
The Life and Legacy of Bob Brozman

Comedian Martin Mull once said that talking about music is like dancing about architecture. Over the years, the quote has been misattributed to at least a dozen people—Frank Zappa, Steve Martin, Laurie Anderson, Thelonious Monk, John Cage, George Carlin, Elvis Costello (who did at least repeat it once, several years later), William S. Burroughs and many more.

The reason those words keep getting put into so many smart and famous people’s mouths is that they’re so infuriatingly true. They simply and elegantly sum up the futility of trying to capture with nouns and adjectives something as intuitive and soulful as music.   

And yet, we keep trying. I have written countless sentences describing music by now, and absorbed exponentially more. And yet for all the hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of things I’ve read and heard people say about music, only one of them ever shook my understanding of the art form to its core.

The man who said it was Bob Brozman.

At one of his shows, the world-renowned Santa Cruz guitarist went on an extended tangent between songs about time signatures. My attention started to drift a little as he started talking about the technicalities of various beats and measures. Then, out of nowhere, he declared that in reality, there are no time signatures. No 4/4 beat, no 3/4, no 6/8, he said.

“It’s all just 1, 1, 1, 1.”

It’s difficult to describe the effect this statement had on my brain; like some kind of volatile super drug, it both expanded it and melted it at the same time. It so revolutionized my thinking about music that to this day, I still don’t believe I’ve fully wrapped my mind around it.

After hearing him say the same thing at a few shows after that, I finally asked him about it. I told him that even though I understood the words, I didn’t feel like I could even begin to understand the implications. Could he possibly explain it to me?

He took a couple of seconds, as if struggling to grasp what it could be that I didn’t grasp. Then he gave me a look I’ll never forget—part encouragement, part pity. He tapped his index finger on the open palm of his other hand slowly, and simply said, “1, 1, 1, 1.”

Musical Mind

Brozman was like that. His thinking about music was so advanced, so much closer to its true nature, that he must have struggled sometimes to explain it to the rest of us.

But he never gave up on talking about music, either. Instead, the ideas just poured out of him, both on record and in conversation. He never lost the intellectual and musical curiosity that stretched back to the 1960s New York cultural explosion he grew up in. And when he took in new ideas via his famous collaborations with players from a wide range of cultures, he would process them, and then pour those out, too.

By the time he died on April 23, he had said and taught so much, both as a guitarist and an ethnomusicologist. With his sharp wit, his trademark National steel sound, his global sonic vision and an approach to his instruments that balanced wild-man blues with methodical logic, he transformed so many people’s thinking about music, just as he did mine.

“Everybody’s one of a kind, but Bob took it to another level,” says his longtime friend John Sandidge of Snazzy Productions, who has booked live performances by Brozman since the early ’80s. “You can talk about talent all you want, but he’s somebody where it goes far beyond how well he could play guitar.”

It’s so true, and maybe that’s the easiest thing to forget. Because goddamn, he could play it.

“Bob was a force of nature when he performed, with an energy, focus and musicality that few musicians ever achieve,” says multi-instrumentalist David Lindley, who collaborated with Brozman and shared his eclectic musical sensibility. “We have all lost a great talent and a great human being.”

Brozman’s steel-trap personality, bold style and easy wit masked some things, in particular the chronic and debilitating pain he suffered from a 1980 car accident on Highway 9, after which he had to re-teach himself how to use his fingers.

That is the tragic side to this story, which ultimately led him to take his own life at his home in Ben Lomond last week.

This first full understanding of how much he struggled just to keep playing has done nothing to blemish his memory among the legions of fans and friends who have extended their support and love to his family. On the contrary, many seemed relieved to know the whole story.

“I can now realize there was a lot of pain for many years that he never talked about,” says George Winston, the acclaimed Santa Cruz pianist who put out Brozman’s collaborations with Hawaiian artists on his Dancing Cat label. “He had a great will, and he could make it seem like nothing was happening, to the outside world.”

Of course, that does little to ease the shock that so many have expressed over losing a musical genius and true Santa Cruz icon, who seems to have left his mark on everyone he encountered. Brozman was only 59.

There are still a lot of people like Winston, who says Brozman’s death doesn’t yet seem real: “Every day, I wake up and think ‘what a weird dream that was.’”

Better Days

Santa Cruz musician Rick Walker remembers way back before this weird dream, when he first experienced Brozman at the height of his powers. Walker was doing a lot of session drummer work in 1983, when Brozman hired him to play at one of the two dozen or so recording studios that then dotted the Santa Cruz landscape. Though Brozman had recorded some unreleased material in the ’70s, his debut album Blue Hula Stomp—a Hawaiian-infused album of pre-World War II blues on which he first showed the world his incredible skill on the National Resophonic steel guitar—had just come out two years earlier.

When the musicians were assembled in the studio, Brozman played them pre-magnetic-tape wire recordings from the 1920s, and told them he wanted to duplicate their sound. This proved to be particularly tricky with the drums, and the two of them experimented with every possibility, at Brozman’s insistence.

“Finally, I had to hold sticks in my mouth, hold the cymbals in my hand, and play an African bass drum,” Walker says. “I was going ‘this guy’s nuts.’ But when we were done, it sounded just like the ’20s recordings. We got it exactly.”

If he thought that was crazy, he hadn’t seen anything yet. They didn’t play together again until the mid-’90s, when Brozman’s passion for ska collided with Walker’s expertise as a ska drummer in his band Tao Rhythmical, an offshoot of the legendary Santa Cruz band Tao Chemical.

At this point in his career, Brozman’s reputation as the man who restored the reputation of the National guitar was well established, as was his passion for ethnomusicology, which he had studied at Washington University. Walker fed Brozman’s voracious appetite for new sounds with African and Middle Eastern records from his own collection, and they began recording together again.

Touring internationally, Walker saw firsthand how Brozman’s stature as a global artist had exploded since they’d last worked together. Brozman was a bona fide star in Europe—especially France, where his ability to tear through the history of American roots music in his own unique style was looked upon with reverence. In one stretch of a European tour, they backed nine different artists in nine days—after which, they would play for three hours to sold-out nightclub audiences, with absolutely no planning before the sets.

One show was in front of a sold-out crowd of 700 in a nearly snowed-in club in France.

“Bob was playing a National steel ukulele,” says Walker. “He went out and started playing behind his back, like Hendrix. I’ve never seen anyone just command this huge group of people like that, with sheer will and talent.”

After the show, the township put on a fireworks display to honor Brozman and the band.

“It was amazing,” Walker says. “I thought, ‘nobody treats musicians like this in America.’

“There were a lot of moments like that with Bob.”

From the Streets

Many Santa Cruz fans came to know Brozman’s music through his close association with KPIG, and before that, KHIP. To locals, one of the most fascinating aspects of his rise has always been the idea that a world-famous player could have gotten his start as a street musician on Pacific Avenue. So long after the fact, it starts to sound like one of those urban legends that has been grossly exaggerated to make it seem like any busker can make it big.

But in Brozman’s case, it’s absolutely true. Nashville singer-songwriter Fred Koller remembers when he met him in the mid-’70s at Club Zayante, the beginning of a long friendship.

“The first time I met Bob Brozman, he was wearing shorts and a loud Hawaiian shirt,” says Koller. “The last time I saw him, he was wearing shorts and a loud Hawaiian shirt.”

Wardrobe notwithstanding, there was a lot that changed over time. But even in the Pacific Avenue days, Brozman stood out.

“When Brozman arrived, he only had one National,” says Koller. “But he just amazed everybody.”

Koller was playing in a bluegrass band outside Bookshop Santa Cruz that summer, and Brozman had a spot further down the street. He’d stop by and sit in with them, and the busking got all of them gigs at weddings, backyard parties and eventually Tom Louagie’s Club Zayante—or “Club Z,” as it was known. Santa Cruz was teeming with talent in the mid-to-late ’70s—musical-saw legend and statue model Tom Scribner might be playing on the corner between Brozman and Koller’s blocks, while Neil Young and the Ducks were playing the Catalyst.

“He was playing obscure Hawaiian songs from the ’20s and ’30s, at breakneck speed,” Koller remembers of Brozman’s Pacific Ave. repertoire. “I kept saying, ‘Bob, don’t you want to slow it down, so people can hear it?’ But he stayed true to it, and loved discovering more and more obscure people.”

As much as he’s known for his mastery of the steel guitar, that might be an equally important piece of Brozman’s legacy.

“This whole ukulele craze,” Koller says, “Bob was the first guy who could really play the ukulele, who wasn’t Hawaiian.”

In 1975, Koller opened the Words and Music Bookstore in Capitola, and Brozman often came in for hard-to-find Hawaiian sheet music, which Koller would procure for him whenever he could.

This paid off for Koller in a rather strange way, after Brozman gave him a cassette tape of his favorite 78RPM records—“I about wore that tape out,” he says. Years later, Koller was writing a song with John Prine. He had the “Let’s Talk Dirty” part worked out, when he remembered the distinctive Hawaiian sounds on the cassette Brozman had given him. The resulting song, “Let’s Talk Dirty in Hawaiian,” became a Prine classic, and is probably Koller’s best-known song.

“Brozman was definitely on my mind during the entire process,” he says.

Church of Bob

It’s probably impossible to document the scope of Brozman’s influence. From his distinctive vocal growl to his unmistakable playing, he left a lasting impression on audiences. But to Brozman, that was incidental, says British singer-songwriter Jon Gomm.

“Bob was a true musical pioneer, except his mission wasn’t to make his mark in every place, his mission was to let each place make its mark on him,” says Gomm.

Gomm, who put out his first album in 2003, and now plays on Preston Reed’s “Guitar Masters” tour, first saw Brozman play when he was 10 years old.

“When he came to my hometown on tour, he would usually stay at my dad’s house. I’d hassle him to teach me his riffs over breakfast, and show me how to play drums on the guitar, which is now a big part of my style. But he always made sure I knew where every riff and trick originated from,” says Gomm. “Even more than that, he really wanted to impress upon me that you don’t need to be on MTV to be a successful musician—you can just stick to what you believe in, irrespective of image and sales figures.”

That subversive side of Brozman’s personality will be a part of his legacy, too. Blues singer-songwriter Candye Kane, a longtime friend, says she always felt a kinship with him in how their music could raise the eyebrows of purists despite the fact they were both rooted in the oldest of blues traditions.

“Real blues historians knew that I was not as controversial as people were making me out to be, and Bob was the same,” says Kane. “He played things his own way, and was as political and fiery as they come. But at the root of his playing was a respect and love for traditionalism, and Bob just made it his own. While doing so, he taught us about ethnic origins and rhythms and so many other profound concepts.”

Kane remembers taking Thomas Ruf, owner of Ruf Records, to see Brozman in Copenhagen, when they happened to be on tour there at the same time.

“I knew Ruf would love Bob because at that time, Bush was president, and Bob’s show was rife with so many sarcastic and brilliant comments about our political system, and our involvement in wars around the world that were not any of our business,” she says.

In fact, Ruf did end up signing Brozman, which led to Brozman’s first nomination for a National Blues Award.

“I was on Ruf Records, too, so I was happy that Bob and I were label mates,” she says. “Mostly I was happy to see Bob getting some recognition in his own country for a change.”

Show of Hands

By the world at large, of course, Brozman will be most remembered for his superlative technique. He first picked up the guitar at age six, and found his inspiration in antiquarian blues—nothing later than Charley Patton.

Keep in mind that many histories start with Patton, which is why he’s called “the father of the Delta blues.”

Brozman’s musical universe would eventually expand to include nearly every corner of the globe—Hawaii, Africa, the Caribbean, India, Okinawa, Japan and countless other spots—and he seemed to get a special thrill from mashing up musical traditions.

Cyril Pahinui was one of several Hawaiian slack-key masters with whom he collaborated. The last time they saw each other, at the Southern California Slack Key Festival, they talked about working together again. “The love of music is a bond we both shared, and talked about whenever we met up,” says Pahinui. “It is hard for me to put into words the feeling of loss and sadness.”

Brozman was also the world’s foremost expert on National guitars. He literally wrote the book on them—1993’s The History and Artistry of National Resonator Instruments. Incredibly, he is credited with both driving the prices of original National instruments through the roof (he often joked that if he had to buy the guitars in his collection again now, he couldn’t afford them), and making the National sound more accessible, by inspiring and working with other National aficionados who began producing less expensive but technically sound reproductions.

Michael Dunn met Brozman 25 years ago, and toured with him three times through France. A guitar maker out of Vancouver, Dunn crafted a handful of guitars for him over the years, and owns a square neck National Style 4 guitar from Brozman’s legendary collection. Early in their friendship, Dunn would often jam on a kabosy while Brozman played slide guitar, and Dunn came to believe his friend’s secret was his unshakable confidence with his instrument.

“He always knew exactly where the bar was going to land,” says Dunn. “He didn’t have any doubts whatsoever about this, he just did it. He didn’t worry about it. He just knew. It was like that when we tried out new and outrageous things—there was never any hesitation or doubt.”

“Whatever he was playing flowed out of him, and the Earth,” says Winston. “I get close, but I never quite get to where he was at. I’ll never get there, but I’ll be better for trying.”

Human Heart

Perhaps here is where it’s important to remember that Brozman’s story goes far beyond how well he could play guitar. He dearly loved the family that survives him, especially his wife Haley and daughter Zoe.

He met Haley at a Dancing Cat party, eventually marrying her at a wedding that drew musicians from all over the world.

