
Analicia Cube, founder of Take Back Santa Cruz group, says she never expected the group to grow into what it's become.

Analicia Cube, founder of Take Back Santa Cruz group, says she never expected the group to grow into what it's become.

It took me a month to get up the courage to tell Analicia Cube where I work. When I did, she rolled her eyes and said, “I’m sorry, but the Santa Cruz Weekly is no friend of mine.”

I met her in a martial arts class we both take a couple days a week at Minorsan, a gym on Santa Cruz’s West Side. I didn’t realize for two weeks that the curvy, bespectacled woman who always gave me a cheery “hi hon!” before class started was the founder of Take Back Santa Cruz, one of the most controversial activist organizations in Santa Cruz’s history.

Her group has a large, loyal following in Santa Cruz, and just as many passionate critics—but almost no one who doesn’t have an opinion one way or the other. Many associate Take Back Santa Cruz with NIMBY-ism, xenophobia and, in particular, an agenda against the homeless. They would no doubt picture such a group’s leader to be cold and bitter. Instead, I found that Cube was welcoming and gracious, plugging upcoming trail dedications during class announcements rather than getting up on any political soapbox.

When I told her I wanted to profile her, Cube was skeptical at first—in her repeated dealings with the media over the course of TBSC’s four-year history she has learned which news outlets she can and cannot trust. The Weekly has been teetering on the edge of her ignore list for some time, most recently because of a story we ran about TBSC Director of Communications Steve Schlicht posting on the group’s Facebook wall that he would be “fine with junkies dying.”

She agreed to the story, but not without losing some sleep. A couple days after our interview she came into class late, and highly stressed out.

“I’m really nervous, and I’m second-guessing this whole thing,” she said, pulling her thick brown hair into a ponytail and tightening her purple belt around her waist. She told me that some people in Take Back’s inner circle had gotten her freaked out, thinking the only reason I joined this class at all was to get close to her, coerce her into talking to me, and then twist her words to make her look terrible in print. I told her I would do my best to be fair. Then she shrugged, and laughed, and told me that if she didn’t like the story, she would just have to kick my ass.


Power Player

Take Back Santa Cruz does things like rally people to clean up garbage, connect the police department with business owners who have surveillance cameras, and hold “positive loitering” events, where Take Back members hang out on corners known for drug dealing and prostitution, and offer smiles and hot chocolate to passers-by.

It sounds simple enough, but it doesn’t explain the group’s appeal, or the ferocity of its critics. In the four years it has been in existence, Take Back has grown into one of the most influential grassroots organizations in Santa Cruz, and become a powerful player in local politics. During the 2010 election, the group hosted a city council candidate forum in San Lorenzo Park, which all eight candidates attended—a feat the Sentinel called a sign of the group’s “growing clout.” Then in 2012, city council candidate Pamela Comstock’s reputation as a co-founder of Take Back, and her personal relationship with Cube (who is a cousin of Comstock’s husband), played a significant role in her eventual election—while she had no former political experience, her alignment with the activist group sealed her status as “the public safety candidate.” Once elected, she was given a seat on the coveted Public Safety Committee, along with city council veterans David Terrazas and Cynthia Mathews.

The group’s reach goes on. Co-founder Dexter Cube (Analicia’s husband) currently serves on the Downtown Commission, and her sister, Heather Babcock, has previously served on the Commission for the Prevention of Violence Against Women.

Perhaps most significantly, Take Back Santa Cruz has become the group to which many community members turn when bad things happen. A week after the murder of Shannon Collins last year, it was not the city government, but Take Back Santa Cruz, that led a march by hundreds of residents to mourn her death. The crowd packed Pacific Avenue.


Birth of a Notion

Take Back Santa Cruz didn’t always have the power to draw hundreds of people to the streets, stopping traffic. It started small, with four moms at a city council meeting.

In the fall of 2009, spurred into action by the fatal stabbing of 16-year-old Tyler Tenorio, Cube, along with her sister and sister-in-law, and their friend Kirsten Attlesey, decided to go to a Santa Cruz City Council meeting. Attlesey created a Facebook event so they could let their friends know they were going, and on a whim called it “Take Back Santa Cruz.”

Recalling it now, Babcock—who is four years older than Cube, with long, wavy hair and a tranquil demeanor—says her children were her main reason for wanting to get involved.

“We were just a bunch of angry mothers, basically. I thought, ‘I want my children to grow up in this town, and my son could easily be Tyler Tenorio.’” These days, she works almost exclusively behind-the-scenes, doing the books for Take Back and managing her own accounting practice in a small cottage behind her West Side Santa Cruz home. With the group’s rapid growth, she says the workload to be a spokesperson would be too much for her.

But it suited Cube, who Babcock says has always been good at talking to people—a trait she suspects comes from their childhood spent as the daughters of a Marine, moving around a lot and constantly having to make new friends.

At that first city council meeting, Cube stood up during the public comment portion and, without planning to, said something that would set her up for a future as one of the heaviest political hitters in Santa Cruz.

“They said, ‘Does anyone want to say anything?’ and I got up and I just…I just said what I thought. I just got up and said ‘This is ridiculous. Something’s goin’ on in this town. I don’t know what it is, but we’ve got a problem.’ I just sort of said, ‘From now on, you’re gonna see our faces.’ So I sat down, and then the Sentinel was like, ‘Oh, what’s your name?’ No idea what I was getting myself into. Next day I’m on the cover of the Sentinel—‘Analicia Cube: Mom!’ You know, ‘Enough!’ Agh! It was crazy. I was like, ‘Oh my, oh geez.’ All I did was go to a council meeting.”

A few days later was Halloween, and Cube and Babcock plus their husbands and a few others donned costumes, assembled their kids and headed downtown with a car full of posters that read, “We support the Santa Cruz Police Department.” They stood outside O’Neills on Pacific Avenue with the signs, which said “Join us on Facebook” along the bottom.

“I’m thinking 30 people are going to sign up. It’s a way for us to connect to people and say, ‘There’s gonna be a city council meeting on Tuesday, and this is what they’re covering,’” says Cube. “We went home, and we had over 1,000 people signed up.”


Going Viral

In four years, Take Back Santa Cruz’s Facebook page has swelled to over 6,000 members, and Cube says as many as 500 comments are posted to its wall in a single day—moderating them is nearly impossible, she says.

Ostensibly a place to discuss community issues and arrive at productive solutions, the things people write on Take Back’s Facebook wall are a mixed bag. There are plenty of comments each day about lost and found pets and bikes. Or people will solicit help on things like how to clean up graffiti or get more street lights in their neighborhood. There are a lot of photos posted of garbage and needles collected from community cleanups.

