
Ancient Sources, Contemporary Voices

eldershealersLocal artistsmusiciansspeakersspiritual leaders

About Ancient Sources, Contemporary Voices

Ancient Sources, Contemporary Voices
Sounds of Wisdom Series

A new performance series designed to explore and experience the roots of human goodness and strengthen the ties that we all share. Premiering October 13th at the Wisdom Center of Santa Cruz, the series invites local speakers, artists, elders and healers to share their knowledge, music and culture to expand our human experience and bring light and goodness to ourselves and community.

• Saturday, October 13, 2018- 7pm
Creation of the Togodoo with Rhythm, Drumming & Storytelling
Join Moses Myo Yao to discover the music, culture and healing from the Ewe Tribe of Ghana, West Africa. Participate in the traditional spiritual practice of mandala-making known as the “Togodoo”—a wheel of life or medicine wheel, the One Eye of the Universe, the complete expression of being and the ever-turning healing force. An actual mandala will be created, participants are asked to bring something to offer in the Togodoo.

• Saturday, November 10, 2018- 7pm
Amah Mutsun Tribal Band Benefit
Join Tribal Chairman Valentin Lopez as he conveys through storytelling and video, the Amah Mutsun tribal history, emphasizing traditional ecological knowledge, and the threat to it’s most sacred site, Juristac. 15,000 years in the making, the obligation and responsibility of the Mutsun Tribe remains as it has been since the beginning - to care for all living things of the lands of Popeloutchum.

• Saturday, December 8, 2018- 7pm
“Songs of a Tibetan Yogi”
Join David Molk, multi-instrumentalist, philosopher and storyteller, as he opens a window on the Tibetan experience with his translations of traditional folk and ritual music. Included will be music of Tibet, Mongolia, India, as well as Appalachia and Ireland. His new CD, Realizations, Songs of a Tibetan Yogi, will be available.

The Wisdom Center of Santa Cruz is a multi-denominational sanctuary for wisdom-seeking individuals to bring the nature of wisdom to light through meditation, contemplation and compassion practices. While reflecting the Buddhist affiliations of it’s founders, our goal is to generate enlightened activity from all traditions, among individuals and community.
For more information about this program, visit
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