Danny Wool

Staff Writer

Another Shark Sighting Off Capitola Beach

A surfer in Capitola says that he saw a large shark swimming in a zigzag pattern just a few feet away from him. Paul Johnson said it happened after 10am Wednesday morning, about 200 yards offshore.  The predator, which he described as “a gray torpedo silhouette in the water,” came within just a few feet of him. Upon returning safely to shore, he reported the incident to local authorities, who posted shark warning signs along the beach. Not everyone saw them, though, and the beach was still crowded with swimmers and surfers, many of them unaware of the danger.

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Lifeguards Back on the Job

Santa Cruz lifeguards rescued as many as six people this past weekend along Santa Cruz beaches. The survivors have more than just the lifeguards to be thankful for. Most of these lifeguards faced layoffs because of budget cuts to state parks. A local group, Friends of State Parks, decided that this was unconscionable and decided to raise the money themselves to pay the lifeguards’ salaries for the last two months of the season.

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Six County Schools Make Underachievers List

There’s undoubtedly a problem in six county schools. The California Board of Education has rated Pajaro Valley High School, E.A. Hall Middle School, and Landmark, Hall District, Live Oak and Gault elementary schools as “low-performing schools” that could cause students serious harm. This means that each of these schools scored poorly on standardized tests administered by the state.

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Phone Books May Soon Be Cleaned Up

Headed for the dustbin of history.

Let’s face it. The phone book is a relic of bygone times, when people actually used landlines for more than just modems. Once every home and every phone booth had its White Pages and Yellow Pages. These days just finding a phone booth is hard enough.
But the phone books keep coming. Every so often homeowners wake up to hundreds and hundreds of pages of information that they could easily pull up on their laptops and cell phones. The phone books end up rotting on the curb, until some good phone book Samaritan hauls them off for recycling.

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