But few people outside of the group really talk about that aspect of its Facebook presence, thanks to a contingent of Take Back Santa Cruz members who write unabashedly hateful and downright disturbing things. A brief scan of Take Back’s Facebook page on an otherwise uneventfulWednesday yielded this comment from a group member: “If you go downtown be prepared to use some ultra violence or don't go downtown. I’m not trying to be some vigilante asshole but get real people…A super tough stance needs to be taken by the powers that be—that will be. The ones in office now need to go and be replaced by community members that will get it done. If you feel uneasy and threatened when you’re downtown then it's because you have entered an uneasy and threatening environment. Take charge, defend yourself, however you see fit, but whatever you do, don’t be the victim.”

Cube is at a bit of a loss on how to handle comments like the one above, which clearly affect the perception of her organization.

I can see sometimes how people would say, ‘Oh, Take Back Santa Cruz is this and that,’ just because some people on the [Facebook page] say something,” she admits. “It’s tough, because you have a bunch of people in there that might be saying things I completely disagree with, but who am I to say, ‘This is Take Back and I’m the queen, and I don’t agree with you?’”

She says comments are taken down, or members are kicked out of the group, for using racist language or personally attacking another member—activities that she likens to running into someone’s living room and screaming obscenities in the middle of an otherwise calm discussion. While reporting this story, a number of people claimed to me that you can get kicked out of the group for being linked to counterculture organizations like SubRosa anarchist café or Guerrilla Drive-In, or for simply promoting the concept of compassion, but Cube denies this.

The unwieldy nature of the Facebook group can be traced to the lack of foresight that went into Take Back Santa Cruz’s creation, something to which Cube freely admits. She calls herself an “accidental activist.”

She adds, “I didn’t mean to do this. This wasn’t my goal. This isn’t something I ever set out to do. Ever. Like, nowhere close.”


Hard Lessons

Four years later, Cube has settled into the role of activist/business owner/mom. At the downtown office where she and her husband Dexter run H.Q. Solutions, a business consulting company, she wears jeans and a white button-up with little flower cutouts, and sidesteps the bins of plastic toys she keeps in her office for when her kids visit. The white board above her head has nothing on it but a bright green squiggle—despite the full set of erasable whiteboard markers she owns, her child decided to color with the permanent marker.

“Of course, right?” she says.

Switching into activist mode, she recalls with wild eyes the education she’s received over the last few years about how Santa Cruz runs, and how Take Back Santa Cruz fits in.

“It’s interesting. It’s crazy. It’s scary. It’s like ‘Wow, okay.’ I’ve learned a lot. I was totally naïve to the process,” she says. “There’s political power, there’s financial power, there’s people that are hopped up on all these things. I’m not motivated by any of that, and they know that, and that bothers them. I don’t need your money, I don’t need your power, I don’t need your politics, I just want a nice place where people—all people—can feel safe.”

As far as how to create that place, Cube has some ideas. “So the first thing you need to do is stop being an attraction, right? You try not to attract every person who’s addicted to drugs,” she says. “We’re dealing with organized drug cartels. We need to work that angle, so that’d be more enforcement.”

She also believes in more funding for drug-addiction help, and, as a board member at the Santa Cruz Teen Center, puts an emphasis on drug education for kids.  She also believes in reform of the correctional system.

“I believe in jail and prison, but it’s not helping anyone. It’s not rehabilitating anyone. No one’s coming out of there better,” she says. “But if we could find other creative ways, like you’re going to do 300 hours of community service—make it suck. Like, ‘This sucks. I don’t want to commit crime in Santa Cruz because I’d rather sit in jail.’ I’ve sat and talked to a lot of the prisoners and guys from jail that do some of it, and they actually appreciate it. They feel like they’re doing something. That’s human. That’s human.”

During Comstock’s run for city council last November, a flier circulated that claimed the group’s mission was to “get rid of people they consider undesirable.” Talking about it now, Cube laughs and says, “Whatever! You know, that actually helped Pamela win, so I love it. I actually love it. It’s funny to me.

“When you take a hard line on something, that’s life,” she continues. “I would ‘get rid of people who are undesirable.’ Yeah, I mean, that’s an easy way of saying I want to figure out where these criminals are coming from and I want to either rehabilitate them and get them on the right path, get them back where they need to be or get them the hell off my street and out of my town.”

It is this kind of talk that sometimes gets her into trouble—at least in Santa Cruz, where compassion is valued as much as decisive action. But Cube spent several years in New York before moving back here. She saw Giuliani clean up Times Square, and she lived through 9/11. She calls herself “brutally honest,” and says it is both her best and her worst quality.


Take Back from What?

The most popular complaint about Take Back Santa Cruz is also the most obvious: “Take back from what?” Even Cube herself says she wishes she had thought to call it something different, more positive-sounding.

“If I had known that it was going to be this big, I would have called it, ‘I Like Rainbows and Unicorns’ [or] ‘Lets Fly Together on a Rainbow.’ I don’t know what I would have called it,” Cube says. “But the answer to the question is from the abusive gang, drug behavior.”

Cube has been called racist, which she finds funny. “My husband is not white. If you think being against crime in Santa Cruz is saying I’m against brown people, you’re saying youthink that criminals are brown,” she says. “I don’t think that. As a matter of fact, I think that a lot of the people I see doing crimes in Santa Cruz are white.”

Another point of contention is the group’s perceived hounding of the homeless. Cube is adamant that’s not accurate, and in her repeated dealings with the press she has been careful never to point the finger at the homeless population, directing her animosity instead to “gang bangers and meth tweakers.” She says, “This is not about the homeless. Those are our most vulnerable. They’re the people who need to be helped the most. It’s about everybody being having their best quality of life and not being preyed on by criminals.”

But what about when the homeless also happen to be criminals? This is where Cube gets stuck. She has been a supporter of the Homeless Services Center, and says she and HSC Executive Director Monica Martinez were “like besties” until about two months ago, when Martinez agreed to provide beds for non-violent offenders released from state prison in accordance with Assembly Bill 109.

“Having felons with children, it just set me over the edge to be honest with you, and Monica and I kind of had a falling out,” she says. “Because those people could be from anywhere. That’s the thing. Now I’ve got some guy who’s from Sacramento, and she’s like, ‘We can try to get him permanent housing.’ Well, I don’t want him to have permanent housing here!”

When asked about the program, Martinez told the Weekly that AB109 only pertains to former offenders who were convicted within Santa Cruz County.

“Ending homelessness in Santa Cruz isn’t about personal friendships, but about community collaboration grounded in common values such as equality and dignity,” she added. “Santa Cruz County’s response to the AB109 mandate is based on evidence proven to decrease recidivism and increase public safety.  Evidence shows that if people aren’t on the street, they are less likely to offend.”


