Classes & Lectures

Hands On! Build Your Future

Scotts Valley Public Library
Thu Mar 19 3pm - 5pm Ages: family friendly
Classes & Lectureseducationmiddle schoolsteamcareers

About Hands On! Build Your Future

Hands On! Build Your Future is a 12 part series of career exploration workshops for kids in grades 5-8 where participants can learn about careers that don't require a university degree. Sessions are made up of one of three topics - carpentry & construction, electrical, and mechanical design. The sessions include an introduction to the careers in which these skills would be used and the necessary education/apprenticeship required. Participants will also engage in a hands on project utilizing tools and skills based on the session's topic.

This session is about mechanical design, where participants will learn about basic mechanics and get hands on experience building a metal machine!

For more information, contact the Santa Cruz Public Libraries Programming Department at 831-427-7717 or [email protected].

Free Event