long lasting connection with nature. Knowing and loving the life forms we share the planet with empowers us to protect the Earth and all it inhabitants. In my mind there are few things of greater value."

David will bring samples of Redwood Community plants from his property, photocopies of images from his book, water color pencils and brushes and photocopies of images from his book to work with. Participants are encouraged to bring their own colored pencils and pencil sharpeners if they have them. Copies of "In the Company of Redwoods" will be on sale for the special Sierra Club price of $15 each, with $5 going directly to the Santa Cruz Group of the Ventana Chapter.

Please try to arrive sustainably by walking, bicycling, taking the bus, or carpooling. To offer or request a carpool ride, please post in the comments below or on our MeetUp site: http://bit.ly/1MMHaHw

Learn more on the website: http://inthecompanyofredwoods.com/

Free Event