Coffee with Anarchy

When asked who her biggest critics are, though, Cube has a very specific answer. “Anarchists, right? Yeah we all know that’s true. Right? Black Block anarchists especially are the ones that hate me. They haven’t liked me since day one, because I support the police department,” she says.

Indeed, Cube has had a contentious relationship with the anarchist community for some time. She says things came to a head in 2010, when someone found her home address and posted it on the alternative news website IndyBay, along with a thinly veiled death threat. She alerted the police, but she also did something unconventional—she invited one of her most prominent IndyBay critics to coffee.

Wes Modes is a local anarchist thinker who at the time was a member of the Sub Rosa collective. Cube says he was one of her main critics on IndyBay, where he was “fueling some pretty crazy stuff.”

She says, “He had made me out into this monster—not even a human—and was selling this monster to people.”

But Modes had once indicated in an IndyBay article that he would have coffee with Analicia, so she decided to take him up on it.

“I called him. I’m like, ‘Hi, it’s Analicia Cube.’ And he was quiet and he goes, ‘Uh, oh my God, really?’ And I felt like he really truly did think that maybe I would try to hurt him. He was freaked out that I had just called and said, ‘Hey, what’s up, let’s have coffee.’ I think that having coffee with him was one of the smartest things I’ve ever done. Because he got a chance to see that I’m a human being,” she says. “Ever since then we’ve had a fairly amicable relationship.”

Modes told me he wasn’t the one who had made the aggressive IndyBay posts, but he did agree to meet and discuss his perspective on Take Back Santa Cruz. He is mild mannered with soft features, and brought a small service vest-clad dog with him to the coffee shop where we met.

He says he likes and respects Cube personally, and can’t recall having too many preconceptions about her before they met.

“I think I was really open. If she was willing to meet with me, I figured she’s be okay to talk to,” he says. “I mean I can’t remember who reached out. I think I reached out to her, I didn’t hear anything, I think it was kind of like shouting down a well for awhile, then I think at some point she must have had some personal shift where she wanted to move me from, like, the ‘feared other’ category to the ‘known quantity’ category, I guess.”

“My friends thought I was largely insane,” he admits. “I think maybe what surprised me was that we had so much common ground in terms of understanding the problems. I think that surprised her, too, that I was willing to acknowledge that there were problems. She might have been surprised that we agreed on community solutions. The part that we won’t agree on anytime soon is the reliance on the police,” he says.

In fact, Modes says that at the very beginning he and other anarchists were actually excited to hear about Take Back. “Like, Take Back Santa Cruz—hell yeah, we should take back Santa Cruz for everyone,” he says.


Fear Factor

Less than a couple hours after I met up with Modes, I went home and discovered a new email from an anonymous source in my inbox.

We heard a rumor that you might be writing a piece about Analicia Cube, it read. At this time we are not comfortable writing you with our real names, but we have paid attention to TBSC from their inception and had an ongoing string of problems with them.

The email went on to accuse Take Back Santa Cruz of scapegoating the homeless for the crime in Santa Cruz, and only using anti-gang rhetoric for show. It said it has first-hand sources who know for a fact that the group has misrepresented the amount of needles it has found on cleanups, and mentioned a flyer that the group put out with two color mug shots of innocent men with the words “bike thieves” written underneath them and the initials “TBSC.” (When I asked for a copy of the flyer I didn’t get a response.)

The validity of the letter’s complaints aside, it is intriguing that whoever wrote it felt the need to remain anonymous. Like the impression Cube got when she called up Modes for the first time, people are scared of her. People are really scared of her. Even politicians, she contends.

“They’re scared, they’re kind of afraid of us. Because they know that we’re just gonna tell it like it is. ‘Shhh. There’s no crime. No no no no no.’ I’m like, wait a minute. There are some tough things going on here and all you need to do is stand up and say, ‘Hey, we got a situation, let’s fix it,’ rather than pretend like it’s not happening,” she says of the local political establishment.

City council member Micah Posner says he appreciates how Cube and Take Back Santa Cruz have opened his eyes on some of the issues Santa Cruz faces, but is wary of their methods for getting the message out.

“I know I’ve been more clear about the amount of drug dealing that goes in in my neighborhood, for example, and why it’s a problem. I’m not so much in denial,” he says. “But my concern about Analicia and Take Back is that people get together around her and that group when they’re afraid, and taking action from a place of fear is dangerous.”

Cube is well aware of how and why people come to Take Back.

“You only see my face when some shit’s going down,” she says. “I learned that over the years. We’re the place to land.”

She felt this most acutely, she says, when SCPD officers Loran “Butch” Baker and Elizabeth Butler were murdered in February. Cube was at a city council meeting when it happened.

“When they were murdered I felt a lot of people turn and go, ‘Oh, my God,’ and I’ve got people crying, I’ve got people angry, I’ve got all of these emotions and that feeling of responsibility that they feel like I’m their voice, you know? ‘Oh, my God, what are we gonna do?’”


Hard Core

While Cube may not have anticipated just how big Take Back Santa Cruz would become, it wasn’t something that just happened by chance, either.  On a rainy afternoon at her home office, Babcock reflected on why the group she and her sister founded four years ago has lasted.

“If it wasn’t for Analicia, Take Back Santa Cruz would probably have been defunct within a year,” she says. “People listen to her. She can encourage people to do things that they might not normally do.”

She says Analicia is the strongest person she knows, besides their father, a Marine who raised them with the motto, “Suck it up.”

“She’s just a bull,” she says. “When people attack her, it almost gives her energy, it almost makes her just want to prove something to people. If she was going to quit, it would be on her own terms, it wouldn’t be because somebody attacked her, because that would be showing a weakness that she would not want anybody to see.”

At a city council meeting on March 12, less than a month after officers Baker and Butler were gunned down, Cube addressed the council and the dozens of people in attendance. In a smart gray suit jacket, she was a commanding presence, dressed more like a politician than most of the council. She stood at the podium visibly shaken, holding back tears.

“We cannot make any more excuses, we can no longer enable criminal activity,” she said. “The theft, the crime—people are going to start coming into people’s homes.” Her voice got louder, and then more forceful. “And don’t call me afear monger—that’s going to happen. You got it? It’s going to happen.” At this, the crowd erupted into raucous applause, and she took a beat, then changed her trajectory. “It is. It already is happening. We need to turn it around.”

Her final lines, which had to be practically shouted in order to be heard over the applause and whooping coming from the audience, were the stuff of classic Hollywood sports films: “You guys have the power, you have the strength. I know you have it. You have it. You have the strength. Take it. Do it. This is our chance. I believe in you. I believe in you! You have it! Let’s do it!”

When I asked Cube if she was scared—to be so public, and so hated by so many people who don’t even know her—she said no.