“One thing he always said was ‘I’ll always love Dancing Cat, because that’s how I met Haley,’” says Gail Korich, contract administrator for the label.

Korich met Brozman long before that—30 years ago, while she was doing merch for a Snazzy show he performed at. He gave her a rough time about the merch receipts after the show, and then apologized profusely, giving her a sweatshirt she still wears to this day.

“He could be such a grouchy crab, but he had a real sweetness to him, too,” she says. “He had a soft spot for Haley. He worshipped the ground she walked on.”

Perhaps his personal life wasn’t so different from his music—not just a collection of nouns and adjectives, not just dancing about architecture, but something intuitive and true.

“It was never just purely intellectual,” says Winston. “It was always with heart and soul.”

  • C9458

    Carbon Monoxide poisoning in his car in the garage

  • C9458

    Carbon Monoxide poisoning in his car in the garage





  • candye kane

    david, lets not be so quick to judge our friend who cannot defend himself now. I too find it odd that this abuse allegedly occurred in 1994 and only now almost 20 years later is being discussed openly. And I find it suspect that it is an ex wife and ex road manager bringing on these very, very late allegations. Bob is innocent until proven guilty and I have never heard of someone being brought to molestation charges posthumously. if Bob did these horrible things, his own karma has trapped him. But the question begs to be asked, WHY WAIT 20 YEARS TO ACCUSE A MAN? in his OBITUARY?????? really really vile and sad all the way around – no matter who is right or wrong in this soap opera.

  • candye kane

    david, lets not be so quick to judge our friend who cannot defend himself now. I too find it odd that this abuse allegedly occurred in 1994 and only now almost 20 years later is being discussed openly. And I find it suspect that it is an ex wife and ex road manager bringing on these very, very late allegations. Bob is innocent until proven guilty and I have never heard of someone being brought to molestation charges posthumously. if Bob did these horrible things, his own karma has trapped him. But the question begs to be asked, WHY WAIT 20 YEARS TO ACCUSE A MAN? in his OBITUARY?????? really really vile and sad all the way around – no matter who is right or wrong in this soap opera.

  • Knew Him Long Ago

    The issue is not about letting his memory rest in peace. It’s about how easy it is for people with celebrity status to behave in illicit ways, using the protection of those who are minding their waking hours, to allow them to get away with it. This is about an abuse of power, power which would have intimidated any underage victim, since it incorporated a fan base in the thousands, worldwide. In response to Old Friend, it is enormously helpful to victims to have people understand and agree and verify the truth about what happened to them. It’s not about vengeance, it’s about having a chance to recover. Exposing the narrative behind deeds that are perpetrated by public figures is vital. Saying nothing is a form of collusion.

  • Knew Him Long Ago

    The issue is not about letting his memory rest in peace. It’s about how easy it is for people with celebrity status to behave in illicit ways, using the protection of those who are minding their waking hours, to allow them to get away with it. This is about an abuse of power, power which would have intimidated any underage victim, since it incorporated a fan base in the thousands, worldwide. In response to Old Friend, it is enormously helpful to victims to have people understand and agree and verify the truth about what happened to them. It’s not about vengeance, it’s about having a chance to recover. Exposing the narrative behind deeds that are perpetrated by public figures is vital. Saying nothing is a form of collusion.

  • Nahe

    @Gary Atkinson:  I would also like to have the discrepancy of the dates explained.

  • Nahe

    @Gary Atkinson:  I would also like to have the discrepancy of the dates explained.

  • Poor Carlos Needs To Wake Up

    You’re in denial now, but you’ll wake up one day.
    You’ve been had, so it’s no surprise you’re in denial.
    Bob devoted so much time to lecturing his audience, moralizing about politics, pretending to be a humanitarian…but you and so many others have just been fooled by a twisted hypocrite.

    PS – it’s not unusual for magazines to publish interviews which are several years old.

    PPS – why do Europeans use so many question marks? One will suffice.

  • Poor Carlos Needs To Wake Up

    You’re in denial now, but you’ll wake up one day.
    You’ve been had, so it’s no surprise you’re in denial.
    Bob devoted so much time to lecturing his audience, moralizing about politics, pretending to be a humanitarian…but you and so many others have just been fooled by a twisted hypocrite.

    PS – it’s not unusual for magazines to publish interviews which are several years old.

    PPS – why do Europeans use so many question marks? One will suffice.

  • Truth?

    Why hasn’t National Guitars stated their condolences? or have they? Or is this the reason?

  • Truth?

    Why hasn’t National Guitars stated their condolences? or have they? Or is this the reason?

  • Carlos Fiorelli

    It is very strange that in the 21st century, with so much technology, internet, blogs, and gossip, accusations against Bob never have been spread by some person, friend or enemy, and only now after his death everything comes up. In my ignorance, I suppose something should have been spread over the years. And now, when Bob passed away, these charges are still more strange, because people will always comment, ‘‘I do not understand how this could happen and not been published’‘.

    But I like to expose another aspect of this situation, something that some people are ignoring (sorry you all for my grammar, but I’m from Brasil).
    Well, if Bob was a pedophile (and I’m sorry for the victims, of course), if he sexually abused children, it obviously means that he had severe psychological & sexual problems, and of course, he needed proper treatments in relation to these disorders.

    However, and this is the point I want to get, even if Bob was sick, it does not take away from him the rank of the greatest ambassador of music between the people, nor the rank of best steel-slide guitarist on the planet, and not because of his disease that his wonderful CDs should be forgotten and burned in the public square, or something similar.

    Therefore, if the intention was to leave the image of Bob dirty, cruel, like a demon, then I can only say that this is stupid and unfair, and I do not agree with this kind of distorted vision. A point of view distorted can not be democratic nor entirely true.

    Some of you guys who bought and loved their CDs, or you who have been to see their amazing performances, or you musicians who played or had the privilege of recording with Brozman, can not get in the way of hypocrisy and simply say, ‘’Bob was a criminal, a demon, a damned, it is out of my thoughts now, I’ll never hear your work again, I’ll make a fan club against him’’, NOT! This is not right and it is hypocrisy. And I’m not just talking as fan or musician now, I am speaking as a psychologist, who is also one of my professions.

    Again I say, Bob Brozman, if proven these accusations against him, was a person with very serious psychological & sexual problems, and probably was the result of sexual abuse in their childhood, because most of these cases it is a repetition of traumatic psychological cycle …. the person is abused in childhood, and often repeats the same actions with their own children and other children.
    So for those who are just seeing evil in the actions of Bob know that if all this was true, then he was a person psychologically sick but not a demon, or a criminal, or a being of darkness.

    Therefore, all people of good sense should separate the sick human being and the human talent that Bob was also.
    Even though Bob Brozman was a person psychologically ill and who has committed these serious offenses, he was also one of the greatest musicians and the greatest guitarist of steel-slide guitar on the planet, the only musician on the planet that united different musical cultures, and also a genius in technical and creative musicianship. It is impossible, hypocrisy and absurd to deny these facts.

    I hope you will be mature enough to understand that a human being psychologically diseased may also be kind, so do not let the hypocrisy take care of you and ignore the work of a genius you always loved. I ask that you respect the musical memory Brozman, and realize that every human being on the planet can have very serious psychological problems, but that does not make him a demon, and not takes away his position one of the best musicians on the planet.


    Carlos Fiorelli

  • Carlos Fiorelli

    It is very strange that in the 21st century, with so much technology, internet, blogs, and gossip, accusations against Bob never have been spread by some person, friend or enemy, and only now after his death everything comes up. In my ignorance, I suppose something should have been spread over the years. And now, when Bob passed away, these charges are still more strange, because people will always comment, ‘‘I do not understand how this could happen and not been published’‘.

    But I like to expose another aspect of this situation, something that some people are ignoring (sorry you all for my grammar, but I’m from Brasil).
    Well, if Bob was a pedophile (and I’m sorry for the victims, of course), if he sexually abused children, it obviously means that he had severe psychological & sexual problems, and of course, he needed proper treatments in relation to these disorders.

    However, and this is the point I want to get, even if Bob was sick, it does not take away from him the rank of the greatest ambassador of music between the people, nor the rank of best steel-slide guitarist on the planet, and not because of his disease that his wonderful CDs should be forgotten and burned in the public square, or something similar.

    Therefore, if the intention was to leave the image of Bob dirty, cruel, like a demon, then I can only say that this is stupid and unfair, and I do not agree with this kind of distorted vision. A point of view distorted can not be democratic nor entirely true.

    Some of you guys who bought and loved their CDs, or you who have been to see their amazing performances, or you musicians who played or had the privilege of recording with Brozman, can not get in the way of hypocrisy and simply say, ‘’Bob was a criminal, a demon, a damned, it is out of my thoughts now, I’ll never hear your work again, I’ll make a fan club against him’’, NOT! This is not right and it is hypocrisy. And I’m not just talking as fan or musician now, I am speaking as a psychologist, who is also one of my professions.

    Again I say, Bob Brozman, if proven these accusations against him, was a person with very serious psychological & sexual problems, and probably was the result of sexual abuse in their childhood, because most of these cases it is a repetition of traumatic psychological cycle …. the person is abused in childhood, and often repeats the same actions with their own children and other children.
    So for those who are just seeing evil in the actions of Bob know that if all this was true, then he was a person psychologically sick but not a demon, or a criminal, or a being of darkness.

    Therefore, all people of good sense should separate the sick human being and the human talent that Bob was also.
    Even though Bob Brozman was a person psychologically ill and who has committed these serious offenses, he was also one of the greatest musicians and the greatest guitarist of steel-slide guitar on the planet, the only musician on the planet that united different musical cultures, and also a genius in technical and creative musicianship. It is impossible, hypocrisy and absurd to deny these facts.

    I hope you will be mature enough to understand that a human being psychologically diseased may also be kind, so do not let the hypocrisy take care of you and ignore the work of a genius you always loved. I ask that you respect the musical memory Brozman, and realize that every human being on the planet can have very serious psychological problems, but that does not make him a demon, and not takes away his position one of the best musicians on the planet.


    Carlos Fiorelli

  • ella seneres

    Here I was crying over the death of this man; then had a whim to search the net to see why he killed himself. Because when I read it was because of pain, I thought as a recovering addict, being addicted to pain killers or being on heroin is better then killing yourself. So I was totally upset when I saw he “might” be a child molester. When it gets to court we will know more. But to those who think just because he was such a super guitar player does not mean he did not have demons which manifested in destroying children. I hope this is not true, but if it is, it just makes me feel more unsure about this world.  Rapists and child molesters come from all areas, all classes, all cultures; it is a global pandemic.  I just hope Bob was not one of them, as I would now see him as an enemy.

  • ella seneres

    Here I was crying over the death of this man; then had a whim to search the net to see why he killed himself. Because when I read it was because of pain, I thought as a recovering addict, being addicted to pain killers or being on heroin is better then killing yourself. So I was totally upset when I saw he “might” be a child molester. When it gets to court we will know more. But to those who think just because he was such a super guitar player does not mean he did not have demons which manifested in destroying children. I hope this is not true, but if it is, it just makes me feel more unsure about this world.  Rapists and child molesters come from all areas, all classes, all cultures; it is a global pandemic.  I just hope Bob was not one of them, as I would now see him as an enemy.

  • Artis

    This is the most controversial obituary I ever even heard of, let alone been familiar with. It queers up the whole life, friends, accomplishments, distortions of the man. Wow. I’m certain many who would, now, will not contribute to this sorrowfully twisted eulogy. I found myself thinking, “I can’t or don’t dare say anything” because I will seem as if I don’t know him and then therefore be writing to see my own words. All true, in its way. But not. See what I mean?
    Bob and I played together several times in the mid – late 70s, at Club Zayante, on the Garden Mall, and at a Santa Cruz party or club or two. He excelled so fast I wondered if we’d ever play again after only a few times, and alas we didn’t. In my thoughts and words since then I would say he raised the bar for National steel, slack key playing.
    But in this case, how does one leave it there?
    I will. I can’t speak to these apparent revelations.
    But you do see what I mean. This is the queerest obit/eulogy I’ve ever known.
    There may, someday, be another with his fame.
    Woe the day there is another with his infamy.

  • Artis

    This is the most controversial obituary I ever even heard of, let alone been familiar with. It queers up the whole life, friends, accomplishments, distortions of the man. Wow. I’m certain many who would, now, will not contribute to this sorrowfully twisted eulogy. I found myself thinking, “I can’t or don’t dare say anything” because I will seem as if I don’t know him and then therefore be writing to see my own words. All true, in its way. But not. See what I mean?
    Bob and I played together several times in the mid – late 70s, at Club Zayante, on the Garden Mall, and at a Santa Cruz party or club or two. He excelled so fast I wondered if we’d ever play again after only a few times, and alas we didn’t. In my thoughts and words since then I would say he raised the bar for National steel, slack key playing.
    But in this case, how does one leave it there?
    I will. I can’t speak to these apparent revelations.
    But you do see what I mean. This is the queerest obit/eulogy I’ve ever known.
    There may, someday, be another with his fame.
    Woe the day there is another with his infamy.

  • RD

    Some states permit postmortem defamation lawsuits, to allow the collection of monetary awards only if there is monetary damage to the reputation of the deceased, resulting in a reduction of the estate’s income. These laws are used mainly to protect the estates of famous performers, like Michael Jackson, who continue to generate income after death.

  • RD

    Some states permit postmortem defamation lawsuits, to allow the collection of monetary awards only if there is monetary damage to the reputation of the deceased, resulting in a reduction of the estate’s income. These laws are used mainly to protect the estates of famous performers, like Michael Jackson, who continue to generate income after death.

