Classes & Lectures

Core Teachings of the Buddha (Online)

Insight Santa Cruz
Mon Aug 31 6:30pm - 8pm every Monday Ages: family friendly

About Core Teachings of the Buddha (Online)

Core Teachings of the Buddha: A Walking the Dhamma Path class series

Zoom Link:

This course is offered to any student wishing to dive a little deeper into Buddhism’s basic teachings. The 16-week Monday evening class has been divided into 4 units;

The Buddha’s Enlightenment and the 4 Noble Truths:
Buddha’s life story exploring the first teaching after his enlightenment
Aug 3 – Orientation to the course and The life of the Buddha
Aug 10 – The Four Noble Truths
Aug 17 – The Eightfold Path – Wisdom: Wise View and Wise Intention
Aug 24 – The Eightfold Path – Virtue: Wise Speech, Wise Action, and Wise Livelihood
Aug 31 – The Eightfold Path – Meditation: Wise Effort, Wise Mindfulness, and Wise Concentration
Taking Refuge and The Five Precepts:
Understand The Five Precepts’ importance in supporting one’s meditation practice
Sept 14 – Taking Refuge: Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha
Sept 21 – The Five Precepts
The 4 Foundations of Mindfulness:
Exploring the Buddha’s teaching on establishing mindfulness from his Sutta on “The Four Foundations of Mindfulness” and discussing the key insights of the Three Marks of Existence.
Sept 28 – Four Foundations of Mindfulness: Mindfulness of the Body
Oct. 5 – Four Foundations of Mindfulness: Mindfulness of Feeling Tone
Oct. 12 – Four Foundations of Mindfulness: Mindfulness of the Mind
Oct. 19 – Four Foundations of Mindfulness: Mindfulness of the Dhammas
Oct. 26 – Insight Meditation and the Three Marks of Existence
The Divine Abodes:
Explore Buddha’s teaching on the Brahma Viharas: Lovingkindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity
Nov. 2 – The Brahma Viharas: Metta
Nov. 9 – The Brahma Viharas: Karuna
Nov. 16 – The Brahma Viharas: Mudita
Nov. 23 – The Brahma Viharas: Upekkha

Each 1 1/2 hour program will include time for practice and a dharma talk, as well as discussion time.

While we are asking that interested students register for the course, it is not necessary to commit to each offering, and all are welcome. Please register by emailing Carol Morgan: [email protected] with subject Registration for Core Teachings.

Meg Corman, Kevin Newhouse, and Carol Morgan are volunteer Community Facilitators hosting this program. A few guest teachers will also support this program, including Bob Stahl for our first class.

Online Meeting ID: 870 9882 0580

Join online by clicking the Join Online Meeting button or Join Online Meeting under MORE INFO, or attend by calling +1-669-900-6833 US (San Jose) followed by the Online Meeting ID number and #. If a password is requested then enter the Dial-in password and #.

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