“I’ve always said, if my head goes floating down the San Lorenzo River, it’s just going to piss people off even more, and it’s going to make Take Back Santa Cruz even bigger. You think we have six thousand members? Have my head floating down San Lorenzo River, I’ll have twelve.”

  • James Burtnett

    Take Back Santa Cruz! Gotta LOVE Em!

  • James Burtnett

    Take Back Santa Cruz! Gotta LOVE Em!

  • L Bandle

    Nice puff piece on TBSC and Analicia Cube.  Has anyone in the media asked why TBSC refuses to show who is on the board of directors? To look at their financials?  This isn’t out of the blue given that Dexter Cube as a broker had a problem with the law a few years back and they are a non-profit.  I could care less how nice A Cube is as a person. The policies TBSC promotes and the intimidation that some people in the group employ upon those in the community is what is consistently glossed over in media pieces such as this.

  • L Bandle

    Nice puff piece on TBSC and Analicia Cube.  Has anyone in the media asked why TBSC refuses to show who is on the board of directors? To look at their financials?  This isn’t out of the blue given that Dexter Cube as a broker had a problem with the law a few years back and they are a non-profit.  I could care less how nice A Cube is as a person. The policies TBSC promotes and the intimidation that some people in the group employ upon those in the community is what is consistently glossed over in media pieces such as this.

  • G. Monroe

    I support TBSC and encourage them to grow the organization and continue their work. This is the only watchdog group in SC and it has only one agenda item: our safety and the well being of the community. People who are afraid of TBSC or do not like their style fall into 1 of 2 categories. Either they do not understand the serious problems here in SC which are constantly swept under the rug and hidden from the public for the sake of commerce, a continued thriving tourist business and to prevent push-back from an otherwise uninformed public; OR they are part of the problem TBSC is trying to address. Sometimes the truth hurts, people. We are lucky to have a group of volunteers who love SC so much they devote time and energy for free to keep it safe and welcoming for all of us.

  • G. Monroe

    I support TBSC and encourage them to grow the organization and continue their work. This is the only watchdog group in SC and it has only one agenda item: our safety and the well being of the community. People who are afraid of TBSC or do not like their style fall into 1 of 2 categories. Either they do not understand the serious problems here in SC which are constantly swept under the rug and hidden from the public for the sake of commerce, a continued thriving tourist business and to prevent push-back from an otherwise uninformed public; OR they are part of the problem TBSC is trying to address. Sometimes the truth hurts, people. We are lucky to have a group of volunteers who love SC so much they devote time and energy for free to keep it safe and welcoming for all of us.

  • Mari

    Go TBSC!!! You are doing great things for our community and I support you 100%!

  • Mari

    Go TBSC!!! You are doing great things for our community and I support you 100%!

  • Don Honda

    Go Analicia!  Go Take Back Santa Cruz!

    Let’s start fixing Santa Cruz by voting out politicians who play down the high crime rate, and eliminating the “catch and release” judges.

    Let’s send the message that “Anything Goes in Santa Cruz” is now defunct.

  • Don Honda

    Go Analicia!  Go Take Back Santa Cruz!

    Let’s start fixing Santa Cruz by voting out politicians who play down the high crime rate, and eliminating the “catch and release” judges.

    Let’s send the message that “Anything Goes in Santa Cruz” is now defunct.

  • JC

    I had liked them on Facebook and followed their posts.  I realize that the page can’t be monitored daily, but that didn’t make the hateful posts any more palatable.
    A very personal attack against me, during the discussion about the Warriors arena, made me unfriend them.
    Good luck to her in all that she is trying to do.  We are vigilant in our own neighborhood, and for some of us, that’s the most we can do. 
    You can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.

  • JC

    I had liked them on Facebook and followed their posts.  I realize that the page can’t be monitored daily, but that didn’t make the hateful posts any more palatable.
    A very personal attack against me, during the discussion about the Warriors arena, made me unfriend them.
    Good luck to her in all that she is trying to do.  We are vigilant in our own neighborhood, and for some of us, that’s the most we can do. 
    You can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.

  • Dexter Cube

    Hey L. Bandle,

    Most of the information you request can be found on our website.

    Including, Board of Directors:


    We have filed financials 2011, 2012 and 2013 with the State Attorney General’s office in full compliance with non for profit regulations.  It is available to the public.

    No staff member, volunteer or board member takes a penny in salary and or compensation, as we are 100% volunteer.  We also don’t actively solicit donations, but one may donate if they choose to at their discretion.  We appreciate all the financial support and in kind donations we have been given.

    TBSC has over 6,100+ members in a group that has been awarded Activist Group of the Year 2 out of the past 3 years by the Good Times and quoting this article in Santa Cruz Weekly, “arguably the most powerful community group in the city.”  I am one team member of a strong organization focused on community safety and cleanliness in our city.

    About me, it’s never been about just me.  I personally have settled court cases with clients and agencies when I was an investment banker in New York when I was in my twenties, nearly 15 years ago.  Some clients lost money in the tech dot com bubble and they filed a lawsuit.  I settled with them without admitting or denying any guilt.  Agencies as well.  I just wanted to move on and the firm paid for my financial settlement.  I had large positions in Worldcom, AOL, and a diverse group of small cap tech stocks that were firm recommendations posted by our analysts.  I was following MBAs I believed were smarter than me.  Fortunately, I was able to walk away with a nice nest egg, and take some time off enough to realize that I didn’t want a career to be tied to an industry like the financial markets.  The ultimate straw that broke for me was that I was working in Manhattan when September 11th happened.  It changed me forever.  Fast forward 15 years, I now trade my own brokerage accounts, work for a large software company, and have a wonderful wife and 2 children.  There’s more to my story than what you suggested.

  • Dexter Cube

    Hey L. Bandle,

    Most of the information you request can be found on our website.

    Including, Board of Directors:


    We have filed financials 2011, 2012 and 2013 with the State Attorney General’s office in full compliance with non for profit regulations.  It is available to the public.

    No staff member, volunteer or board member takes a penny in salary and or compensation, as we are 100% volunteer.  We also don’t actively solicit donations, but one may donate if they choose to at their discretion.  We appreciate all the financial support and in kind donations we have been given.

    TBSC has over 6,100+ members in a group that has been awarded Activist Group of the Year 2 out of the past 3 years by the Good Times and quoting this article in Santa Cruz Weekly, “arguably the most powerful community group in the city.”  I am one team member of a strong organization focused on community safety and cleanliness in our city.

