About Lasting Love Lab

If you’re struggling with your marriage or relationship but don’t want it to end in divorce or a breakup, it can feel like your heart is hurting. You feel hopeless because nothing you do fixes the problems, and you just feel like you’ve lost a sense happiness and closeness that you once had.

There is a way to mend your marriage and repair your relationship so you can finally have lasting love.

This is why I created the Lasting Love Lab.

In this mini-workshop, you will:

• Learn the most important secret to completely change your relationship (Heart Time w/ heart touching)

• Find out why the right communication is the key to relationship success (I am vs. I feel)

• Discover a powerful tool to fix fights (self soothe)

• Learn the most common mistake couples make and how to avoid it (negative mindset, instead have culture of appreciation)

Through a value-packed presentation and experimentation with scientifically proven tools, the Lasting Love Lab teaches you how to go from a hurting heart and broken relationship to true relationship success.

Stop suffering with heartache and instead get heart-centered lasting love.

For more information visit www.chanijacobson.com

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