Three men suspected of participating in the gang-related murder of Tyler Tenorio last October appeared in court on Thurday to enter a not guilty plea.
Articles by Danny Wool
At The Beach This Saturday
There’s a good reason to go to the beach this Saturday, whether you live in Santa Cruz, California, or Omaha, Nebraska (and you didn’t think they had a beach …). Activists in all 50 states and 31 countries are gathering at noon to hold hands and call for a stop to offshore oil drilling.
Whooping Cough Epidemic Hits California
It’s not even flu season yet, but California is being hit by a new epidemic, this time of whooping cough. The highly contagious disease, also known as pertussis, has shown a fourfold increase from last year, with some 910 recorded cases of the disease in the state as of June 15 and another 600 possible cases under investigation.
Four Arrested in Narcotics Raid
After repeated complaints from neighbors, police obtained a warrant to search a home on the 300 block of Spruce Street in Santa Cruz.
New MO for Rock Throwers
Santa Cruz has long had a problem with people throwing rocks at homes and businesses. Now, however, a new modus operandi seems to be emerging. People in cars are throwing rocks (and in one case, a block of wood) at pedestrians and cyclists. No one has yet to identify the perpetrators or the vehicle (or vehicles), which has alternately been described as a gray (or black) pickup truck, a dark SUV or various models of cars.
Charges Dismissed in Rock-Throwing Case
A judge has dismissed charges against Zakari Adams, suspected of throwing rocks through the windows of homes and businesses across Santa Cruz.
When’s a Good Time to Give a Nazi Salute?
At a hearing before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the city of Santa Cruz’s attorney, George Kovacevich, was grilled by the judges over the ejection of Robert Norse from a meeting for giving a Nazi salute. The city claims that the salute was disruptive, but the judges wanted to know if it was the salute itself that was disruptive or whether it was the time at which it was given. Would the salute have been acceptable, they asked, if it had been given during the normal public comment period?
Where Have All the Tourists Gone?
Tourism was down in Santa Cruz County in 2009, and not just a dip. Occupancy in the county’s hotels plunged to just over 50 percent. Sure, the recession is making it more difficult for people to take time off, but the sharp decline is having an impact on already low county revenues.
Police Investigating Car Arsons
Forget about throwing rocks through windows. The SCPD is now trying to determine who set five random cars on fire between 2:50am and 3:30am Sunday morning in the city’s Midtown and Eastside neighborhoods.
Nazi Salute Goes to Court
Robert Norse will be appearing before the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals today in connection with a 2002 protest at a City Council meeting.