    About me, it’s never been about just me.  I personally have settled court cases with clients and agencies when I was an investment banker in New York when I was in my twenties, nearly 15 years ago.  Some clients lost money in the tech dot com bubble and they filed a lawsuit.  I settled with them without admitting or denying any guilt.  Agencies as well.  I just wanted to move on and the firm paid for my financial settlement.  I had large positions in Worldcom, AOL, and a diverse group of small cap tech stocks that were firm recommendations posted by our analysts.  I was following MBAs I believed were smarter than me.  Fortunately, I was able to walk away with a nice nest egg, and take some time off enough to realize that I didn’t want a career to be tied to an industry like the financial markets.  The ultimate straw that broke for me was that I was working in Manhattan when September 11th happened.  It changed me forever.  Fast forward 15 years, I now trade my own brokerage accounts, work for a large software company, and have a wonderful wife and 2 children.  There’s more to my story than what you suggested.

  • Shioban R.

    GO TBSC.  This is where I turn to when I need to gain strength.  I try to be strong and vigilant and informed for my daughter and I and it is hard work.  TBSC’s has helped me understand what is really plaguing our city.  I met Analica at one of the peace marches supporting women.  She’s such a pillar of strength in our community. I support her and the group, as issues seem to be getting addressed. I attribute TBSC for creating this culture of change.

  • Shioban R.

    GO TBSC.  This is where I turn to when I need to gain strength.  I try to be strong and vigilant and informed for my daughter and I and it is hard work.  TBSC’s has helped me understand what is really plaguing our city.  I met Analica at one of the peace marches supporting women.  She’s such a pillar of strength in our community. I support her and the group, as issues seem to be getting addressed. I attribute TBSC for creating this culture of change.

  • Karen

    You’re an anarchist.

  • Karen

    You’re an anarchist.

  • Analicia Cube

    Plus he is cute.  But that’s just my opinion.  wink

  • Analicia Cube

    Plus he is cute.  But that’s just my opinion.  wink

  • Pete

    L Bandle,
    So you gonna retract your accusations in the light of the first comment to it?  Next time, take a few minutes to verify whether your accusations have any basis in fact.

  • Pete

    L Bandle,
    So you gonna retract your accusations in the light of the first comment to it?  Next time, take a few minutes to verify whether your accusations have any basis in fact.

  • L Bandle

    Hey Dexter, what the records show is that TBSC was NOT in compliance with CA law until you were apparently contacted by the state Attorney General’s office THIS year. Then and only then did you file the necessary documents with the state, which is why the legal document is stamped July 10, 2013.  How long as TBSC been in existence?  Oh right, since 2009, which makes it 4 years of non-compliance and reporting.  Or am I reading the legal documents incorrectly?

  • L Bandle

    Hey Dexter, what the records show is that TBSC was NOT in compliance with CA law until you were apparently contacted by the state Attorney General’s office THIS year. Then and only then did you file the necessary documents with the state, which is why the legal document is stamped July 10, 2013.  How long as TBSC been in existence?  Oh right, since 2009, which makes it 4 years of non-compliance and reporting.  Or am I reading the legal documents incorrectly?

  • Xanthippe

    Well-balanced article on TBSC and Analicia Cube.

    Nice try by L Bandle at character assassination, via the old Santa Cruz tried and true method of vague accusations and innuendos.

    People who join TBSC simply to disparage everyone in the group as not being compassionate enough get booted. Sounds like L Bandle is still sore over being tossed out.

  • Xanthippe

    Well-balanced article on TBSC and Analicia Cube.

    Nice try by L Bandle at character assassination, via the old Santa Cruz tried and true method of vague accusations and innuendos.

    People who join TBSC simply to disparage everyone in the group as not being compassionate enough get booted. Sounds like L Bandle is still sore over being tossed out.

  • Not for me thanks

    So clicking “join” on Facebook makes one a “member”? And that’s what TBSC is counting as membership?  That’s ridiculous.  Half the people I know who are “members” clicked out of curiosity and now stay as “members” either because it’s not important enough to bother unclicking or to keep an eye on the lunatic fringe that dominates the site.

    TBSC says its about community safety and not anti-homeless. But actions speak louder than words.  Let me compare two recent high profile moments:

    When TBSC thought a transient (their description) had stolen a bouquet of flowers from the police memorial, Ms. Cube and her crew were quick to play judge and jury. They attended his arraignment and cheered his accuser as she exited the court.  Ms. Cube reported that ” the group had researched Maffei’s background and found he had run-ins with the law in Arizona and Nevada and in Capitola.” “We’re tired of these criminal coming into town and doing things like this,” Cube said.”

    Ultimately of course, they were all wrong. The man was shown to be innocent, and we found he was a 31 year resident of our community.

    But six months later, when Dylan Grenier, one of TBSC most prominent members and founder of their offshoot group The Clean Team got busted for lewd and lascivious acts with children? Ms. Cubes only comment is a subdued statement that ““This can happen with people that everyone knows.”.  And that was it. No indignant outrage. No cries for justice and throwing the book at him. No group of TBSC showing up to protest at his arraignment. No background checking. Just a quiet removal of his presence from their website so he would no longer be a “member”.

    Actions speak louder than words. When you show up to protest a flower thief who you think is a transient, but virtually ignore a child molester who is a “member”…..nuff said.

  • Not for me thanks

    So clicking “join” on Facebook makes one a “member”? And that’s what TBSC is counting as membership?  That’s ridiculous.  Half the people I know who are “members” clicked out of curiosity and now stay as “members” either because it’s not important enough to bother unclicking or to keep an eye on the lunatic fringe that dominates the site.

    TBSC says its about community safety and not anti-homeless. But actions speak louder than words.  Let me compare two recent high profile moments:

    When TBSC thought a transient (their description) had stolen a bouquet of flowers from the police memorial, Ms. Cube and her crew were quick to play judge and jury. They attended his arraignment and cheered his accuser as she exited the court.  Ms. Cube reported that ” the group had researched Maffei’s background and found he had run-ins with the law in Arizona and Nevada and in Capitola.” “We’re tired of these criminal coming into town and doing things like this,” Cube said.”

    Ultimately of course, they were all wrong. The man was shown to be innocent, and we found he was a 31 year resident of our community.

    But six months later, when Dylan Grenier, one of TBSC most prominent members and founder of their offshoot group The Clean Team got busted for lewd and lascivious acts with children? Ms. Cubes only comment is a subdued statement that ““This can happen with people that everyone knows.”.  And that was it. No indignant outrage. No cries for justice and throwing the book at him. No group of TBSC showing up to protest at his arraignment. No background checking. Just a quiet removal of his presence from their website so he would no longer be a “member”.

    Actions speak louder than words. When you show up to protest a flower thief who you think is a transient, but virtually ignore a child molester who is a “member”…..nuff said.

  • Adriana

    “So what you get when you don’t let in or kick out people who don’t think exactly the way you do is one big echo chamber that can easily turn into a mob.”

    Much like indybay, no?

