Sports & Recreation

Ethical Foundations of Yoga

Nourish, Santa Cruz
Sat Feb 6 3:30pm - 6:30pm Ages: family friendly

About Ethical Foundations of Yoga

Spend an afternoon exploring the ethical foundations of yoga as described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutra: peacefulness, honesty, acceptance, sexual ethics, non-attachment, clarity, contentment, dedication, self-study, and faith. We will meditate on reading from the Yoga Sutra and other texts on yoga philosophy, with lots of time for contemplation and conversation.

This talkshop is lead by Victor Dubin, ERTY-500, a yoga teacher with 20 years of full time teaching experience and co-owner of NOURISH.

Yoga Teachers: $55
NOURISH Members: $75
Non-Members: $95
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