
From the best bands to the best bars, our staff’s picks for the best in Santa Cruz County nightlife.

Boulder Creek Brewery
No matter what breed of tough day you’ve had, sidling up to the wooden bar at Boulder Creek Brewery for a pint of handcrafted hoppy goodness and a juicy burger will do wonders to ease those working blues. The uniform of choice in these parts is muddy Carhartt’s, but office workers are welcome, too. Bonus: you will overhear statements like, “There’s all that crime down in Santa Cruz. If someone comes onto my property, they don’t make it out alive.” (GP)

Bane Shows
Since 2007, there’s been no other promoter in Santa Cruz with their finger on the pulse of heavy underground music quite like Bane Shows. They book hardcore, metalcore, doom-metal, noise and the occasional indie-rock band. They have a knack for attracting cutting edge national acts like Titus Andronicus, Ceremony, King Dude, Odd Future and Defiance, Ohio, to name a few. But their bills are always jam-packed with tons of young up and coming regional acts. Their shows are generally at the Catalyst Atrium, 418 Project and the Warhaus. (AC)

Boardwalk Bowl
As any karaoke enthusiast knows, a good backup singer is hard to come by. But at Coaster’s Bar at Boardwalk Bowl—which offers crooners and croonettes the opportunity to belt out their souls five nights a week—many cascading solos are punctuated by a swift and authoritative, “Sheila, your burger’s ready at the bar” from the PA system. Tres postmodern. Plus, they have cheap drinks and both the Broadway and the bizarre Madonna dance-pop versions of “Don’t Cry For Me, Argentina.” #WINNING. 13040 State Road 9, Boulder Creek. 831.338.7882 (GP)

Coffee Zombie Collective
There’s just something delightful about walking by a string band setting up at a Farmer’s Market, then watching as they run through a Modest Mouse song, then some Flaming Lips, and even a little Motorhead. This, in a nutshell, is the Coffee Zombie Collective. Formed by Nate Lieby of 300 Pounds and Sneeky Creekans, the band (which includes a banjo, ukulele, mandolin, upright bass, trumpet and kick bass drum) are tons of fun to watch. You’ll be amazed at how good Brittney Spears songs are once reimagined for bluegrass. (AC)


Nate Krohn at Rush Inn
Nate Krohn, with his memory for faces, friendly demeanor and love for playing softball, might be the closest thing in Santa Cruz in Cheers’ Sam Malone. Pull up a stool, ask for pint of Keith’s Kick Ass pale ale and strike up a chat while you wait for your pool matches. 113 Knight St, Santa Cruz. 831.425.9673. (JP)

Lillian’s Italian Kitchen
Carbohydrates! Red Wine! Garlic bread! Garlic breath! Not to discount its dimly lit date-night readiness, but Lucille’s is, we feel, best suited for a gathering of pals. So ladies, snuggle into a candlelit table and talk about your feelings while eating a warm plate of noodles and bread and DO NOT WORRY ABOUT OVEREATING. Finish alllll that bread, then go home and dream of curling up into a cocoon made of more warm bread. 116 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz. 831.425.2288 (GP)
Time Spent Driving
Santa Cruz isn’t known for producing melodic, post-punk, emo bands. Yet when Time Spent Driving formed in 1999, with members of Fury 66, Reliance and Black Label, they got some local and national attention until their breakup in 2003. They reformed last year, with hopes of recording a new album. It hasn’t happened yet, but 2013 is looking promising. (AC)

7 Come 11
7 Come 11 have been doing a Tuesday night residency at the Crepe Place for quite some time now, and they really get the party started—with only drums, guitar and a Hammond Organ. They play some hard-hitting funk jams, mellow jazz tunes and even rock standards. There’s plenty of improvisation. And man, can that Hammond organ player wail! You don’t see a Hammond organ player that good very often. Hell, you don’t see any Hammond organ player that often. (AC)

  • violetta disney

    Excellent notes. Thank you

  • violetta disney

    Excellent notes. Thank you