About Bokashi Compost Class

Bokashi Compost Class
Saturday, August 12 from 10:30 to noon
Location: A Private Home in Capitola
Cost: $10

Do you want to reduce the methane emitted from landfills? You know how
it’s one of the goals of the California Global Warming Solutions Act AB

You don’t have to wait for government or business to do it for you. Do it
yourself with Bokashi Composting. It takes up very little space, is rat-proof
and is NOT labor-intensive: it takes me about 15 minutes a week.

Come learn each step of this anaerobic fermentation process that quickly converts all food scraps (including meat, fish and bones) into a regenerative fertilizer. It's probiotics for your garden soil that your plants will love.

PLease note: the class is not AT the Library but is quite near it. Pay the fee using the PayPal Donate Button on our site and we’ll send you
the address. Imagine if ZERO kitchen scraps went to the landfill.
