
Author Visit With Lori Stewart, an award-winning author of multi-generational books for children

Scotts Valley Public Library
Sat Dec 5 2:30pm - 3:30pm Ages: family friendly
Literary#libraryscotts valleychildren's booksauthor readingsauthor events
Lori Stewart

About Author Visit With Lori Stewart, an award-winning author of multi-generational books for children

Lori Stewart will be reading and sharing pictures from her latest children’s book. Not a typical children’s book, Grandma, Aren’t You Glad the World’s Finally in Color Today! is a rhyming picture book narrated by a grandmother sharing the family photo album with her grandchildren. Vintage photographs illustrate life in great grandmother’s time, and rich color photos give us a glimpse into the colorful world of children today. The book helps grandparents start the conversation about the family tree and fulfill their role as family historians. This event is good for children of all ages who are interested in exploring the differences between life in the past and life as we now know it. Children can also work on a family-themed activity.

Free Event