Guest Writers

Staff Writer

Kiss And Tell

Illustration by Doug Ross

In every adult’s personal library of memories is a weird little room off the main hall marked “bad dates.” Bristling with curiosities (she vanished for an hour and came back in a different outfit!) and banalities made portentous by context (he ate all the popcorn—loudly), it’s a door best left shut.

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2012 Bucket Lists

Richard Stockton is going to use his last days on Planet Earth to learn how to fold a fitted sheet. How about you?

It seems like only yesterday the biggest thing we had to worry about was a Gingrich-Palin ticket. Now we’re staring down the barrel of a 50-week march to the end of the world on Dec. 21, 2012, when the Mayan calendar comes to the end of its 5,000-odd-year cycle. (Or so they say.) It’s kind of depressing when you think about it in a certain light.

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