
Candlelit Yin Yoga

Sun Feb 23 6:45pm - 8pm every Sunday Ages: family friendly
Other#yogarestorative yogayin yoga#Wellness
Bayley Blackney

About Candlelit Yin Yoga

Take the time to slow down from your busy lives and reconnect to your inner wisdom. Learn how to take care of your body, mind, and spirit through gentle yin yoga postures, breath, and guided meditation. In this practice we will hold restorative poses for 3-7 minutes to gently open the connective tissues in the body, release tension, and focus our awareness on the present. This class is also known as "adult nap time", "goodnight yoga", or "the pathway to bliss".

By taking the time to have an intimate conversation with yourself and to control the quality of your breath, you are stepping on a path to a fuller, more fulfilled lifestyle. This class is candlelit and uses props (blocks, blankets, bolsters) as we move from shape to shape with relaxing music to put you at ease. This class has an assistant and offers a nurturing, safe, and consensual touch.

This class is open to all ages and experience levels.
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