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About Being Your True Nature

Discover your universal clear-light nature in this exclusive four-day Being Experience for 21st century modern living with Tenzin Ösel Hita, radical free-thinker, former monk, filmmaker, and musician.

This Being Experience will include:

-coming-out-of-the-dream and other meditative practices led by Ösel, including practical, analytical, wisdom and method
-yoga with Australian yoga teacher, Wendy Cook
-Joy Movement
-self-work and reflection
-breathing exercises useful for stress reduction

Evening workshops with life-long students, including acclaimed author-psychologist Karuna Cayton, as well as translator, author, editor, and teacher Jon Landaw, we’ll explore psychological tools to help you connect with your own innate wisdom. Experience awakened inner awareness and a renewed level of self-confidence; learn to adapt positively to any situation; create new thinking patterns; expand neural pathways; live a more satisfied life; suffer less; be of greater benefit to the world.

Ösel will share from his own experiences, learning, studies since childhood at Sera Je Monastic University, and life of service to others.

“Each individual represents life,” says Ösel. "We are a reflection of the universe. We are interdependent with the universe. The universe exists through us and we exist through the universe. The universe has given us life and the capacity to interact, appreciate, and perceive the universe itself, so that we can actually give it meaning. And, therefore, as an individual, our mission is to understand ourselves and discover our inner reality, our true nature. When you understand your inner nature, you can find true happiness, which comes from wanting to benefit other people.”

Turning the Great Prayer Wheel

video:Turning the Great Prayer Wheel

Festival thangka 2018

video:Festival thangka 2018
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