  • murph

    Those here who lash out at Mr Atkinson’s comments or seem oblivious to them remind me of Michael Jackson fans who refused to consider, in spite of mountains of evidence, that their idol could be an extremely talented monster.
    Thank you for this, Mr. Lindley. Sadly, sexual predators engender trust, seduce, or scare their victims into not telling, or being ashamed to, or, often, blocking the incident(s) out. Predators know this and use it to their advantage. But the questions you raise are valid. They’re reminiscent of the documented physical abuse the Vaughan brothers endured at the hands of their father. Neighbors, teachers, relatives – no one took measures to put an end to it. Is it any wonder Jimmie V. joined a band and ran away at 15 and didn’t look back?
    Studies show that kids invariably tell the truth (they should be listened to, taken seriously) and that sexual predators are typically repeat abusers; given the chance they’ll strike again. The first time I heard you sing Greg Copeland’s “Revenge Will Come” (“Revenge will come, for every child kept down”), it made me cry. Keep singing it. Don’t stop spreading the message.

  • murph

    Those here who lash out at Mr Atkinson’s comments or seem oblivious to them remind me of Michael Jackson fans who refused to consider, in spite of mountains of evidence, that their idol could be an extremely talented monster.
    Thank you for this, Mr. Lindley. Sadly, sexual predators engender trust, seduce, or scare their victims into not telling, or being ashamed to, or, often, blocking the incident(s) out. Predators know this and use it to their advantage. But the questions you raise are valid. They’re reminiscent of the documented physical abuse the Vaughan brothers endured at the hands of their father. Neighbors, teachers, relatives – no one took measures to put an end to it. Is it any wonder Jimmie V. joined a band and ran away at 15 and didn’t look back?
    Studies show that kids invariably tell the truth (they should be listened to, taken seriously) and that sexual predators are typically repeat abusers; given the chance they’ll strike again. The first time I heard you sing Greg Copeland’s “Revenge Will Come” (“Revenge will come, for every child kept down”), it made me cry. Keep singing it. Don’t stop spreading the message.

  • murph

    IF any of this is true, he took the easy, cowardly way out. I don’t doubt that he had friends, that he could be generous, even charming. Those are often traits of various types of criminals – the Ted Bundys. They don’t have horns and a tail and go around drooling and growling. But, again, IF this is true, he took the coward’s way out, instead of facing the music. His victims don’t have that luxury. They will live with the pain inflicted upon them the rest of their lives.

  • murph

    IF any of this is true, he took the easy, cowardly way out. I don’t doubt that he had friends, that he could be generous, even charming. Those are often traits of various types of criminals – the Ted Bundys. They don’t have horns and a tail and go around drooling and growling. But, again, IF this is true, he took the coward’s way out, instead of facing the music. His victims don’t have that luxury. They will live with the pain inflicted upon them the rest of their lives.

  • Jane Clark

    Yes, silence doesn’t do any good…truth has a way of coming out ….as it should..

  • Jane Clark

    Yes, silence doesn’t do any good…truth has a way of coming out ….as it should..

  • candye kane

    The video of Bob at Reigen Live proves nothing except that he was a professional, able to do his job even in pain. I have been performing with inoperable cancer since 2007. I can seem as if i have no cancer and no pain. Pain pills exist and sometimes they are necessary for me to do my job. Just because Bob plays well doesnt mean he isnt in pain and it sure doesnt prove he is a child molester! How convenient for these stories to prop up now, twenty years AFTER they allegedly occurred when Bob is no longer here to defend himself. Really pathetic. I am said for his accusers that they waited so long to bring this forward and hope they feel satisfied now that the so called “monster” Bob Brozman is dead. how awful to malign someone like this publicly when they cant defend themselves. Atrocious. Unconscionable.

  • candye kane

    The video of Bob at Reigen Live proves nothing except that he was a professional, able to do his job even in pain. I have been performing with inoperable cancer since 2007. I can seem as if i have no cancer and no pain. Pain pills exist and sometimes they are necessary for me to do my job. Just because Bob plays well doesnt mean he isnt in pain and it sure doesnt prove he is a child molester! How convenient for these stories to prop up now, twenty years AFTER they allegedly occurred when Bob is no longer here to defend himself. Really pathetic. I am said for his accusers that they waited so long to bring this forward and hope they feel satisfied now that the so called “monster” Bob Brozman is dead. how awful to malign someone like this publicly when they cant defend themselves. Atrocious. Unconscionable.

  • candye kane

    Gary, you say the abuse occurred in 1994. Why didnt you bring charges then instead of waiting almost 20 years? If you really believe Bob was roaming around the world molesting children, dont you bear SOME responsibility for not bringing this forward twenty years ago when it happened? Good for Mary Christine that she works with domestic violence victims (as I am one!) but I still dont understand how if the two of you knew that Bob was engaged in illegal sexual abuse since 1994, why you remain silent until NOW when he cant defend himself? on his obituary which is meant for his child Zoe and Haley and others who loved him. There are other forums where this could have been addressed and a whole lot sooner than twenty years too late.

  • candye kane

    Gary, you say the abuse occurred in 1994. Why didnt you bring charges then instead of waiting almost 20 years? If you really believe Bob was roaming around the world molesting children, dont you bear SOME responsibility for not bringing this forward twenty years ago when it happened? Good for Mary Christine that she works with domestic violence victims (as I am one!) but I still dont understand how if the two of you knew that Bob was engaged in illegal sexual abuse since 1994, why you remain silent until NOW when he cant defend himself? on his obituary which is meant for his child Zoe and Haley and others who loved him. There are other forums where this could have been addressed and a whole lot sooner than twenty years too late.

  • Greg H

    When the legacy of someone who is no longer around to defend himself is on the line, I feel we owe some diligence in finding out the facts. Mr. Atkison claims that, “Bob Brozman committed suicide on Tuesday evening, 23rd April 2013, shortly after learning that he was to be taken to court for the severe sexual abuse of a child.”

    Civil suits are a matter of public record. A check of the Santa Cruz county Superior Court website reveals no filings for Brozman except 3 year old ones relating to his father’s estate.

    This casts some doubt on Mr. Atkison’s statement in my mind.  I know Mr. Brozman was a difficult character for some but these are serious allegations and deserve more fact finding.  I admit that the possibility exists that what Mr. Atkison claims is true and, if that is the case, my sincere apologies & prayers go out to the victims. The danger of the internet is that people can be tried in the court of public opinion with evidence that would never hold up in court.  Any researchers or news organizations should be encouraged to look into this. Until more information is available I’m withholding my judgement.

  • Greg H

    When the legacy of someone who is no longer around to defend himself is on the line, I feel we owe some diligence in finding out the facts. Mr. Atkison claims that, “Bob Brozman committed suicide on Tuesday evening, 23rd April 2013, shortly after learning that he was to be taken to court for the severe sexual abuse of a child.”

    Civil suits are a matter of public record. A check of the Santa Cruz county Superior Court website reveals no filings for Brozman except 3 year old ones relating to his father’s estate.

    This casts some doubt on Mr. Atkison’s statement in my mind.  I know Mr. Brozman was a difficult character for some but these are serious allegations and deserve more fact finding.  I admit that the possibility exists that what Mr. Atkison claims is true and, if that is the case, my sincere apologies & prayers go out to the victims. The danger of the internet is that people can be tried in the court of public opinion with evidence that would never hold up in court.  Any researchers or news organizations should be encouraged to look into this. Until more information is available I’m withholding my judgement.

  • candye kane

    Im sorry but as a mother of two boys, i wouldnt have waited 20 years (1994 was the first allegation of abuse?)—- Why on earth someone would wait 20 years if they really believed their child had been molested? It seems rather suspect and ill timed, since Bob is not here to defend himself. And he did have a degenerative muscle disease and was in a lot of physical pain, he told me many times. I disagree that trying to settle out of court is an admission of guilt. Settling out of court is a great solution for anyone who has ever been thru the arduous travesty that is the American justice system. I think these allegations are opportunistic and in very bad taste to air them here. You could have gone public with this story decades ago. Why now that hes gone?? sign me. SKEPTICAL.

  • candye kane

    Im sorry but as a mother of two boys, i wouldnt have waited 20 years (1994 was the first allegation of abuse?)—- Why on earth someone would wait 20 years if they really believed their child had been molested? It seems rather suspect and ill timed, since Bob is not here to defend himself. And he did have a degenerative muscle disease and was in a lot of physical pain, he told me many times. I disagree that trying to settle out of court is an admission of guilt. Settling out of court is a great solution for anyone who has ever been thru the arduous travesty that is the American justice system. I think these allegations are opportunistic and in very bad taste to air them here. You could have gone public with this story decades ago. Why now that hes gone?? sign me. SKEPTICAL.

  • Andy Alexis

    The case which I refer in my previous comment was perpetrated by a different extremely charming, talented, gregarious, clever man, still much beloved by those under his spell.  The responses we got from those people are almost word for word copies of those printed here.  If you’re the same D Lindley I think you are, it was also next door to you in Upland. (the guy was a seminary student, not a musician).

    It has been quite a revelation to me that some people have a very dark side to them that you never see.  And some of those indirectly affected by these monsters act like the guy in the submarine movies who tries to open the hatch underwater when the depth charges start falling.  Let’s not be either type of person. Let us all pray to the spiritual entities that guide us to be strong and to accept the difficult truths given to us.

  • Andy Alexis

    The case which I refer in my previous comment was perpetrated by a different extremely charming, talented, gregarious, clever man, still much beloved by those under his spell.  The responses we got from those people are almost word for word copies of those printed here.  If you’re the same D Lindley I think you are, it was also next door to you in Upland. (the guy was a seminary student, not a musician).

    It has been quite a revelation to me that some people have a very dark side to them that you never see.  And some of those indirectly affected by these monsters act like the guy in the submarine movies who tries to open the hatch underwater when the depth charges start falling.  Let’s not be either type of person. Let us all pray to the spiritual entities that guide us to be strong and to accept the difficult truths given to us.

  • Pete

    Hi Jack, if possible, please contact me concerning that vinyl album you produced back in the 1970s. email: fp_1(at)

  • Pete

    Hi Jack, if possible, please contact me concerning that vinyl album you produced back in the 1970s. email: fp_1(at)

  • Tony K

    Are you the same Gary Atkinson from Document Records?

    If so, there is a track on your myspace page where you and Bob play a tune called “Georgie’s Spirit”.  I’m just wondering because it is dated 28 Jan 2008.  You said you had nothing to do with him after 1994.

    It could have been recorded before this date, of course, but why would you post anything on-line by someone you say tried to take advantage of your daughter?  And why did you wait until after his death to bring this up?

  • Tony K

    Are you the same Gary Atkinson from Document Records?

    If so, there is a track on your myspace page where you and Bob play a tune called “Georgie’s Spirit”.  I’m just wondering because it is dated 28 Jan 2008.  You said you had nothing to do with him after 1994.

    It could have been recorded before this date, of course, but why would you post anything on-line by someone you say tried to take advantage of your daughter?  And why did you wait until after his death to bring this up?

  • Dismayed former fan

    Piss off – if anyone’s the troll, you are. If you have any evidence to the contrary, publish your real name and provide it. Otherwise GTFO.

  • Dismayed former fan

    Piss off – if anyone’s the troll, you are. If you have any evidence to the contrary, publish your real name and provide it. Otherwise GTFO.

  • mrdoodah

    On a slightly different note,  Iv been biting my tongue since the glowing obituaries have been streaming out.  Having heard his music and been a fan I was looking forward very much to opening up for him at a Blues Festival here in the UK.  The day finally came when I would meet my new found inspiration.  Imagine my feelings when after just two numbers I had a call from the side of the stage from the promoter,  Bob had told him to terminate my set immediately and I was to leave the stage, i was shattered to be treated like this by someone whom Id grown to admire.  I lost all respect for him from then on, he just appeared rude and arrogant and totally uncaring for my situation.  However this is a very sad end to his legacy for all concerned.

  • mrdoodah

    On a slightly different note,  Iv been biting my tongue since the glowing obituaries have been streaming out.  Having heard his music and been a fan I was looking forward very much to opening up for him at a Blues Festival here in the UK.  The day finally came when I would meet my new found inspiration.  Imagine my feelings when after just two numbers I had a call from the side of the stage from the promoter,  Bob had told him to terminate my set immediately and I was to leave the stage, i was shattered to be treated like this by someone whom Id grown to admire.  I lost all respect for him from then on, he just appeared rude and arrogant and totally uncaring for my situation.  However this is a very sad end to his legacy for all concerned.

  • tricone

    I know you are shocked at these allegations, as we all are, but just think if it had been you or your loved one who was a victim.

    As was stated above, attempts were made to bring this forward while BB was alive.

  • tricone

    I know you are shocked at these allegations, as we all are, but just think if it had been you or your loved one who was a victim.

    As was stated above, attempts were made to bring this forward while BB was alive.

  • Andy Alexis

    The answer is because their mileage is different than yours.  The families have no obligation to share this with the world;  in my family’s case there were several reasons, most of which revolved around concern for the victim.  In our case, it was actually >30 years before ours became public knowledge, for reasons that were completely out of our control (also the case here).  In fact, the victim in my family (in our case) had absolutely NO desire to make it known; after all of that time she had finally found peace and wanted to just live her life. 

