Other, Arts, LGBT, Literary

First Draft Freewrite Children's Book Voice Workshop

OtherArtsLGBTLiterarycreative writing

About First Draft Freewrite Children's Book Voice Workshop

Use all three voices (first person, second person, and third person) to develop your story. Bring your laptop and your library card. Check out books in the genre you are writing for scenes to read and discuss before you freewrite your own scene in each voice. Developmental editor Anastasia Suen has written and edited books for children, teens, and adults and mentored writers around the globe in her online workshops. Registration is required. Time: These interactive sessions for adults are 90 minutes in length. Biography: Anastasia Suen's fascination with books led to a career in education. She taught kindergarten ESL, first, fifth, and sixth grades in Los Angeles before her children were born. After her first books were published she began teaching adults: teacher in service for Staff Development for Educators, children's literature at the University of North Texas, and writing at Southern Methodist University. Today she teaches writing by working with one-to-one with children’s book authors as a freelance developmental editor. Anastasia Suen develops books, novelties, kits, and curriculum for the education market (schools and libraries), the mass market (retail and mail-order), and the trade market (bookstores).

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