Jamie Collins has been hanging out with her Thanksgiving meal since May. Owner of Serendipity Farms, Collins is based in Aromas and pays the bills with produce, but approaching her chicken coop sparks the unhinged gobbling of six full-grown turkeys. It would be nine, except her dog killed one and two died in infancy, and she’s about to knock off three of the remainders for gravy and stuffing.
Articles by Kate Jacobson
‘Mixed Nutz’ Cracks Open A Classic
A lot of people have seen The Nutcracker. Some percentage of those have seen The Nutcracker once a year since they were 8 and could dance the “Waltz Of The Flowers” with their eyes closed. After a sold-out 2009 season, Tandy Beal’s Mixed Nutz! The Nutcracker Remixed is back to claim its place as a Nutcracker that replicates no other: it’s highly unlikely that the average audience includes folks who fondly remember juggling an umbrella on each foot simultaneously with another on each hand for good measure.
Banana Slug String Jubilee
Guitarist “Airy” Larry Graff estimates the Banana Slug String Band has played to more than a million pairs of ears across the United States and the Caribbean. The ears hover at three feet and have an 8pm bedtime, but for nigh on 25 years the unbridled enthusiasm of children has been radiating out of the cafeterias and auditoriums that serve as Banana Slug String Band venues like a heat wave.
R.I.P., Santa Cruz ScripTease
Fourteen years of awkward glances and squirming audiences are coming to a close, and the six improv-ers behind Santa Cruz’s ScripTease are putting their several layers of underoos back on for good.
Ghost Riding in Santa Cruz
Author Jeff Dwyer has done his homework when it comes to Santa Cruz hauntings. The dead are accessible to humans of all ages, and the North Bay writer’s Ghost Hunter’s Guide to Monterey and California’s Central Coast (Spirit Publishing, 2010) holds tantalizing tidbits for anyone tired of celebrating Santa Cruz’s high holy day by dressing up as a pirate.
Night of The Living Cliches
A catalog of Halloween fads we’d like to see buried alive.
Santa Cruz Reskilling Expo Channels Generations Past
The climate is changing, the population is exploding and humans will need a little re-education if extinction isn’t their cup of tea. The third Santa Cruz Reskilling Expo is backtracking to the beginning of the consumer chain and introducing the DIY spirit into modern skill sets, adding production knowledge to the repertoire of the can-opening masses. At this Sunday’s day-long event, lectures about the future of resources will be interspersed with practical knowledge about things like beekeeping and home canning.
Santa Cruz Guide 2010: Cultural Bargains
September comes to Santa Cruz bearing sun (usually) and 16,332 seasonal student-residents on the prowl for a good time, most of them broke and, whether they know it or not, desperately in need of civilizing influences. Here are few local deals that fit both bills.
Santa Cruz Guide 2010: Nightlife Bargains
Happy Hour deals, dollar beer nights and more from our hardworking writers. (Our handy rule of thumb: the gloomier the bar, the cheaper the drinks.)
Santa Cruz Guide 2010: Late-Night Eateries
Our guide to dining establishments that are open after a 10-year-old’s bedtime. Because your stomach doesn’t care that it’s after 9pm.