    The modern response to this abuse is to report it to the police; in times past, even in the 1990s, this was NOT routinely done and the legal process to get just was, and remains, grueling and cruel for the victims.

  • Andy Alexis

    The answer is because their mileage is different than yours.  The families have no obligation to share this with the world;  in my family’s case there were several reasons, most of which revolved around concern for the victim.  In our case, it was actually >30 years before ours became public knowledge, for reasons that were completely out of our control (also the case here).  In fact, the victim in my family (in our case) had absolutely NO desire to make it known; after all of that time she had finally found peace and wanted to just live her life. 

    The modern response to this abuse is to report it to the police; in times past, even in the 1990s, this was NOT routinely done and the legal process to get just was, and remains, grueling and cruel for the victims.

  • RD

    “Civ. Proc. Code 340.1 Effective January 1, 2003. The new law provides that actions for the recovery of damages suffered as a result of childhood sexual abuse may be commenced on or after the victim’s 26th birthday if the person or entity against whom the action is commenced knew, had reason to know, or was otherwise on notice, of any unlawful sexual conduct by an employee, volunteer, representative, or agent, and failed to take reasonable steps, and implement reasonable safeguards, to avoid future acts of unlawful sexual conduct. Additionally, under certain circumstances, a cause of action solely for those claims listed above may be revived for a period of one (1) year.  All California victims, regardless of age, have one (1) year from January 1, 2003, within which to bring a civil suit.”

  • RD

    “Civ. Proc. Code 340.1 Effective January 1, 2003. The new law provides that actions for the recovery of damages suffered as a result of childhood sexual abuse may be commenced on or after the victim’s 26th birthday if the person or entity against whom the action is commenced knew, had reason to know, or was otherwise on notice, of any unlawful sexual conduct by an employee, volunteer, representative, or agent, and failed to take reasonable steps, and implement reasonable safeguards, to avoid future acts of unlawful sexual conduct. Additionally, under certain circumstances, a cause of action solely for those claims listed above may be revived for a period of one (1) year.  All California victims, regardless of age, have one (1) year from January 1, 2003, within which to bring a civil suit.”

  • RD

    You think it’s a joke using his name to make a comment like that? Will whoever is moderating please do everyone a favor and delete this, then ban this email address from participating in this forum? Thank you.

  • RD

    You think it’s a joke using his name to make a comment like that? Will whoever is moderating please do everyone a favor and delete this, then ban this email address from participating in this forum? Thank you.

  • Oh Really?

    So, was it your father or your mother who chose “Dismayed” as your “real (first) name”?

  • Oh Really?

    So, was it your father or your mother who chose “Dismayed” as your “real (first) name”?

  • Anonymous

    Those involved are working to release a statement. Understand, there were two former wives, though comments from one have been attributed, elsewhere, to the other. There is no rancor among the families. Bob’s widow is grieving so much and deserves your respect. Others affected by this tragedy will want the control they deserve in how this story is handled. Hold fast to those you love and trust.

  • Anonymous

    Those involved are working to release a statement. Understand, there were two former wives, though comments from one have been attributed, elsewhere, to the other. There is no rancor among the families. Bob’s widow is grieving so much and deserves your respect. Others affected by this tragedy will want the control they deserve in how this story is handled. Hold fast to those you love and trust.

  • Paul Hostetter

    A quick note for people following here: please remember that Bob was married three times. First to Mary Christine, who had two children from a previous marriage. Next to Catherine MacDuffee, the mother of Bob’s only true child. And Finally to Haley Robertson—no child. People are getting these women and their children confused. Please try to keep this straight as you attempt to unravel the story which has, unfortunately, become uncomfortably public.

    I hope this comment appears in a useful place.

  • Paul Hostetter

    A quick note for people following here: please remember that Bob was married three times. First to Mary Christine, who had two children from a previous marriage. Next to Catherine MacDuffee, the mother of Bob’s only true child. And Finally to Haley Robertson—no child. People are getting these women and their children confused. Please try to keep this straight as you attempt to unravel the story which has, unfortunately, become uncomfortably public.

    I hope this comment appears in a useful place.

  • Bob Brozman

    Look how easy it is to falsely claim to be somebody else…

  • Bob Brozman

    Look how easy it is to falsely claim to be somebody else…

  • Dave S.

    Never crossed paths with Mr. Brozman, but I bought a Tricone because of him. I’ve heard stories about his abrasiveness and arrogance, even from the world musicians he championed. I always thought the Kicking Mule set was his first, back when Fahey seemed to have a heavy imprint on his technique. I’d love to hear how he played back in 1977. If you have an album available for sale, I’ll buy one.

  • Dave S.

    Never crossed paths with Mr. Brozman, but I bought a Tricone because of him. I’ve heard stories about his abrasiveness and arrogance, even from the world musicians he championed. I always thought the Kicking Mule set was his first, back when Fahey seemed to have a heavy imprint on his technique. I’d love to hear how he played back in 1977. If you have an album available for sale, I’ll buy one.

  • Michael Segui

    Ms Kane,

    As you stated in a previous comment that you yourself were a victim of violence/abuse, I am VERY surprised to see you condemn the victims for taking so long to make their abuse known.

    Not every victim tells someone they trust right away and they hold in their feelings of shame and guilt for years. 

    One of the reasons they do NOT reveal their abuse is because they are worried about re-traumatization of the abuse by reactions such as yours: “why didn’t you say something when it happened?!?!  Why did you wait so long?”…

    Because someone does not make accusations online, it does not mean they haven’t contacted the authorities. 

    Michael Segui

  • Michael Segui

    Ms Kane,

    As you stated in a previous comment that you yourself were a victim of violence/abuse, I am VERY surprised to see you condemn the victims for taking so long to make their abuse known.

    Not every victim tells someone they trust right away and they hold in their feelings of shame and guilt for years. 

    One of the reasons they do NOT reveal their abuse is because they are worried about re-traumatization of the abuse by reactions such as yours: “why didn’t you say something when it happened?!?!  Why did you wait so long?”…

    Because someone does not make accusations online, it does not mean they haven’t contacted the authorities. 

    Michael Segui

  • Peanut Gallery

    Your anecdote leads me to believe that you are simply a very poor performer. I have seen many opening acts who really should have been terminated after the second song. 
    Having lived both in the UK and the USA, I have seen many performers at UK “blues” festivals who would be booed off the stage at an “open mic” event at the local tavern in the USA (Dave Arcari is a splendid example).


  • Peanut Gallery

    Your anecdote leads me to believe that you are simply a very poor performer. I have seen many opening acts who really should have been terminated after the second song. 
    Having lived both in the UK and the USA, I have seen many performers at UK “blues” festivals who would be booed off the stage at an “open mic” event at the local tavern in the USA (Dave Arcari is a splendid example).


  • Mike

    Now you yourself said, and I quote “Pain pills exist” and it goes way, way beyond that. Watch this. Anyone that suffers from chronic pain, as I do should pay very close attention.  Now with that being said, do you really believe that the pain was the reason for is suicide? I think not. Without treatment pain that is to the extreme of wanting to take you life is visible. I don’t care how good you think you are at hiding it. Ask yourself these questions. Why then would he do such a selfish act? Why would people be saying what they have now? What do they gain? Maybe the fear of reprisals kept them quiet. Have you ever seen any of the interviews with molesters? They are masters of smoke and mirror or deception if you will.

  • Mike

    Now you yourself said, and I quote “Pain pills exist” and it goes way, way beyond that. Watch this. Anyone that suffers from chronic pain, as I do should pay very close attention.  Now with that being said, do you really believe that the pain was the reason for is suicide? I think not. Without treatment pain that is to the extreme of wanting to take you life is visible. I don’t care how good you think you are at hiding it. Ask yourself these questions. Why then would he do such a selfish act? Why would people be saying what they have now? What do they gain? Maybe the fear of reprisals kept them quiet. Have you ever seen any of the interviews with molesters? They are masters of smoke and mirror or deception if you will.

  • John Salmon

    I believe the individual above is UK slide guitarist Kevin Brown who is *extremely* talented. In fact I seem to recall he counts Mark Knopfler among his admirers.

  • John Salmon

    I believe the individual above is UK slide guitarist Kevin Brown who is *extremely* talented. In fact I seem to recall he counts Mark Knopfler among his admirers.

  • DrBekken

    This statement by Mr Baker appears to be the most balanced comment on this story. In such cases, there are nothing but victims. Even the perpetrators are somehow victims; men or women who have suffered debilitating psychological damage – and who do not understand how to deal with that damage. Instead, they end up doing the same damage to others, a vicious circle indeed. If Mr Brozman is guilty of these crimes, it is a powerful reminder that such crimes do occur in all layers of society, and that it is possible for the offenders to hide their activity completely, even if they are highly profiled public figures.

  • DrBekken

    This statement by Mr Baker appears to be the most balanced comment on this story. In such cases, there are nothing but victims. Even the perpetrators are somehow victims; men or women who have suffered debilitating psychological damage – and who do not understand how to deal with that damage. Instead, they end up doing the same damage to others, a vicious circle indeed. If Mr Brozman is guilty of these crimes, it is a powerful reminder that such crimes do occur in all layers of society, and that it is possible for the offenders to hide their activity completely, even if they are highly profiled public figures.

  • Peanut Gallery

    and you know this because….you are him?

  • Peanut Gallery

    and you know this because….you are him?

  • John Salmon

    No, I posted under my own name. How about you?

    I suspect he is Kevin Brown because a similar story was posted on another forum under that name, and the “handle” he used here is one he uses on his own website.

    I happen to have his CD “Mojave Dust” so the name was not unfamiliar with me.

    Note the civility of my answer which I think is more than you have earned.

  • John Salmon

    No, I posted under my own name. How about you?

    I suspect he is Kevin Brown because a similar story was posted on another forum under that name, and the “handle” he used here is one he uses on his own website.

    I happen to have his CD “Mojave Dust” so the name was not unfamiliar with me.

    Note the civility of my answer which I think is more than you have earned.

  • Duck Baker

    I am signing this with my professional name, which some may recognize as that of someone who worked in the same circles as Bob, whom I met nearly 40 years ago. If you don’t think it’s me, send a note to me at my website, and I’ll confirm that I posted this (I don’t want to get into any back-and-forth, here or anywhere else, however). You can probably do the same with other names you recognize, though I don’t want to jam anyone up with that suggestion.

    I can assure people that the allegations have indeed been made by the people indicated above. Like everyone else, my initial reaction was disbelief. But since I am personally connected to lots of other musicians who are members of the Santa Cruz music community, it didn’t me very long to verify that these people believe the substance of the allegations. Unless you are closer to it than they, you should probably give some weight to that fact. You most certainly should refrain from aiming UTTERLY unfounded allegations at people who say they are victims. As for the idea that it is strange that someone would wait 20 years before coming forward, it certainly seems strange to me, But how on earth can anyone stand in judgment of someone whose child was molested? Every big public case involving serial abusers features stories of children who were molested and either kept silent for years or had families who refused to let their children go through to agony of public humiliation. Americans saw it with the Sandusky case and English people with Jimmy Saville.The whole world saw it with allegations involving Catholic priests. So basing disbelief on something like that is clinging to straws. It is the rule that many will only go public when the children are grown, as any psychologist will confirm.

    Likewise the absence of official records about civil suits. I have been told that an indictment was pending, but can’t confirm that even though someone I know says that someone at the courthouse tacitly admitted that something was in the wind. All I can confirm is that Bob had returned from Japan not long before his death, and that no one who saw him there or in other recent travels saw anything but the same old energetic, high-octane Bob they had always known. If he was sinking into a suicidal depression, no one outside his immediate family had an inkling of it. I also never heard from people close to him that Bob had to take pain medicine stronger than Advil, though that might have changed in very recent years. These details are not offered as proof of anything, but only to give a clearer picture, and to help explain why the story about him taking his life over not being able to accept his diminishing skills didn’t resonate with musicians who knew him. Hell, we all have issues with our hands to some extent as we get older, it’s normal. The usual course is to focus more on things like composition.

    There has been no “rush to judgment” about this in the community of musicians who knew Bob best. I have communicated with many, most of whom haven’t gone public, and I have yet to encounter anyone who isn’t all but certain at this point that there is something behind these allegations. Not one is defending him, which should tell you something. There is no doubt whatsoever that the people making the allegations are who they say they are. So unless some of you have actual evidence that these people are lying, what possible excuse can there be for suggesting that they are?

    What is at stake is the possibility that this is the tip of the iceberg. Our only focus at this point should be on supporting victims. If you want to target me for sharing what is at this point the accepted view in the community of musicians who used to hang with and play with Brozman, do so if you must, but for God’s sake, spare the victims and their families. I DO feel for all who don’t want to believe these things and also for the pain the allegations may cause to those very close to Bob who may cling to their image of him (and reiterate that this doesn’t include any musician I have spoken to). But what is any of that compared to the need to get to the truth, for the sake of supporting people whose lives have been wrecked?

    Jimmy Saville, for Americans who don’t know, was a huge TV personality who abused hundreds of children over the years. Only after his death did the story go public. In his case, there had been rumors, where in Brozman’s only one person I talked to has said he even heard rumors. But the point is that Saville was NEVER “proven guilty,” so acting like we have to wait for some official verdict in this situation is sorely misguided. What we have to do is listen to anyone who says they were victimized, and not make them uncomfortable before they can even open their mouths. If you think your opinion of Bob Brozman is more important than that, you have strange priorities.

