Fashion & Style

Bowl for Kids' Sake

Boardwalk Bowl
Sun Apr 30 9:30am everyday Ages: family friendly

About Bowl for Kids' Sake

Bowling teams are invited to participate in Big Brothers Big Sisters of Santa Cruz County’s biggest fundraiser of the year - Bowl for Kids' Sake.

Families, friends and co-workers as well as businesses are all invited to field a team in the friendly competition. Bowling skills are not required, and the time commitment is minimal (one game). All money raised goes to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Santa Cruz County.

Individuals raising $125 or more receive an event T-shirt; individuals that raise over $200 receive an event sweatshirt; and those that raise over $250 will be offered Grab Bag prizes. Additionally, a Grand Prize of two nights in a two-bedroom villa at Seascape and dinner at Sanderlings will be awarded to the top fundraiser.

The event is Big Brothers Big Sisters of Santa Cruz County’s largest annual fundraiser.
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