Classes & Lectures

Free First Sunday Sound Meditation

Mountain Spirit
Sun Oct 2 10:30am - 11:45am every and 1st Sunday Ages: 18+
Classes & LecturesmagicspiritualsoundrelaxpracticebuddhismBenefit
Bruce Manaka

About Free First Sunday Sound Meditation

Would you like to quiet your mind in an ever busy life?

Join us on the first Sunday of every month for our free meditation series with Bruce Manaka. We will discuss and practice various methods of sound healing...connecting our body and mind to a state of inner peace. Sound has been utilized in various cultures for thousands of years as a tool for healing. Bruce will play crystal bowls and other spiritual instruments to create a safe, relaxing, and healing environment.

Bruce Manaka is author of "Flights of a Runaway Monk" and "Alchemy of Bliss." Bruce spent 19 years in a monastery, living a life of meditation and contemplation. He was born into a family of artists and musicians and is best known for his work with sound healing. For more information on his work, go to

This free event is sponsored by Mountain Spirit to support our local community. Donations are accepted and go to The Dalai Lama Trust Foundation.

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