Community, Festivals & Parades

10th Annual Breastfeeding Awareness Walk

Watsonville City Plaza
Fri Aug 12 3pm Ages: family friendly
Community, Festivals & ParadesfamilieshealthnutritionwicbreastfeedingCommunity BridgesBenefit

About 10th Annual Breastfeeding Awareness Walk

The 10th Annual Breastfeeding Awareness Walk includes fun activities for the whole family, face painting, a live DJ, community resource booths, healthy snacks, free t-shirts, raffles and more.

Breastfeeding Awareness Walks are celebrated throughout California during the month of August, as part of a statewide effort to highlight the need to support and celebrate breastfeeding women. This local effort will be held in Watsonville.

The Community Bridges WIC Program serves more than 600 pregnant women each month. Most are mono-lingual Spanish speakers who work in the agriculture industry. These women face many obstacles to sustain breastfeeding at levels that meet national goals. WIC efforts help mothers increase breastfeeding initiation and duration through lactation support, education, and advocacy.