
Staff Writer

Santa Cruz to Examine Moratorium on Medical Marijuana

City officials in Santa Cruz will be deciding on Tuesday whether to extend the 45-day moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries by another 10 and a half months, to allow them more time to examine the issue. The existing rules were written over a decade ago. Some local business owners have expressed support for the moratorium. They argue that a weakening of the rules could lead to dispensaries on every city block, changing the city’s character.

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California Gets a Budget

California Gets a Budget

Lawmakers and Gov. Schwarzenegger finally hammered out a deal last night to close the $26.3 million budget gap. The final budget more closely resembles the governor’s proposed budget than that of the Democratic lawmakers who’ve been locked in a stalemate with Schwarzenegger and legislative Republicans since February.

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Volunteers Support Santa Cruz Libraries

As the current budget crisis has shown, public libraries are one of the first services to take a hit when the economy is down. Just last month Santa Cruz County was forced to cut back on hours, programming, and even staff to meet the most recent cuts in funding. Their salvation came from an unexpected sources—volunteers, who have been flooding public libraries asking to help out. Countywide, volunteers have increased 75 percent, totaling 16,000 hours.

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Good News for Santa Cruz Nonprofits

Faced with a 25 percent across-the-board cut in municipal funding, Santa Cruz nonprofits received some good news on Thursday. The Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County announced that it is giving almost $750,000 to a wide range of nonprofits that provide safety-net services for the local community.

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