    Sincerely, Duck Baker

  • Duck Baker

    I am signing this with my professional name, which some may recognize as that of someone who worked in the same circles as Bob, whom I met nearly 40 years ago. If you don’t think it’s me, send a note to me at my website, and I’ll confirm that I posted this (I don’t want to get into any back-and-forth, here or anywhere else, however). You can probably do the same with other names you recognize, though I don’t want to jam anyone up with that suggestion.

    I can assure people that the allegations have indeed been made by the people indicated above. Like everyone else, my initial reaction was disbelief. But since I am personally connected to lots of other musicians who are members of the Santa Cruz music community, it didn’t me very long to verify that these people believe the substance of the allegations. Unless you are closer to it than they, you should probably give some weight to that fact. You most certainly should refrain from aiming UTTERLY unfounded allegations at people who say they are victims. As for the idea that it is strange that someone would wait 20 years before coming forward, it certainly seems strange to me, But how on earth can anyone stand in judgment of someone whose child was molested? Every big public case involving serial abusers features stories of children who were molested and either kept silent for years or had families who refused to let their children go through to agony of public humiliation. Americans saw it with the Sandusky case and English people with Jimmy Saville.The whole world saw it with allegations involving Catholic priests. So basing disbelief on something like that is clinging to straws. It is the rule that many will only go public when the children are grown, as any psychologist will confirm.

    Likewise the absence of official records about civil suits. I have been told that an indictment was pending, but can’t confirm that even though someone I know says that someone at the courthouse tacitly admitted that something was in the wind. All I can confirm is that Bob had returned from Japan not long before his death, and that no one who saw him there or in other recent travels saw anything but the same old energetic, high-octane Bob they had always known. If he was sinking into a suicidal depression, no one outside his immediate family had an inkling of it. I also never heard from people close to him that Bob had to take pain medicine stronger than Advil, though that might have changed in very recent years. These details are not offered as proof of anything, but only to give a clearer picture, and to help explain why the story about him taking his life over not being able to accept his diminishing skills didn’t resonate with musicians who knew him. Hell, we all have issues with our hands to some extent as we get older, it’s normal. The usual course is to focus more on things like composition.

    There has been no “rush to judgment” about this in the community of musicians who knew Bob best. I have communicated with many, most of whom haven’t gone public, and I have yet to encounter anyone who isn’t all but certain at this point that there is something behind these allegations. Not one is defending him, which should tell you something. There is no doubt whatsoever that the people making the allegations are who they say they are. So unless some of you have actual evidence that these people are lying, what possible excuse can there be for suggesting that they are?

    What is at stake is the possibility that this is the tip of the iceberg. Our only focus at this point should be on supporting victims. If you want to target me for sharing what is at this point the accepted view in the community of musicians who used to hang with and play with Brozman, do so if you must, but for God’s sake, spare the victims and their families. I DO feel for all who don’t want to believe these things and also for the pain the allegations may cause to those very close to Bob who may cling to their image of him (and reiterate that this doesn’t include any musician I have spoken to). But what is any of that compared to the need to get to the truth, for the sake of supporting people whose lives have been wrecked?

    Jimmy Saville, for Americans who don’t know, was a huge TV personality who abused hundreds of children over the years. Only after his death did the story go public. In his case, there had been rumors, where in Brozman’s only one person I talked to has said he even heard rumors. But the point is that Saville was NEVER “proven guilty,” so acting like we have to wait for some official verdict in this situation is sorely misguided. What we have to do is listen to anyone who says they were victimized, and not make them uncomfortable before they can even open their mouths. If you think your opinion of Bob Brozman is more important than that, you have strange priorities.

    Sincerely, Duck Baker

  • Anonymous

    The only one who has caused grief to families has taken his own life.

  • Anonymous

    The only one who has caused grief to families has taken his own life.

  • V Du ke

    I believe Mr Lindley’s and Duck Baker’s comments are the most matured-centered opinion about all this, as much as I admire the guy’s playing, there’s too much noise about his behavior,

    I guess we can’t be so naive to pretend is just rumors, or someone trying to place blame upon him, “when te river sounds…some water must be there running”

  • V Du ke

    I believe Mr Lindley’s and Duck Baker’s comments are the most matured-centered opinion about all this, as much as I admire the guy’s playing, there’s too much noise about his behavior,

    I guess we can’t be so naive to pretend is just rumors, or someone trying to place blame upon him, “when te river sounds…some water must be there running”

  • RD

    For those who are in disbelief about how dastardly acts can be kept secret for so many years, here’s a shocking story that just came out yesterday.

  • RD

    For those who are in disbelief about how dastardly acts can be kept secret for so many years, here’s a shocking story that just came out yesterday.

  • Sharon

    And they do…

  • Sharon

    And they do…

  • Sharon R Hull

    They didn’t wait until he was gone to publish the accusations. Shee wiz, where have you been? He killed himself BECAUSE of the allegations. And, without testimony and/or witness, there is no case. Did you even consider that perhaps the victim was not willing to testify? Have you been molested as a child? If not, I would imagine you don’t understand the fear that is often instilled in these children from an early age… It’s very easy as a parent to say, “I would have done this,” or “I would have done that.” Just count your blessings that you’re not the parent of these victims and then bite your damn tongue when you want to call them liars.

  • Sharon R Hull

    They didn’t wait until he was gone to publish the accusations. Shee wiz, where have you been? He killed himself BECAUSE of the allegations. And, without testimony and/or witness, there is no case. Did you even consider that perhaps the victim was not willing to testify? Have you been molested as a child? If not, I would imagine you don’t understand the fear that is often instilled in these children from an early age… It’s very easy as a parent to say, “I would have done this,” or “I would have done that.” Just count your blessings that you’re not the parent of these victims and then bite your damn tongue when you want to call them liars.

  • Sharon R Hull

    Right on, Michael.

  • Sharon R Hull

    Right on, Michael.

  • tricone

    As previously stated, the accusations and imminent actions are the reason Bob took his own life.  The story of him not being able to play anymore are bull.

  • tricone

    As previously stated, the accusations and imminent actions are the reason Bob took his own life.  The story of him not being able to play anymore are bull.

  • Angela Stevens

    I was abused by my mother as a child so I reckon I have some insight into being preyed upon as a child. However, I have been able to let the baggage go for my own sake. My mother did not admit to any wrongdoing and died of natural causes at 96. My perspective on the whole matter of abuse is that when the abuser dies they will face judgement at a spiritual level. My mother had her good points and I believe she was tormented by her nature in this life.

    I saw Bob perform twice at Womad and I enjoyed his talent and genius. I am not going to do myself out of that pleasure. If he is guilty of child molestation he will pay his dues. I do not think death is an escape.

    If there are victims of abuse I am sorry for your pain. My own experience was that it was more beneficial to me move on and not allow the negative experiences to affect my life negatively.

    There are people who loved Bob no matter what he said or did. This is unconditional love. It doesn’t excuse reprehensible behaviour but the public need to let them grieve in peace.

  • Angela Stevens

    I was abused by my mother as a child so I reckon I have some insight into being preyed upon as a child. However, I have been able to let the baggage go for my own sake. My mother did not admit to any wrongdoing and died of natural causes at 96. My perspective on the whole matter of abuse is that when the abuser dies they will face judgement at a spiritual level. My mother had her good points and I believe she was tormented by her nature in this life.

    I saw Bob perform twice at Womad and I enjoyed his talent and genius. I am not going to do myself out of that pleasure. If he is guilty of child molestation he will pay his dues. I do not think death is an escape.

    If there are victims of abuse I am sorry for your pain. My own experience was that it was more beneficial to me move on and not allow the negative experiences to affect my life negatively.

    There are people who loved Bob no matter what he said or did. This is unconditional love. It doesn’t excuse reprehensible behaviour but the public need to let them grieve in peace.

  • Concerned…..

    This is all very sorrowful and disturbing.  I think an important question is: 

    If someone believed that a child was sexually abused 19 years ago – what is the reason that it was not brought to the attention of someone in the business (perhaps like a present producer – or anyone else), who might have been able to keep Bob away from homes and places where there might be easy access to other children?

  • Concerned…..

    This is all very sorrowful and disturbing.  I think an important question is: 

    If someone believed that a child was sexually abused 19 years ago – what is the reason that it was not brought to the attention of someone in the business (perhaps like a present producer – or anyone else), who might have been able to keep Bob away from homes and places where there might be easy access to other children?

  • Carlos Fiorelli

    Excelent questions…I will take the liberty and repeat to mr. Gary & mr. Mary:

    Gary, you say the abuse occurred in 1994. Why didnt you bring charges then instead of waiting almost 20 years? If you really believe Bob was roaming around the world molesting children, dont you bear SOME responsibility for not bringing this forward twenty years ago when it happened? Good for Mary Christine that she works with domestic violence victims (as I am one!) but I still dont understand how if the two of you knew that Bob was engaged in illegal sexual abuse since 1994, why you remain silent until NOW when he cant defend himself? on his obituary which is meant for his child Zoe and Haley and others who loved him. There are other forums where this could have been addressed and a whole lot sooner than twenty years too late.

  • Carlos Fiorelli

    Excelent questions…I will take the liberty and repeat to mr. Gary & mr. Mary:

    Gary, you say the abuse occurred in 1994. Why didnt you bring charges then instead of waiting almost 20 years? If you really believe Bob was roaming around the world molesting children, dont you bear SOME responsibility for not bringing this forward twenty years ago when it happened? Good for Mary Christine that she works with domestic violence victims (as I am one!) but I still dont understand how if the two of you knew that Bob was engaged in illegal sexual abuse since 1994, why you remain silent until NOW when he cant defend himself? on his obituary which is meant for his child Zoe and Haley and others who loved him. There are other forums where this could have been addressed and a whole lot sooner than twenty years too late.

  • tricone

    It wasn’t removed, it appears on page 1 of the comments—this is page 4.

  • tricone

    It wasn’t removed, it appears on page 1 of the comments—this is page 4.

  • Jeffrey Muhr

    The allegations described here outline some very terrible, predatory and criminal behavior. Awful to contemplate. It seems to me that much more information and documentation will have to emerge before we know the truth. I agree with Duck Baker’s point that we must take these allegations very seriously and not dismiss them because of the time span that elapsed. At the same time, more evidence or facts will have to come to light. I wish for peace, caring, and love for all of Bob’s friends and family and to everyone in this horrible situation.

  • Jeffrey Muhr

    The allegations described here outline some very terrible, predatory and criminal behavior. Awful to contemplate. It seems to me that much more information and documentation will have to emerge before we know the truth. I agree with Duck Baker’s point that we must take these allegations very seriously and not dismiss them because of the time span that elapsed. At the same time, more evidence or facts will have to come to light. I wish for peace, caring, and love for all of Bob’s friends and family and to everyone in this horrible situation.

  • john

    Why was the initial revealing post about Bob removed?  Now this thread looks silly. Everyone else’s comments referring back to a post which has been censored. Why was it censored?

  • john

    Why was the initial revealing post about Bob removed?  Now this thread looks silly. Everyone else’s comments referring back to a post which has been censored. Why was it censored?

  • Carlos Fiorelli

    First: I’m from Brasil, not Europe. And I have the right to use as many question marks I want!!!!!! (so as exclamation points, before you worry about it too)

    Second: It is very strange that in the 21st century, with so much technology, internet, blogs, and gossip, accusations against Bob never have been spread by some person, friend or enemy, and only now after his death everything comes up.

    Third (I will repeat the final part of my last text, which I think is appropriate now):

    All people of good sense should separate the sick human being and the human talent that Bob was also.
    Even though Bob Brozman was a person psychologically ill and who has committed these serious offenses, he was also one of the greatest musicians and the greatest guitarist of steel-slide guitar on the planet, the only musician on the planet that united different musical cultures, and also a genius in technical and creative musicianship. It is impossible, hypocrisy and absurd to deny these facts.

    I hope you will be mature enough to understand that a human being psychologically diseased may also be kind, so do not let the hypocrisy take care of you and ignore the work of a genius you always loved. I ask that you respect the musical memory Brozman, and realize that every human being on the planet can have very serious psychological problems, but that does not make him a demon, and not takes away his position one of the best musicians on the planet.

  • Carlos Fiorelli

    First: I’m from Brasil, not Europe. And I have the right to use as many question marks I want!!!!!! (so as exclamation points, before you worry about it too)

    Second: It is very strange that in the 21st century, with so much technology, internet, blogs, and gossip, accusations against Bob never have been spread by some person, friend or enemy, and only now after his death everything comes up.

    Third (I will repeat the final part of my last text, which I think is appropriate now):

    All people of good sense should separate the sick human being and the human talent that Bob was also.
    Even though Bob Brozman was a person psychologically ill and who has committed these serious offenses, he was also one of the greatest musicians and the greatest guitarist of steel-slide guitar on the planet, the only musician on the planet that united different musical cultures, and also a genius in technical and creative musicianship. It is impossible, hypocrisy and absurd to deny these facts.

    I hope you will be mature enough to understand that a human being psychologically diseased may also be kind, so do not let the hypocrisy take care of you and ignore the work of a genius you always loved. I ask that you respect the musical memory Brozman, and realize that every human being on the planet can have very serious psychological problems, but that does not make him a demon, and not takes away his position one of the best musicians on the planet.

  • Carlos Fiorelli

    Great questions, Tony K …. I will take the liberty of repeat it for sr. Gary, let’s see what are the answers:

    Are you the same Gary Atkinson from Document Records????????????????????