  • Adriana

    “So what you get when you don’t let in or kick out people who don’t think exactly the way you do is one big echo chamber that can easily turn into a mob.”

    Much like indybay, no?

  • John Hohn

    TBSC was responsible for launching the Clean Team, which donates time every week to pick up tons of garbage, needles, urine bottles, etc. from creeksides; which garbage would otherwise have washed into our watersheds and ocean (although Brent Adams contends all the garbage is ‘planted’) . TBSC is there to speak up when citizens like Shannon Collins and Carl Reimer are murdered, demanding these incidents be highlighted and dealt with, and demanding that our city be made safe.

    As somebody with children in Santa Cruz, I am profoundly grateful to Analicia Cube and TBSC for stepping up to the plate. My read on TBSC is that most of its members are working people with children, like me. Analicia displays unbelievable courage in the face of death threats and various other types of intimidation, smear campaigns and harrassment. Thank you Analicia.

  • John Hohn

    TBSC was responsible for launching the Clean Team, which donates time every week to pick up tons of garbage, needles, urine bottles, etc. from creeksides; which garbage would otherwise have washed into our watersheds and ocean (although Brent Adams contends all the garbage is ‘planted’) . TBSC is there to speak up when citizens like Shannon Collins and Carl Reimer are murdered, demanding these incidents be highlighted and dealt with, and demanding that our city be made safe.

    As somebody with children in Santa Cruz, I am profoundly grateful to Analicia Cube and TBSC for stepping up to the plate. My read on TBSC is that most of its members are working people with children, like me. Analicia displays unbelievable courage in the face of death threats and various other types of intimidation, smear campaigns and harrassment. Thank you Analicia.

  • Analicia Cube

    I realize that is hard to understand how a group could have such a powerful strong core with thousands of members and almost zero funds.  The answer is community.  It’s a movement not a money making venture.  Everyone reading this can click the financials button and see that we didn’t even raise enough funds to file with in the first few years.  Also, the funds we did raise this year went directly to the groups we raised the money for.  Example: Baker Butler Scholarship Fund

    The Attorney General did not contact us.  We contacted them because we wanted to make sure we were all set up properly with the increase in donations we recieved this year.  A big thank you by the way to donors.  We will be giving the Butch Baker Memorial Fund 2,500 dollars. (Yeah)  Sorry there is not pot of gold at the end of this rainbow ride.

  • Analicia Cube

    I realize that is hard to understand how a group could have such a powerful strong core with thousands of members and almost zero funds.  The answer is community.  It’s a movement not a money making venture.  Everyone reading this can click the financials button and see that we didn’t even raise enough funds to file with in the first few years.  Also, the funds we did raise this year went directly to the groups we raised the money for.  Example: Baker Butler Scholarship Fund

    The Attorney General did not contact us.  We contacted them because we wanted to make sure we were all set up properly with the increase in donations we recieved this year.  A big thank you by the way to donors.  We will be giving the Butch Baker Memorial Fund 2,500 dollars. (Yeah)  Sorry there is not pot of gold at the end of this rainbow ride.

  • Tim Pullo

    1) I’d like to see screenshots of the conversations/“seemingly benign questions” your friend was asking. I know for a fact that there are a lot of local antagonizers (I’m looking at you, subrosa anarchists) who hate TBSC and I can understand them being wary of people who might come in looking to either distract from their goal or outright subvert it.

    2)Sounds like you should start your own activist group. Are they obligated to let you join their organization? The answer is no; it’s a private organization/group run by private individuals. If you don’t agree with them or the way they run their group, you’re welcome to start your own.

    Please note that I’m not a member of TBSC, although that is to say I don’t agree with some of their talking point (but not all).

  • Tim Pullo

    1) I’d like to see screenshots of the conversations/“seemingly benign questions” your friend was asking. I know for a fact that there are a lot of local antagonizers (I’m looking at you, subrosa anarchists) who hate TBSC and I can understand them being wary of people who might come in looking to either distract from their goal or outright subvert it.

    2)Sounds like you should start your own activist group. Are they obligated to let you join their organization? The answer is no; it’s a private organization/group run by private individuals. If you don’t agree with them or the way they run their group, you’re welcome to start your own.

    Please note that I’m not a member of TBSC, although that is to say I don’t agree with some of their talking point (but not all).

  • Tim Pullo

    looks like someone doesn’t like TBSC and is grasping as straws…

  • Tim Pullo

    looks like someone doesn’t like TBSC and is grasping as straws…

  • L Bandle

    Dexter, I can see why perhaps you ran into trouble with the law as a broker because your understanding of the law is completely incorrect. So let’s cover the law so you can either quit trying to lamely spin tales to cover your non-compliance or you can get informed so you don’t end up in serious legal trouble. Your organization,TBSC, is what is known as a public benefit corporation.

    1. when you filed with the Sec of State as a CA as a non-profit, you had to file organizing documents a) articles of incorporation and b) bylaws. Once the Sec of State endorses your application (which according to state records happened 1/05/2010) you have to register with the CA AG if you accept donations.

    2. There is NO $5000 threshold in the State of CA to register with the AG. You are Chief Business Officer of TBSC you might want to take the time to download a free pdf on “How to Start a NonProfit in CA” and read it. 

    The law is that you have to register with the Registry of Charitable Trusts within 30 days of receiving your first assets. According to your own records you have been receiving donations since 2010, so that is 3 years of non-compliance.  Don’t try and spin this, this is all verifiable on CA State public information websites.

    3. The issue isn’t if anyone in TBSC is getting rich, it’s about compliance with the law. TBSC as an organization and members in the organization who are holding public office or serving on various governmental task forces have been very big on forcing new laws and regulations on the community.

    If the community is forced to comply with all sorts of new “public safety” laws, then the very organization that is supposedly about more law and order should be expected to follow the rules just like the rest of us.

  • L Bandle

    Dexter, I can see why perhaps you ran into trouble with the law as a broker because your understanding of the law is completely incorrect. So let’s cover the law so you can either quit trying to lamely spin tales to cover your non-compliance or you can get informed so you don’t end up in serious legal trouble. Your organization,TBSC, is what is known as a public benefit corporation.

    1. when you filed with the Sec of State as a CA as a non-profit, you had to file organizing documents a) articles of incorporation and b) bylaws. Once the Sec of State endorses your application (which according to state records happened 1/05/2010) you have to register with the CA AG if you accept donations.

    2. There is NO $5000 threshold in the State of CA to register with the AG. You are Chief Business Officer of TBSC you might want to take the time to download a free pdf on “How to Start a NonProfit in CA” and read it. 

    The law is that you have to register with the Registry of Charitable Trusts within 30 days of receiving your first assets. According to your own records you have been receiving donations since 2010, so that is 3 years of non-compliance.  Don’t try and spin this, this is all verifiable on CA State public information websites.

