Classes & Lectures

Bridging Sports Performance and Human Performance

Brett Bartholomew

About Bridging Sports Performance and Human Performance

Saturday August 31st, Paradigm Sport hosts Brett Bartholomew, Bridging Sports Performance and Human Performance. Brett discusses how cognitive and behavioral sciences research and studies can explain factors that improve and inhibit human performance both on the sports field and in your relationships as a parent, teacher, spouse/partner, manager, entrepreneur or coach. He also shares insights on how your personal experience, self-awareness and understanding of these human performance factors can help you develop trusting relationships and result in influencing positive outcomes.
Time: 11am - 4pm lecture sessions
**Bonus complimentary 9am - 10am Conditioning Training Session
Cost: $149. (includes a FREE copy of Conscious Coaching for 25 participants)
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Questions? Contact, [email protected]
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