    If so, there is a track on your myspace page where you and Bob play a tune called “Georgie’s Spirit”.  I’m just wondering because it is dated 28 Jan 2008.  You said you had nothing to do with him after 1994.

    It could have been recorded before this date, of course, but why would you post anything on-line by someone you say tried to take advantage of your daughter???????????????????????????????

    And why did you wait until after his death to bring this up?????????????????????????????????

  • Carlos Fiorelli

    Great questions, Tony K …. I will take the liberty of repeat it for sr. Gary, let’s see what are the answers:

    Are you the same Gary Atkinson from Document Records????????????????????

    If so, there is a track on your myspace page where you and Bob play a tune called “Georgie’s Spirit”.  I’m just wondering because it is dated 28 Jan 2008.  You said you had nothing to do with him after 1994.

    It could have been recorded before this date, of course, but why would you post anything on-line by someone you say tried to take advantage of your daughter???????????????????????????????

    And why did you wait until after his death to bring this up?????????????????????????????????

  • Mike

    Everyone that had loving, sad, and warm thoughts over the death of Brozman is a victim. He cheated you out of those sincere thoughts whether they were left on public forums or privately in your own minds at the loss of what you thought was a not just an amazing mind of information on Resonator Guitars but without doubt the worlds finest player of these guitars. We have all bought the CDs, DVDs, Concert tickets and books now we cant even look at them let alone play them or read them without remembering what the real legacy of Brozman was. I have burnt all mine today, I could never play or read them again as I could not separate the musician from the sexual monster.

    After I found out through the Gary Atkinson post what Brozman had been up to my first thought was, no surely not but then I know of Gary and know that this wasn’t the type of man to post something like this without knowing 100% that what he was writing was true and sadly for him involved his own daughter I now feel cheated and numb, how could I have allowed myself to be taken in by what was a sexual monster preying on the innocent and the weak?

    We who saw him at concerts, read his books, listen to his CDs watched his DVDs and You Tube were cheated out of our sincerest thoughts of love & sadness at his passing away. Our feelings will pass fairly quickly, sadly the other victims will have to live with the damage inflicted by Brozman for the rest of their lives. I hope that all his victims can now see a little sunlight in their lives with the knowledge that he cant ever do them any more harm.
    They say that bullies are cowards well that was certainly true in Brozmans case.

  • Mike

    Everyone that had loving, sad, and warm thoughts over the death of Brozman is a victim. He cheated you out of those sincere thoughts whether they were left on public forums or privately in your own minds at the loss of what you thought was a not just an amazing mind of information on Resonator Guitars but without doubt the worlds finest player of these guitars. We have all bought the CDs, DVDs, Concert tickets and books now we cant even look at them let alone play them or read them without remembering what the real legacy of Brozman was. I have burnt all mine today, I could never play or read them again as I could not separate the musician from the sexual monster.

    After I found out through the Gary Atkinson post what Brozman had been up to my first thought was, no surely not but then I know of Gary and know that this wasn’t the type of man to post something like this without knowing 100% that what he was writing was true and sadly for him involved his own daughter I now feel cheated and numb, how could I have allowed myself to be taken in by what was a sexual monster preying on the innocent and the weak?

    We who saw him at concerts, read his books, listen to his CDs watched his DVDs and You Tube were cheated out of our sincerest thoughts of love & sadness at his passing away. Our feelings will pass fairly quickly, sadly the other victims will have to live with the damage inflicted by Brozman for the rest of their lives. I hope that all his victims can now see a little sunlight in their lives with the knowledge that he cant ever do them any more harm.
    They say that bullies are cowards well that was certainly true in Brozmans case.

  • Rick Turner

    Did Bob leave a suicide note?  And if so, what did it say?  And if so, who has it?

  • Rick Turner

    Did Bob leave a suicide note?  And if so, what did it say?  And if so, who has it?

  • Greg Vinson


      I’m also a great admirer of Bob, but you need to back off slinging mud at the alleged victims if you care about truth and justice half as much as you seem to care about unconditional loyalty.

      It sucks to contemplate that the allegations might be true, but everyone aside from the alleged victims can only guess, if we are honest. 

      Your accusation that the accusers “look like liars” seems desperate and stunningly oblivious to their pain in the event that they are telling the truth.

      Your reason for casting doubt could just as well apply to many cases which do come to light decades later where there was a real crime committed. People have their reasons for the long silence (fear of public disbelief, shaming and humiliation are a few obvious ones that come to mind, all of which, if applicable here, your posts might well be exacerbating)

      In another post, you were honest enough to admit you don’t know; perhaps in light of that, you should contemplate that those who you rail against do know. You suspect them of lying, but it is only a suspicion. If you are wrong, your words are injurious to those who need to heal.

      Sparing Bob’s friends, family and admirers the shock and horror of learning something terrible about him shouldn’t even be a remote consideration when weighed against the need of the alleged victims to heal, should their allegations prove true.

  • Greg Vinson


      I’m also a great admirer of Bob, but you need to back off slinging mud at the alleged victims if you care about truth and justice half as much as you seem to care about unconditional loyalty.

      It sucks to contemplate that the allegations might be true, but everyone aside from the alleged victims can only guess, if we are honest. 

      Your accusation that the accusers “look like liars” seems desperate and stunningly oblivious to their pain in the event that they are telling the truth.

      Your reason for casting doubt could just as well apply to many cases which do come to light decades later where there was a real crime committed. People have their reasons for the long silence (fear of public disbelief, shaming and humiliation are a few obvious ones that come to mind, all of which, if applicable here, your posts might well be exacerbating)

      In another post, you were honest enough to admit you don’t know; perhaps in light of that, you should contemplate that those who you rail against do know. You suspect them of lying, but it is only a suspicion. If you are wrong, your words are injurious to those who need to heal.

      Sparing Bob’s friends, family and admirers the shock and horror of learning something terrible about him shouldn’t even be a remote consideration when weighed against the need of the alleged victims to heal, should their allegations prove true.

  • Slim Pickens

    Calm down Barnie, and put the bullet back in your pocket.  The guy was making a point.  If you found that offensive you probably shouldn’t be reading this thread at all.

  • Slim Pickens

    Calm down Barnie, and put the bullet back in your pocket.  The guy was making a point.  If you found that offensive you probably shouldn’t be reading this thread at all.

  • duck baker

    Sorry you were attacked over this, Mr. Doodah. I can’t see what could be accomplished by anyone attacking someone’s music who hasn’t heard that person play, but I’ll share with you that during the 1980’s I was performing in an SF club right around the time I had appeared in the same venue as part of a guitar show featuring Brozman (who was billed below me, BTW). On the occasion in question I was opening for the James Cotton band, and as I was announcing my last number Cotton’s keyboard player came and stood by the stage and loudly demanding I get off it NOW! Which I had to do (this was not on anyone’s initiative but his own). At this time I had already had 8 records released.

    So if the fact someone rudely ordered you off the stage as an opening act is proof that you lack talent, well, so do I.

    Don’t let the jerks get you down, son.

    Duck Baker

  • duck baker

    Sorry you were attacked over this, Mr. Doodah. I can’t see what could be accomplished by anyone attacking someone’s music who hasn’t heard that person play, but I’ll share with you that during the 1980’s I was performing in an SF club right around the time I had appeared in the same venue as part of a guitar show featuring Brozman (who was billed below me, BTW). On the occasion in question I was opening for the James Cotton band, and as I was announcing my last number Cotton’s keyboard player came and stood by the stage and loudly demanding I get off it NOW! Which I had to do (this was not on anyone’s initiative but his own). At this time I had already had 8 records released.

    So if the fact someone rudely ordered you off the stage as an opening act is proof that you lack talent, well, so do I.

    Don’t let the jerks get you down, son.

    Duck Baker

  • Carlos Fiorelli

    Sorry……’‘to mr. Gary and mrs. Mary’‘…!

  • Carlos Fiorelli

    Sorry……’‘to mr. Gary and mrs. Mary’‘…!

  • Duck Baker

    The story as it has been given is indeed confusing, and this is because some of the victims are still suffering badly. Gary Atkinson says that those making the allegations will make a joint statement when they can agree to the wording but that this isn’t an easy process. Presumably the reasons behind that difficulty will be made clearer when the statement itself reaches us.

    But my aim has just been to get people to stop attacking the victims and assuming the allegations were false. Since I first posted about this, I’ve heard from about dozen more musicians who worked with Bob, in some cases for many, many years. Not a single one has said that they believe him innocent. Like me, they have heard too much from others in our community who have spoken to victims and families, or they spoke to these families personally.

    What I hear directly from the families of a victim of any crime I do not regard as hearsay. Hearing me tell you this, that may be hearsay to you and that’s OK. But I think a clearer statement for public consumption about the things that have convinced my community will be forthcoming soon. In any case, it does seem that people on the threads are being calmer, and that’s great.

    Peace,    Duck Baker

  • Duck Baker

    The story as it has been given is indeed confusing, and this is because some of the victims are still suffering badly. Gary Atkinson says that those making the allegations will make a joint statement when they can agree to the wording but that this isn’t an easy process. Presumably the reasons behind that difficulty will be made clearer when the statement itself reaches us.

    But my aim has just been to get people to stop attacking the victims and assuming the allegations were false. Since I first posted about this, I’ve heard from about dozen more musicians who worked with Bob, in some cases for many, many years. Not a single one has said that they believe him innocent. Like me, they have heard too much from others in our community who have spoken to victims and families, or they spoke to these families personally.

    What I hear directly from the families of a victim of any crime I do not regard as hearsay. Hearing me tell you this, that may be hearsay to you and that’s OK. But I think a clearer statement for public consumption about the things that have convinced my community will be forthcoming soon. In any case, it does seem that people on the threads are being calmer, and that’s great.

    Peace,    Duck Baker

  • Kevin Doherty

    After reading Pauls suggestion at the bottom of page 4 of the earlier article suggesting to read this article I did that some days ago and have deleted my gracious comment on that earlier published article on comment page 4. The revelations are very sad and my words felt untruthful in retrospect. Apologies.

  • Kevin Doherty

    After reading Pauls suggestion at the bottom of page 4 of the earlier article suggesting to read this article I did that some days ago and have deleted my gracious comment on that earlier published article on comment page 4. The revelations are very sad and my words felt untruthful in retrospect. Apologies.

  • A J

    At a Dale Carnegie course I attended some years ago
    a 30 year old woman found the courage to speak for
    the very first time of being molested by her uncle
    when she was 5.  Although her parent didn’t know she spoke of her great anger at them for not protecting her and of the problems it had caused her and was causing in her marriage.  There we were, a room full of strangers drowning in tears, the very first people to hear this heart wrenching tale. I’ve often wondered
    if she ever did tell her parents.

  • A J

    At a Dale Carnegie course I attended some years ago
    a 30 year old woman found the courage to speak for
    the very first time of being molested by her uncle
    when she was 5.  Although her parent didn’t know she spoke of her great anger at them for not protecting her and of the problems it had caused her and was causing in her marriage.  There we were, a room full of strangers drowning in tears, the very first people to hear this heart wrenching tale. I’ve often wondered
    if she ever did tell her parents.

  • gtrplr

    I’m a little curious if any of this publication’s journalists or any others are looking into this. While I’m certain at this point that the allegations are true, it would be good, especially in the absence of a court trial (which can never happen now) to get the facts laid out publicly for once and for all.

  • gtrplr

    I’m a little curious if any of this publication’s journalists or any others are looking into this. While I’m certain at this point that the allegations are true, it would be good, especially in the absence of a court trial (which can never happen now) to get the facts laid out publicly for once and for all.

  • Dubguy

    Poor performers get booed off the stage by the audience. Talented (and therefore perceived as threatening) musicians get pulled by insecure headliners who are afraid the opener is stealing the show…

    Sounds like your local tavern’s open mic night is a rather inclusive club

  • Dubguy

    Poor performers get booed off the stage by the audience. Talented (and therefore perceived as threatening) musicians get pulled by insecure headliners who are afraid the opener is stealing the show…

    Sounds like your local tavern’s open mic night is a rather inclusive club

  • SaltyDog

    Thank you for (possibly) identifying Kevin Brown. Never having heard his work before, I did a google search and found some of his recordings, which display fine technique, understaning of the music and ample feeling.  Bob Brozman was an innovator and, by some accounts, a genius, but IMHO he was not a very soulful player despite his often astounding musical abilities and encyclopedic knowledge of various musical genres.  As far as his behavior, I would guess that Kevin’s laid-back sound and genuine musical warmth may have been a hard act to follow and set something off in Brozman.

  • SaltyDog

    Thank you for (possibly) identifying Kevin Brown. Never having heard his work before, I did a google search and found some of his recordings, which display fine technique, understaning of the music and ample feeling.  Bob Brozman was an innovator and, by some accounts, a genius, but IMHO he was not a very soulful player despite his often astounding musical abilities and encyclopedic knowledge of various musical genres.  As far as his behavior, I would guess that Kevin’s laid-back sound and genuine musical warmth may have been a hard act to follow and set something off in Brozman.

  • anon

    I’m in my sixties and was serially molested for five consecutive summers fifty years ago by a very trusted adult. I never came forward and never will. There are many, many of us.

  • anon

    I’m in my sixties and was serially molested for five consecutive summers fifty years ago by a very trusted adult. I never came forward and never will. There are many, many of us.

  • Duck Baker

    Dear anon,

    Thank you for you comment, which for those who have hearts says in 2 lines more than 90% of the rest of what has been posted. I wish you peace, and I certainly support your decision to never come forward. The reactions of people to victims on this thread prove the wisdom of this course.

