Danny Wool

Staff Writer

Scotts Valley Debates Sales Tax Extension

Some in Scotts Valley are counting on the city winning a lawsuit against the county.

In 2005, voters in Scotts Valley approved a quarter-cent sales tax for five years in an effort to cover the town’s budget deficit. Now the tax is about to expire, and that source of funding will dry up. City Councilmember Stephany Aguilar says that the city has no choice but to extend the tax, and she’s collecting signatures to have an extension placed on the ballot next year. Without it, she says, Scotts Valley is faced with a $926,000 deficit. “We need to keep it at least status quo until the economy rebounds,” she says.

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Another Threat to Sea Otters

Evidently it looks like a hoagie from below. Photo by Curtis Cartier.

Earlier this week, SantaCruz.com reported that the local sea otter population has been declining because of the leakage of chemical fertilizers and industrial farm waste into the local waters. Now the California Department of Fish and Game reports that scientists have identified a second threat to the dwindling otter population: sharks. In August alone, 19 dead and injured sea otters were found with signs of shark bites.

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Supes Mull Smart Meter Moratorium

A study on Smart Meter radiation levels is due in November.

At their meeting today, Santa Cruz County supervisors will decide whether to place a moratorium on the installation of PG&E smart meters in unincorporated areas, repeating a moratorium that is already in place in Watsonville. At the same time, the supervisors will also determine whether the installation of smart meters is grounds for an increase in franchise fees that PG&E already pays the county.

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