    3. The issue isn’t if anyone in TBSC is getting rich, it’s about compliance with the law. TBSC as an organization and members in the organization who are holding public office or serving on various governmental task forces have been very big on forcing new laws and regulations on the community.

    If the community is forced to comply with all sorts of new “public safety” laws, then the very organization that is supposedly about more law and order should be expected to follow the rules just like the rest of us.

  • Xanthippe

    The above claims with regard to TBSC and Dylan Greiner and Kenneth Maffei are simply not true.

    In Kenneth Maffei’s case, the court system worked as it is supposed to. It was a squirrelly set of circumstances where a witness – a reasonable and responsible member of the community – saw an event that appeared to be different than it actually was. After investigation, Mr. Maffei was released.

    In the case of Dylan Greiner, there were a huge volume of comments among TBSC members as anyone can attest who has access to the group. His case is being followed. Clearly the poster has no idea what people said in TBSC.

    This TBSC bashing illustrate how clueless and out of touch the above poster is. Pretty sad.

  • Xanthippe

    The above claims with regard to TBSC and Dylan Greiner and Kenneth Maffei are simply not true.

    In Kenneth Maffei’s case, the court system worked as it is supposed to. It was a squirrelly set of circumstances where a witness – a reasonable and responsible member of the community – saw an event that appeared to be different than it actually was. After investigation, Mr. Maffei was released.

    In the case of Dylan Greiner, there were a huge volume of comments among TBSC members as anyone can attest who has access to the group. His case is being followed. Clearly the poster has no idea what people said in TBSC.

    This TBSC bashing illustrate how clueless and out of touch the above poster is. Pretty sad.

  • Mal Crocker

    Analisia Cube,

    I would like to thank you and TBSC for your hard work on behalf of the good people who live and work in Santa Cruz City and Santa Cruz County. You have brought light to the darkest places in our community. You have encouraged positive movement and momentum to address the passive, co-dependent apathetic attitude that prevailed in Santa Cruz politics for the past 3+ decades. Thank you! Thank you for being the adult among children who finally stood up an told the unruly children in the room, “Enough! Behave yourselves.”  Those who criticize you and the efforts of TBSC are certainly among the most responsible for the lack of safety and civility in Santa Cruz, either by their actions or by their irresponsible complicity.

    Malcolm Crocker

  • Mal Crocker

    Analisia Cube,

    I would like to thank you and TBSC for your hard work on behalf of the good people who live and work in Santa Cruz City and Santa Cruz County. You have brought light to the darkest places in our community. You have encouraged positive movement and momentum to address the passive, co-dependent apathetic attitude that prevailed in Santa Cruz politics for the past 3+ decades. Thank you! Thank you for being the adult among children who finally stood up an told the unruly children in the room, “Enough! Behave yourselves.”  Those who criticize you and the efforts of TBSC are certainly among the most responsible for the lack of safety and civility in Santa Cruz, either by their actions or by their irresponsible complicity.

    Malcolm Crocker

  • L Bandle

    Analicia, seriously?

    You’re saying the AG did not contact you about non-compliance by sending you a notice to register communication letter.  Really? Is the address listed to receive legal communication secure and checked regularly, because it seems like your group missed an official communication.

    Well when did TBSC contact the AG?  2010? 2011? 2012?  2013?  TBSC has had 4 years to not be breaking the law.

  • L Bandle

    Analicia, seriously?

    You’re saying the AG did not contact you about non-compliance by sending you a notice to register communication letter.  Really? Is the address listed to receive legal communication secure and checked regularly, because it seems like your group missed an official communication.

    Well when did TBSC contact the AG?  2010? 2011? 2012?  2013?  TBSC has had 4 years to not be breaking the law.

  • G. Monroe

    L. Bandle, Please re-read my comment – you have misrepresented what I wrote. I did not say anyone in SC is dumb or stupid or bad – you did. I said many people do not understand the problems possibly because they are uninformed due to the continuous efforts to promote SC as a really safe community without problems or crime. I spent countless hours and years volunteering in this community on watch programs and with neighborhood groups. I witnessed first hand the issues TBSC is trying to address and deal with. I disagree with the tendency of the local politicians to bend to the will of a very few at the expense of the benefit to the community as a whole as witnessed by their unwillingness to address the criminal element using the homeless population as a cover for their existence and continuing lawbreaking activities.

    Thank you TBSC and SCPD for continuing to “swim against the current.”

  • G. Monroe

    L. Bandle, Please re-read my comment – you have misrepresented what I wrote. I did not say anyone in SC is dumb or stupid or bad – you did. I said many people do not understand the problems possibly because they are uninformed due to the continuous efforts to promote SC as a really safe community without problems or crime. I spent countless hours and years volunteering in this community on watch programs and with neighborhood groups. I witnessed first hand the issues TBSC is trying to address and deal with. I disagree with the tendency of the local politicians to bend to the will of a very few at the expense of the benefit to the community as a whole as witnessed by their unwillingness to address the criminal element using the homeless population as a cover for their existence and continuing lawbreaking activities.

    Thank you TBSC and SCPD for continuing to “swim against the current.”

  • Dexter Cube

    Muah!  You are an amazing woman.  Happy anniversary!

  • Dexter Cube

    Muah!  You are an amazing woman.  Happy anniversary!

  • L Bandle

    Though the article and TBSC likes to paint the picture that it’s only scary anarchists who are uncomfortable with the difference between TBSC’s stated intent and how things seem to be executed by the group all too frequently, the truth is that some regular middle of the road citizens of Santa Cruz have issues as well. 

    A number of us were actually supporters of the group, that is until we saw friends angrily mobbed online or kicked out of the Facebook group (by Kristen Attlesey or Mr Becker?) because they apparently asked too many questions or didn’t follow the “living room rule.” The living room rule doesn’t just apply to racist comments unfortunately. Whether Ms Cube is unaware or perhaps glossed over the point, apparently this is an arbitrary rule exercised when one of the admins on the FB group doesn’t like what a member is saying. Just this year I had a close friend tossed from the group for simply asking seemingly benign questions. The claim that certain people aren’t admitted to the FB group is equally true.  Have some unknown warning sticker (maybe like an obvious one, belong to an anarchist group or a pro-needle exchange group) and you might not make it past the screening admin.  So what you get when you don’t let in or kick out people who don’t think exactly the way you do is one big echo chamber that can easily turn into a mob.

    Therein lies one of the biggest problems with the group, accountability. It’s nice that the author of this article likes Ms Cube’s hair, curvy figure and spunk, but it’s another thing completely to ask some hard questions. One hard question is that with so much power being wielded by a small group of relatives and close friends, where is the accountability going to come from when they kick out people who might disagree or simply ask the wrong question?