    Duck Baker

  • Duck Baker

    Dear anon,

    Thank you for you comment, which for those who have hearts says in 2 lines more than 90% of the rest of what has been posted. I wish you peace, and I certainly support your decision to never come forward. The reactions of people to victims on this thread prove the wisdom of this course.

    Duck Baker

  • Sid

    I think his humour was misunderstood. It seemed odd for such irony to come from an American but I appreciated it. We in England are going through a tortuous process of allegation after allegation of sexual misconduct from those in the spotlight so I can’t comment on what is happening elsewhere. I just liked his music. Either way poor man.

  • Sid

    I think his humour was misunderstood. It seemed odd for such irony to come from an American but I appreciated it. We in England are going through a tortuous process of allegation after allegation of sexual misconduct from those in the spotlight so I can’t comment on what is happening elsewhere. I just liked his music. Either way poor man.

  • Don McClellan

    Gary Atkinson does say in his post that the mothers of two of Bob Brozman’s child victims had been trying for many years to bring Brozman to justice but were never taken seriously by the police. We all know this happens.
    Sometimes punishing the criminal does nothing for the victim and just putting an end to the ongoing crime pattern is the choice some parents make. Its the choice some victims make sometimes too.
    Although Mr. Atkinson apparently did not try to have Brozman arrested and prosecuted for what Brozman did to his daughter, I would imagine Atkinson had some very serious words to say to Brozman. I also imagine those words went through Bob’s mind many times.

  • Don McClellan

    Gary Atkinson does say in his post that the mothers of two of Bob Brozman’s child victims had been trying for many years to bring Brozman to justice but were never taken seriously by the police. We all know this happens.
    Sometimes punishing the criminal does nothing for the victim and just putting an end to the ongoing crime pattern is the choice some parents make. Its the choice some victims make sometimes too.
    Although Mr. Atkinson apparently did not try to have Brozman arrested and prosecuted for what Brozman did to his daughter, I would imagine Atkinson had some very serious words to say to Brozman. I also imagine those words went through Bob’s mind many times.

  • Randolph Roeder

    Pardon me if this has already been mentioned but I don’t recall that it has: one aspect that is particularly difficult in prosecuting an accused child molester is that the child/victim is put into a place where they feel (and in effect, are) responsible for putting someone for whom they may very well still have conflicting feelings/emotions towards, that is, both negative and positive, into a place of punishment. This can cause terrible confusion for a child, and exacerbate their already very delicate condition.

    As adults, it may be rather difficult to focus/re-focus on this sort of dynamic, being more acquainted as we are with the norms of a ‘level field’ where justice is served based upon evidence & logic. A place where there can be winners and losers, a place where the guilty and the innocent can (at times) be clearly seen for who they are. As adults, we are far, far more accustomed to the ‘transactional life’.

  • Randolph Roeder

    Pardon me if this has already been mentioned but I don’t recall that it has: one aspect that is particularly difficult in prosecuting an accused child molester is that the child/victim is put into a place where they feel (and in effect, are) responsible for putting someone for whom they may very well still have conflicting feelings/emotions towards, that is, both negative and positive, into a place of punishment. This can cause terrible confusion for a child, and exacerbate their already very delicate condition.

    As adults, it may be rather difficult to focus/re-focus on this sort of dynamic, being more acquainted as we are with the norms of a ‘level field’ where justice is served based upon evidence & logic. A place where there can be winners and losers, a place where the guilty and the innocent can (at times) be clearly seen for who they are. As adults, we are far, far more accustomed to the ‘transactional life’.

  • Dave Smith

    Like Bob often said, if you want to know what’s going on, just follow the money.  It’s not rocket science working it all out!!

  • Dave Smith

    Like Bob often said, if you want to know what’s going on, just follow the money.  It’s not rocket science working it all out!!

  • Mr Rocket Scientist

    Unfortunately life’s complexities can not be tidily reduced to simple catchphrases. Unless you’re a complete simpleton, in which case nothing ever looks like “rocket science” anyway.

  • Mr Rocket Scientist

    Unfortunately life’s complexities can not be tidily reduced to simple catchphrases. Unless you’re a complete simpleton, in which case nothing ever looks like “rocket science” anyway.

  • tricone

    And guess who had money?

  • tricone

    And guess who had money?

  • Mary Jones

    Yes, you’re right: not a rocket scientist; only the smarts of a conspiracy theorist are needed.

  • Mary Jones

    Yes, you’re right: not a rocket scientist; only the smarts of a conspiracy theorist are needed.

  • Rick Turner

    Note well the deafening silence from the media on this story.  This seems to be too hot to handle, especially by those music critics and reporters who had written so favorably about Bob over the length of his career.  Steve Palopoli, might we see some real investigative reporting on this mess in one of the local rags or here on-line.  Or is this just too raw, too real, and too upsetting?  Certainly our local media have connections in the Santa Cruz Police and County Sheriff’s office as well as the courts to make at least an unofficial inquiry.  And it seems most telling that there has been no denial from Palopoli and other reporters and reviewers…not even a “we don’t know” or, “we think there’s an investigation going on” statement…just deafening silence.

    I had a lot of respect for Bob as a player and historian…just as did many other folks.  We’d like to know what really went down.  I think that is the job for reporters…dig for and tell the truth.  What’s up with that?

  • Rick Turner

    Note well the deafening silence from the media on this story.  This seems to be too hot to handle, especially by those music critics and reporters who had written so favorably about Bob over the length of his career.  Steve Palopoli, might we see some real investigative reporting on this mess in one of the local rags or here on-line.  Or is this just too raw, too real, and too upsetting?  Certainly our local media have connections in the Santa Cruz Police and County Sheriff’s office as well as the courts to make at least an unofficial inquiry.  And it seems most telling that there has been no denial from Palopoli and other reporters and reviewers…not even a “we don’t know” or, “we think there’s an investigation going on” statement…just deafening silence.

    I had a lot of respect for Bob as a player and historian…just as did many other folks.  We’d like to know what really went down.  I think that is the job for reporters…dig for and tell the truth.  What’s up with that?

  • Impartial Observer

    Who had money? Why…Bob had money, that’s who! LOTS of money. Lots of guitars, vintage cars, and lots and lots of family loot. His papa was a big time real-estate tycoon in New York, Bob came from some serious cash. That puts his onstage commentary about politics and economics and world famine into a whole different light, does it not? Playing the role of the bohemian Chomsky-flavored America-basher suited Bob quite nicely. Alas, this too was all a sham.

  • Impartial Observer

    Who had money? Why…Bob had money, that’s who! LOTS of money. Lots of guitars, vintage cars, and lots and lots of family loot. His papa was a big time real-estate tycoon in New York, Bob came from some serious cash. That puts his onstage commentary about politics and economics and world famine into a whole different light, does it not? Playing the role of the bohemian Chomsky-flavored America-basher suited Bob quite nicely. Alas, this too was all a sham.

  • Dug in Dallas

    This is a very deep and dark story. There is no way a person with Mr. Brozmans implied proclivities travels the world alone for years without a network of like minded individuals enabeling and participating. People that even his closest associates did not know about.
    This is the kind of tsunami that is breaking in the UK, Holland etc.
    These kind of men lead double lives and associate with each other in their strange twisted way.
    I too would like real journalism about this man, although a great player I think this story is the tip of the iceberg on something far more disturbing and sinister.
    The music business is a demanding master and populated with users and abusers, whether you play a resonator or electric guitar.
    This is just starting.

  • Dug in Dallas

    This is a very deep and dark story. There is no way a person with Mr. Brozmans implied proclivities travels the world alone for years without a network of like minded individuals enabeling and participating. People that even his closest associates did not know about.
    This is the kind of tsunami that is breaking in the UK, Holland etc.
    These kind of men lead double lives and associate with each other in their strange twisted way.
    I too would like real journalism about this man, although a great player I think this story is the tip of the iceberg on something far more disturbing and sinister.
    The music business is a demanding master and populated with users and abusers, whether you play a resonator or electric guitar.
    This is just starting.

  • Garrett Burton

    Right on Rick!
    This story needs to be set straight. I believe the notes he left are the key. There is where some truth will be.

  • Garrett Burton

    Right on Rick!
    This story needs to be set straight. I believe the notes he left are the key. There is where some truth will be.

  • Leslie Mixon

    Those of us who shed tears at Bob’s passing need to know the truth about ‘Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain’ – so we can come to terms with our current roller coaster of feelings.  An investigation and acknowledgement might also provide an opportunity for more victims to come forward if the allegations are proven to be true.

  • Leslie Mixon

    Those of us who shed tears at Bob’s passing need to know the truth about ‘Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain’ – so we can come to terms with our current roller coaster of feelings.  An investigation and acknowledgement might also provide an opportunity for more victims to come forward if the allegations are proven to be true.

  • Yosef Rakia-Pa’amoni

    D. Lindley—Remember when everyone believed Jackson Browne punched Darryl Hannah in the face?

  • Yosef Rakia-Pa’amoni

    D. Lindley—Remember when everyone believed Jackson Browne punched Darryl Hannah in the face?

  • nora king

    thank you. i spent a decade of my life changing California law to protect child sex dignity.  You need to grow up and prosecute with a formed adult personality sometimes.  Under the law that honors this fact, suicide is the only way to avoid prosecution.

  • nora king

    thank you. i spent a decade of my life changing California law to protect child sex dignity.  You need to grow up and prosecute with a formed adult personality sometimes.  Under the law that honors this fact, suicide is the only way to avoid prosecution.

  • name withheld

    Nora King, Thank you for your work in changing the laws in California and for sharing the fact of your work.  Your insight is truly invaluable and enlightening.

  • name withheld

    Nora King, Thank you for your work in changing the laws in California and for sharing the fact of your work.  Your insight is truly invaluable and enlightening.

  • Larry

    Going on the premise that the accusations are true,
    and please understand I am not defending Mr Brozman,the next logical question would be, who molested him ?

    The majority of child molesters have been themselves

    As to the parents not getting legal at the time of the events,most parents don’t want to expose their families to that kind of attention in the hopes that time will heal all wounds.

    Unfortunately,it doesn’t. If not dealt with ath thetime of the abuse,Victim tends to manifest increasingly self destructive behavior.

    Parents push the issue years later to try to help their kids get back on track.

  • Larry

    Going on the premise that the accusations are true,
    and please understand I am not defending Mr Brozman,the next logical question would be, who molested him ?

    The majority of child molesters have been themselves

    As to the parents not getting legal at the time of the events,most parents don’t want to expose their families to that kind of attention in the hopes that time will heal all wounds.

    Unfortunately,it doesn’t. If not dealt with ath thetime of the abuse,Victim tends to manifest increasingly self destructive behavior.

    Parents push the issue years later to try to help their kids get back on track.

  • Fred

    Sorry to hear Brozman was a child molester.  But not surprising considering his ADD, bipolar, wacko style of playing.  He could not put four measures together with out going off on some crazy crap.  Yes he was a brilliant mechanic of the instruments but no soul.  Goes without saying most child molesters probably do not have one anyways.  I at least had respect for his talent.  But now with the allegations hope he rots in hell for the lives he has ruined.

  • Fred

    Sorry to hear Brozman was a child molester.  But not surprising considering his ADD, bipolar, wacko style of playing.  He could not put four measures together with out going off on some crazy crap.  Yes he was a brilliant mechanic of the instruments but no soul.  Goes without saying most child molesters probably do not have one anyways.  I at least had respect for his talent.  But now with the allegations hope he rots in hell for the lives he has ruined.

  • Fred

    Molesting a child is not a punch in the face.  Its knife through the heart of that child.

  • Fred

    Molesting a child is not a punch in the face.  Its knife through the heart of that child.

  • joe doe

    I believe Bob may have been targeted by forces that are trying to secure eastern Europe. it was probably a gift to the Russians. this should be looked into.

  • joe doe

    I believe Bob may have been targeted by forces that are trying to secure eastern Europe. it was probably a gift to the Russians. this should be looked into.

  • Ian Merry

    Dear all, I live in the UK and became an early devotee of Bob’s music….I submitted a fulsome and deeply felt post on the Santa Cruz music site after I had learned of his suicide. The day I learned of Bob’s death I had attended the funeral of a close friend and colleague, who like me was a children’s social worker, charged with the protection of all children from harm.

    It is deeply disturbing to learn of these revelations that Bob abused children, and initially I did not want to believe them. As Gary Atkinson has said Bob had an audience that revered him and his music and even opened their homes to him.

    I was such a person in the early days of Bob’s UK tours.

    Now for the very disturbing and personal elements of these allegations. When I first discovered Bob’s music in the late 1980’s I had just left my employment working as a social worker in a residential school for emotionally disturbed children in Newcastle upon Tyne. My reasons for leaving were that I suspected a number of other men working in the school of sexually abusing pupils and I blew the whistle on them. There was an investigation of sorts which concluded that my allegations were without foundation and I became persona non grata there.

    I carried around my conviction that 3 men had been sexually abusing children for over 25 years… an albatross around my neck.

    Bob’s music in concert became an event that I could look forward to during the intervening years and I and my friend Andrew formed an abiding friendship with Bob. We would see him twice and sometimes 3 times on each tour. We loved his musical collaborations and saw him with most of his collaborators, Takeshi, Rene and many others.

    In January 2014 I will be giving evidence against 2 of the abusers I named back in the 1980’s in the Crown Court. Both have already been convicted of abusing children in that residential school on their own admission but further allegations have surfaced and they have both been charged with further offences. A third man committed suicide when he came under police investigation.

