Free Music Together Demo Classes!

About Free Music Together Demo Classes!

MusicalMe, Inc./Music Together offers 45 minutes of peace, love and musical development with FREE music classes.
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY, CA - December 15th through 20th: Bring your young children and together participate in free demonstration music classes of Music Together® - an Early Childhood Music Enrichment Program for infants, toddlers, and preschool children and their parents or caregivers. Join us to discover why our family classes are so acclaimed and so well loved. A musical life begins at home – we teach you why and how! Following are the specific dates, locations and times:

Free Demo Classes with Music Together® will be offered each day @ 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m. unless noted otherwise
Monday, December 15- Native Sons’ Hall, 239 High Street in Santa Cruz

Tuesday, December 16
SLV School District Office, 325 Marion Ave, Room 29 in Ben Lomond - 9:30, 10:30 a.m. only

Wednesday, December 17
Music Together Studio, 3709 Portola Drive (at 38th Ave.) in East Santa Cruz
AND at the Sky Park Classroom, 361 Kings Village Road, Scotts Valley - 9:30, 10:30 a.m. only

Thursday, December 18- Native Sons’ Hall, 239 High Street in Santa Cruz

Friday, December 19
Music Together Studio, 3709 Portola Drive (at 38th Ave.) in East Santa Cruz
AND at Callaghan Park, 227 Sudden Street in Watsonville - 9:30, 10:30am only

Saturday, December 20- Native Sons’ Hall, 239 High Street in Santa Cruz

As the original parent-child music program, Music Together® has enriched the lives of families around the world for over 25 years. Since its founding in 1987, Music Together has communicated its basic philosophy – that all children are musical – through developmentally appropriate, research-based classes for children ages birth through kindergarten and their parents and caregivers. Hundreds of thousands of families have come to love Music Together classes – and music! Music Together classes nurture the inherent music lover in us all through play. Participate in a FREE Demo Class with your young ones and discover why everyone you know loves Music Together®. Experience first-hand just how fun learning and playing musically with your child can be. We’ll teach you how to take music out of the box and put it into the hearts and hands of your young children, and you! Register for the Winter Session which begins in January 2015 @

CONTACT: MusicalMe, Inc.
PO Box 66438, Scotts Valley, CA 95067
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