Georgia Perry

Staff Writer

35 Reasons to Love Fall

Open studios: South County Oct. 6–7, North County Oct. 13–14, Encore Weekend Oct. 20–21.

Any local knows the only things that set alongside the summer sun are the crowds and the vague sense of guilt for choosing to stay inside on a nice day. In order to celebrate the best time of year in our neck of the (red)woods, we’ve compiled a list of 35 can’t-miss fall arts and culture events.

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Q&A: Bill Monning

Monning says the partisan climate in Sacramento "started bad in 2008 and has gotten worse since then."

Twenty-seventh District Assemblymember and current candidate for Senate Bill Monning recently visited the Weekly offices to discuss California’s budget crisis, what “partisan gridlock” really means, and why soda pop should be Public Enemy #1. Below is a 30-second condensed version of our conversation.

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Eco-Friendly Plans for Outside Lands

Plastic bottle art installation at Eco Lands. Photo courtesy of Outside Lands.

Regional events like the sold-out Outside Lands, happening this weekend, emphasize preserving the many gifts Mother Nature gives us for free. With practical methods in place and a conscious Earth-friendly perspective, the Bay Area’s music festivals aren’t just about showcasing great bands. Festival organizers see an opportunity to educate performers and audiences about green practices.

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Dickens Universe at UCSC

Charles Dickens is "the greatest novelist in English," according to Dickens Universe Director John Jordan.

The Dickens Universe brings together around 300 Dickens scholars and fans for one week of full-time Dickens immersion, focused on a different Dickens novel each year. Daily lectures and scholarly discussions are a staple of the event, as are tea parties, parties hosted by graduate students and even a Victorian dance party that, last year, featured three costumed Miss Havishams (the wealthy spinster in Great Expectations).

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Guardianship Case Highlights Plight of Elderly

Guadalupe Olvera’s right to move in with his daughter in Aptos was disputed by Nevada authorities for almost three years. (Photo by Chip Scheuer)

For most of the last three years Olvera and his daughter, Rebecca Schultz of Aptos, have been entangled in a messy and expensive guardianship dispute with his court-appointed guardian, Jared Shafer, a professional guardian and fiduciary who operates a business in Las Vegas. But the three-year dispute with Shafer wasn’t over the finer details of Olvera’s care. It was over who was entitled to serve as guardian of him and his nearly $1 million estate: Shafer or Schultz, Olvera’s only living child.

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Our Fringe Festival Picks

Open Source Theater Project presents, "Flesh" at Motiv (Photo by Rebecca Stark)

This Friday marks the first day of the ten-day long Santa Cruz Fringe Festival, a celebration of offbeat, anything-goes artistic performance. All week the artists have been preparing their shows for performance and generally fluttering around town in a haze of excitement and stage makeup. Santa Cruz Weekly was able to sneak preview some of the 42 shows and noticed several buzz-worthy performers we can’t wait to see in full Fringe regalia.

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