    These matters weigh heavily on me and now I have to face the possibility that one of my idols was an abuser, as we all must….whatever consequences flow from that shocking revelation.

    These things I know……I know that Gary Atkinson is an honourable and honest man who would not make any allegations lightly…..I know how child abusers work…..I know that children often will be silenced by the abusers….I know that frequently children are not believed even when they do speak out….if I as a professional was not believed what chance do children have…..I know that it takes years for the law to catch up with these abusers……

    So I would urge caution to anyone taking up any position based upon knee jerk reactions, or misplaced loyalty….as difficult as that may be and please remember that there are real, live breathing and feeling people caught up in this tragedy.

  • Ian Merry

    Dear all, I live in the UK and became an early devotee of Bob’s music….I submitted a fulsome and deeply felt post on the Santa Cruz music site after I had learned of his suicide. The day I learned of Bob’s death I had attended the funeral of a close friend and colleague, who like me was a children’s social worker, charged with the protection of all children from harm.

    It is deeply disturbing to learn of these revelations that Bob abused children, and initially I did not want to believe them. As Gary Atkinson has said Bob had an audience that revered him and his music and even opened their homes to him.

    I was such a person in the early days of Bob’s UK tours.

    Now for the very disturbing and personal elements of these allegations. When I first discovered Bob’s music in the late 1980’s I had just left my employment working as a social worker in a residential school for emotionally disturbed children in Newcastle upon Tyne. My reasons for leaving were that I suspected a number of other men working in the school of sexually abusing pupils and I blew the whistle on them. There was an investigation of sorts which concluded that my allegations were without foundation and I became persona non grata there.

    I carried around my conviction that 3 men had been sexually abusing children for over 25 years… an albatross around my neck.

    Bob’s music in concert became an event that I could look forward to during the intervening years and I and my friend Andrew formed an abiding friendship with Bob. We would see him twice and sometimes 3 times on each tour. We loved his musical collaborations and saw him with most of his collaborators, Takeshi, Rene and many others.

    In January 2014 I will be giving evidence against 2 of the abusers I named back in the 1980’s in the Crown Court. Both have already been convicted of abusing children in that residential school on their own admission but further allegations have surfaced and they have both been charged with further offences. A third man committed suicide when he came under police investigation.

    These matters weigh heavily on me and now I have to face the possibility that one of my idols was an abuser, as we all must….whatever consequences flow from that shocking revelation.

    These things I know……I know that Gary Atkinson is an honourable and honest man who would not make any allegations lightly…..I know how child abusers work…..I know that children often will be silenced by the abusers….I know that frequently children are not believed even when they do speak out….if I as a professional was not believed what chance do children have…..I know that it takes years for the law to catch up with these abusers……

    So I would urge caution to anyone taking up any position based upon knee jerk reactions, or misplaced loyalty….as difficult as that may be and please remember that there are real, live breathing and feeling people caught up in this tragedy.

  • Jon Borg

    You may have a point. Just a year ago. I took my 14-year-old to see BB at an outdoor concert. We were certainly impressed with his instrumental mastery, and enjoyed his witty banter between songs. A lingering impression, however, was that he would not, or could not, play a simple, heartfelt tune through to the end without breaking out into rhythmical showboating and comical vocal effects. Peers like Lindley and Cooder don’t need all that.

    As for the rest, good grief. What a shameful end to a celebrated career.

  • Jon Borg

    You may have a point. Just a year ago. I took my 14-year-old to see BB at an outdoor concert. We were certainly impressed with his instrumental mastery, and enjoyed his witty banter between songs. A lingering impression, however, was that he would not, or could not, play a simple, heartfelt tune through to the end without breaking out into rhythmical showboating and comical vocal effects. Peers like Lindley and Cooder don’t need all that.

    As for the rest, good grief. What a shameful end to a celebrated career.

  • Ian Merry

    Thank you for publishing my post, I have been in touch with Gary Atkinson and he has given me more details than have been published and they have the feel of authenticity and integrity about them that deeply saddens me about Bob.

    Please don’t publish this post. It is merely to thank you for embracing an unpalatable and deeply sad and tragic truth.

  • Ian Merry

    Thank you for publishing my post, I have been in touch with Gary Atkinson and he has given me more details than have been published and they have the feel of authenticity and integrity about them that deeply saddens me about Bob.

    Please don’t publish this post. It is merely to thank you for embracing an unpalatable and deeply sad and tragic truth.

  • Always a good idea to be skeptical on the internet

    I’m wondering why I haven’t read any news site cite an actual interview with anyone laying out these allegations. Not saying it didn’t happen, but it wouldn’t be hard to get an interview if you have information like that.

    Keep in mind that legal proceedings and marriages are also public record. They can be attested. I have yet to read of any verification of proceedings against Brozman or marriage to Mary Christine.


  • Always a good idea to be skeptical on the internet

    I’m wondering why I haven’t read any news site cite an actual interview with anyone laying out these allegations. Not saying it didn’t happen, but it wouldn’t be hard to get an interview if you have information like that.

    Keep in mind that legal proceedings and marriages are also public record. They can be attested. I have yet to read of any verification of proceedings against Brozman or marriage to Mary Christine.


  • Jacob Pierce

    Thanks for your interest. Since you asked… h

  • Jacob Pierce

    Thanks for your interest. Since you asked… h

  • Chris from UK

    I have only just read of Bob Brozman’s passing and finding these allegations is a bit of a shock. I am a bit confused about Gary’s dates as I recall the first Bob Brozman concert I saw in Exeter in the UK when Gary went on stage to accompany Bob the same same day BBC presenter Jill Dando was killed in April 1999.

  • Chris from UK

    I have only just read of Bob Brozman’s passing and finding these allegations is a bit of a shock. I am a bit confused about Gary’s dates as I recall the first Bob Brozman concert I saw in Exeter in the UK when Gary went on stage to accompany Bob the same same day BBC presenter Jill Dando was killed in April 1999.

  • Peter

    Sad news to hear about such an artist for the first time, and realize they just passed away. The dark side of this matter also makes it difficult to enjoy his genius.

  • Peter

    Sad news to hear about such an artist for the first time, and realize they just passed away. The dark side of this matter also makes it difficult to enjoy his genius.

  • Steven Strauss

    SaltyDog – My memories of Bob’s dealings with other performers on gigs fits with your analysis.  As for the “warmth” issue, one who knew Bob so much better than I did reported that his brusquely mannered vocal style was a refuge from the sound of his own natural voice (compared in this report to James Taylor), the vulnerability of which frightened him.

  • Steven Strauss

    SaltyDog – My memories of Bob’s dealings with other performers on gigs fits with your analysis.  As for the “warmth” issue, one who knew Bob so much better than I did reported that his brusquely mannered vocal style was a refuge from the sound of his own natural voice (compared in this report to James Taylor), the vulnerability of which frightened him.

  • Eric Hines

    So where’s the evidence? Where’s the statement from the victims? Where’s the lawsuit? Where’s anything other than hearsay?

    Assuming these accusations are true, how could people who *knew* he was out there molesting more children—how could these people make no public statements or legal filings at that time? Even if you were to lose, at least you’d put the word out. How come the people who now say it’s all about the victims sit by while more victims were made? Didn’t they count while they were still only prospective victims?

    And how come so many people who had *absolutely no idea* anything was going on are suddenly totally 100% convinced? And if it took whatever evidence you’re now privilege to to convince you, why the hell do you expect other people are just going to take your word for it?

    Something stinks here beyond the accusations themselves, which I have no basis to judge. What stinks is that a lot of folks are either lying or were effectively complicit with Brozman’s activities.

  • Eric Hines

    So where’s the evidence? Where’s the statement from the victims? Where’s the lawsuit? Where’s anything other than hearsay?

    Assuming these accusations are true, how could people who *knew* he was out there molesting more children—how could these people make no public statements or legal filings at that time? Even if you were to lose, at least you’d put the word out. How come the people who now say it’s all about the victims sit by while more victims were made? Didn’t they count while they were still only prospective victims?

    And how come so many people who had *absolutely no idea* anything was going on are suddenly totally 100% convinced? And if it took whatever evidence you’re now privilege to to convince you, why the hell do you expect other people are just going to take your word for it?

    Something stinks here beyond the accusations themselves, which I have no basis to judge. What stinks is that a lot of folks are either lying or were effectively complicit with Brozman’s activities.

  • RJ

    Heard about this for years, even sent copies to National. They didn’t care!

  • RJ

    Heard about this for years, even sent copies to National. They didn’t care!

  • blichstories

    My last interview with Bob. Truly unforgettable man.

  • blichstories

    My last interview with Bob. Truly unforgettable man.

  • Been There

    Bob was a child rapist.  Bob can’t buy his way out of this one.

    Idolatry of musical entertainers should not get in the way of recognizing that they are human beings capable of sinister acts.  The only way for you to know what the victims are going through is to go through it yourself.  By Bob killing himself, any sort of healing process for victims has just been squashed along with court proceedings.

    Bob Brozman was a rich kid who played guitar well that felt like he could dance and prance around the world abusing who he likes while talking a big show in his concerts.  Genius?  Yes, dark evil genius who was great at hiding the truth, and when he couldn’t control it anymore he took his own life 59 years too late.  Even his death was selfish.

    I hope the children harmed find his grave to take a big dump on it, I know I will.

  • Been There

    Bob was a child rapist.  Bob can’t buy his way out of this one.

    Idolatry of musical entertainers should not get in the way of recognizing that they are human beings capable of sinister acts.  The only way for you to know what the victims are going through is to go through it yourself.  By Bob killing himself, any sort of healing process for victims has just been squashed along with court proceedings.

    Bob Brozman was a rich kid who played guitar well that felt like he could dance and prance around the world abusing who he likes while talking a big show in his concerts.  Genius?  Yes, dark evil genius who was great at hiding the truth, and when he couldn’t control it anymore he took his own life 59 years too late.  Even his death was selfish.

    I hope the children harmed find his grave to take a big dump on it, I know I will.

  • grayforester

    I have seethed with fury at the man for the fifteen years I’ve known of his cruelty. I’ve been as disgusted as you, and for a lot longer. But to say that his politics were insincere is hard to defend when you consider the family Franklin Roosevelt came from.

    Being a traitor to one’s class may be anomalous but you can find a club full with regular meetings at every Ivy League school.

  • Dave

    If what Gary Atkinson says is true, why did he say the following during an interview with Brozman in 1996 (two years after he supposedly cut off all contact with him due to the molestation of his daughter)

    “GA: So we’ve clocked up a few hours together, both here and abroad. As we mentioned earlier on in the day, I think it’s about 18 months since we last saw each other. There has been a break. But like a couple of bad pennies we’ve turned up again. I was quite surprised at how in the first couple of days being together we were able to amuse ourselves with many great reminiscences. I’m sure that everybody else that was anywhere within earshot was rolling their eyes up to the ceiling. But it’s been interesting.”

    Doesn’t sound like they are on bad terms during this interview, with Atkinson mentioning that they’d been together for several days. At the article’s top, he’s referred to as Bozman’s “travelling partner and close friend”.

    Is that how you behave towards a person you believe molested your 9 year old daughter two years earlier and “had nothing to do with again”?

    And, lest we forget, a person falsely accused could just as easily take their own life as one that was guilty.

    More facts are required to know the truth, and it seems these may never come. But, to refer to Brozman as literally a “child molester” .. there has not been enough factual evidence provided for me to take that step.

  • Joan McMillan

    Dear Nora: This is a long shot, but I am a writer working on a book about the Asha Veil case. I have been trying to find you as you seem to have known Asha very well, as far as I could glean from the old posts on the Topix board regarding the case. Could you email me at or phone me at 831 295 7321 if you are willing to speak with me? I would appreciate your input over much. Thanks, Joan McMillan.

  • Tony McLean

    Child molester in hell.

  • sethloverlover

    Although I absolutely despise the existence of child sexual predators, the the hysterical conclusion of “the tip of the iceberg” is how miscarriages of justice like the McMartin preschool case happen. People with too much time and too little intelligence, restraint, or self-knowledge pull accusations from their own sordid imaginations and project them. And often lives are destroyed and the architects of this reputational homicide are already off to the next schizophrenic attack. If Mr Brozeman actually committed these crimes, he’s where he belongs. Murder can be justified, rape and the rape of children cannot. The recidivism rate is astronomical, and the crime so vile and destructive, death seems quite appropriate. But for those who consciously falsely accuses someone of sexual assault, there should also be a penalty of imprisonment. Because regardless of the degree of exoneration, that person can never recover from the damage to their reputation. The reason? America, and the rest of the world, is populated with a frightening amount of willfully ignorant people. The type of people who have no desire for continuing personal education. The desire for intellectual self- improvement is non-existent. They will know something is untrue, yet they will perpetuate it. Because it’s just fun for them. Or they have a stubbornly delusional bent and believe nothing that isn’t the word of an ally. The type of people too daft to realize Donald trump lost the election. In fact, he is the embodiment and fuhrer of this amoral, mindless army of the malignant. The ‘tip of the iceberg’ isn’t a massive, army of pederasts infiltrating society. It’s the growth of a cult of the dangerously stupid and criminal. THAT is more of a threat to our society, our continued national security, and our moral fiber. We are being attacked from within by really stupid , bad human beings, who’s superpower is a combination of a non-existent sense personal responsibility, and the ability to rationalize and excuse anything they do, regardless of it’s effects on others.