
Green Day to Play Santa Cruz Civic Dec. 4

It was reaffirmed just how just how big Green Day has become when the 2000-seat Santa Cruz Civic was announced today as one of the “intimate venues” the band will play as part of the first leg of their “¡UNO!, ¡DOS!, ¡TRÉ!” tour, before expanding into an arena tour in 2013. Green Day will play the Civic Dec. 4, with tickets going on sale Sept. 14 at 10am.

The new tour will support the releases of the band’s three new albums. The first one, Uno, will be released Sept. 25, and the second, Dos, on Nov. 13. with the first leg of the tour kicking off Nov. 26 in Seattle. It winds up in Tempe on Dec. 10, with the second leg begins in Green Bay on Jan. 7. The third album, Tre, will be released Jan. 5.

The Santa Cruz tour date is the only one to be announced for the Bay Area so far. Tickets for the band’s Sept. 28 show at the Fillmore in San Francisco are sold out.