Classes & Lectures

Intro to Rubenfeld Synergy Method: Befriend Your Body, Transform Your Life

Mountain Spirit
Thu Apr 16 6pm - 8pm Ages: 18+
Classes & LecturesHealingbodywork
Pamela Neimeth

About Intro to Rubenfeld Synergy Method: Befriend Your Body, Transform Your Life

Your body has a very important story to tell! Come join Pamela Neimeth for an experiential workshop of the Rubenfeld Synergy Method where participants will learn how to listen to their bodies' and explore ways to create change in their lives.

This will also be an introduction to the method for those who may be interested in taking the RSM training coming up this fall in Santa Cruz. Learn more at:

Rubenfeld Synergy Method (RSM) is a holistic therapeutic approach combining touch, talk and compassionate listening resulting in a sense of deep healing and personal growth. The use of breath work, movement and touch, along with explorations of feelings and personal narrative reveals how the stress and tension held in your body relates to the stress and tension in your life. RSM facilitates the movement of these often unconscious body/mind patterns into conscious ones, thereby allowing options for moving forward and making changes.

Pamela Neimeth, MSW, CRS is a somatically training therapist with a long standing interest in mind/body connections. She has been a certified Rubenfeld Synergist since 2000 and has a practice in Ben Lomond.

To register call Mountain Spirit at 831.335.7700
Suggested Donation of $10 to reserve seat.

For all questions contact Pam at 845.399.8597 or visit her web page at
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