
Ten Questions for Becky Olvera Schultz

What do you do for a living?
I am an artist who works in the Southwestern, Native American and Indigenous to the Americas theme. I’m known primarily for my museum quality clay/mixed masks but I also produce works in photography, serigraphy, graphic design, rawhide, dolls, and mixed media works. I maintain an art website, powwow website and gift shop website.

What would you be doing if you weren’t doing that?
Probably teaching art or working as an interior designer.

What do you do in your free time?
What free time? Not much of it but enjoy time with family, long walks, a good movie, travel, sharing a meal with a good friend.

What brought you to Santa Cruz?
Years ago came here because spouse at the time had work in this area. Eventually dumped the spouse and have been quite content in this county with upgraded spouse!

What’s your favorite street?
The one I live on: wooded, private, quiet, no traffic.

Name something you’re excited about.
Life. Family. Grandchild. Art. I’m excited that despite all the bad in the world I’m still alive to embrace the good.

Name a pet peeve.
Oh, gee, I’ve got a lot! People who drive holding a phone talking, especially while making a tricky turn. Too much fog for too long. People with dirty fingernails and/or toenails. Ratty, knotty, tangled hair. Parents who let small children run amok in public places. I’d better stop now.

What’s your sign?
Pisces—moon in Scorpio, rising Leo.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in the last three years?
That life is very valuable and short and that all of us should take the time to appreciate all that we have, especially our families and friends, because one ever knows how long anyone has here.

Recent personal food trend?
Yes, oranges! Big, fat, organic, local, sweet ones, so juicy that they literally drip when you open them up! At a particular store and they’re running out!

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