    Ms Cube denies that TBSC kicks people out for disagreeing but I know that this year she was contacted by someone who wanted to know why they were kicked out of the FB group.  Ms. Cube explained via email that the FB admin considered asking questions “too negative and not positive and also indicated that they (the person asking questions) didn’t really consider themselves to be a member of the group” and therefore they were tossed. Ms Cube supported this action, referring to the “living room rule.”  For Ms Cube to claim that TBSC doesn’t kick out members for disagreeing is disingenuous at best.

  • L Bandle

    Though the article and TBSC likes to paint the picture that it’s only scary anarchists who are uncomfortable with the difference between TBSC’s stated intent and how things seem to be executed by the group all too frequently, the truth is that some regular middle of the road citizens of Santa Cruz have issues as well. 

    A number of us were actually supporters of the group, that is until we saw friends angrily mobbed online or kicked out of the Facebook group (by Kristen Attlesey or Mr Becker?) because they apparently asked too many questions or didn’t follow the “living room rule.” The living room rule doesn’t just apply to racist comments unfortunately. Whether Ms Cube is unaware or perhaps glossed over the point, apparently this is an arbitrary rule exercised when one of the admins on the FB group doesn’t like what a member is saying. Just this year I had a close friend tossed from the group for simply asking seemingly benign questions. The claim that certain people aren’t admitted to the FB group is equally true.  Have some unknown warning sticker (maybe like an obvious one, belong to an anarchist group or a pro-needle exchange group) and you might not make it past the screening admin.  So what you get when you don’t let in or kick out people who don’t think exactly the way you do is one big echo chamber that can easily turn into a mob.

    Therein lies one of the biggest problems with the group, accountability. It’s nice that the author of this article likes Ms Cube’s hair, curvy figure and spunk, but it’s another thing completely to ask some hard questions. One hard question is that with so much power being wielded by a small group of relatives and close friends, where is the accountability going to come from when they kick out people who might disagree or simply ask the wrong question?

    Ms Cube denies that TBSC kicks people out for disagreeing but I know that this year she was contacted by someone who wanted to know why they were kicked out of the FB group.  Ms. Cube explained via email that the FB admin considered asking questions “too negative and not positive and also indicated that they (the person asking questions) didn’t really consider themselves to be a member of the group” and therefore they were tossed. Ms Cube supported this action, referring to the “living room rule.”  For Ms Cube to claim that TBSC doesn’t kick out members for disagreeing is disingenuous at best.

  • L Bandle

    Your comment, G Monroe, is one of the reasons why some are critical of TBSC. You are pigeonholing people who disagree with a TBSC policy or claims into 2 groups, either we’re dumb and don’t understand issues or we’re criminals.

    The truth is that in a diverse community we might have different perceptions of 1) what are problems and 2) how to solve it.  That doesn’t make someone who disagrees stupid or a criminal, it just makes them a fellow citizen who has a different opinion.  Your attempt to paint others with a different POV as somehow “bad” is the sort of us vs them mentality that TBSC seems to be bringing into our community. 

    Just because someone disagrees with TBSC doesn’t make that person a “them.”

  • L Bandle

    Your comment, G Monroe, is one of the reasons why some are critical of TBSC. You are pigeonholing people who disagree with a TBSC policy or claims into 2 groups, either we’re dumb and don’t understand issues or we’re criminals.

    The truth is that in a diverse community we might have different perceptions of 1) what are problems and 2) how to solve it.  That doesn’t make someone who disagrees stupid or a criminal, it just makes them a fellow citizen who has a different opinion.  Your attempt to paint others with a different POV as somehow “bad” is the sort of us vs them mentality that TBSC seems to be bringing into our community. 

    Just because someone disagrees with TBSC doesn’t make that person a “them.”

  • Dexter Cube

    A properly positioned Lemonade stand would have made more money than we have the past 4 years.  FY 2013 has not been completed so financials need not be submitted yet.  Filing for organizations with gross receipts less than $5,000 per year don’t require the same reporting criteria-I assume because nobody from TBSC is getting rich here from the name.  Nobody takes a salary or benefits, and nobody is getting any monetary compensation for their service associated with TBSC.  My little nephew practically sold more door to door raffle tickets for his middle school walking the local neighborhood than we took in for contributions.

    I believe your amazement stems from how could we with limited fiscal resources; have the presence in the city like we do.  It is because of the leadership within the group, the motivated acts of kindness from our membership, and a commitment to supporting the SC PD and the City in their efforts to reduce the level of crime in Santa Cruz.  Sweat equity over financials resources is what carries us.  That message engages people, motivates them to feel like they are part of something special.  We encourage people to bring their talents to the table.  Think about it.  We have a fantastic board, a network of over 80+ community members in our various TBSC Solutions Groups-all living in Santa Cruz, all contributing their time and resources for free.  We are very thankful for this type of support.

  • Dexter Cube

    A properly positioned Lemonade stand would have made more money than we have the past 4 years.  FY 2013 has not been completed so financials need not be submitted yet.  Filing for organizations with gross receipts less than $5,000 per year don’t require the same reporting criteria-I assume because nobody from TBSC is getting rich here from the name.  Nobody takes a salary or benefits, and nobody is getting any monetary compensation for their service associated with TBSC.  My little nephew practically sold more door to door raffle tickets for his middle school walking the local neighborhood than we took in for contributions.

    I believe your amazement stems from how could we with limited fiscal resources; have the presence in the city like we do.  It is because of the leadership within the group, the motivated acts of kindness from our membership, and a commitment to supporting the SC PD and the City in their efforts to reduce the level of crime in Santa Cruz.  Sweat equity over financials resources is what carries us.  That message engages people, motivates them to feel like they are part of something special.  We encourage people to bring their talents to the table.  Think about it.  We have a fantastic board, a network of over 80+ community members in our various TBSC Solutions Groups-all living in Santa Cruz, all contributing their time and resources for free.  We are very thankful for this type of support.

  • Don Honda

    “When does tolerance become enabling?”  Hint:  When the quality of life goes down to the level of an urban zoo.

    “What’s the difference between Wise Compassion and Idiot Compassion?”  Hint:  The word Enabling

  • Don Honda

    “When does tolerance become enabling?”  Hint:  When the quality of life goes down to the level of an urban zoo.

    “What’s the difference between Wise Compassion and Idiot Compassion?”  Hint:  The word Enabling

  • Analicia Cube

    You do realize that communities are allowed to have groups and gather without filing paperwork with the government.  You only legally have to file paperwork if you are a 501c non-profit.  We never claimed to be one before this past year.  We did so because we raised scholarship monies for youth and other groups in Santa Cruz.  This is my LAST response to you.  If you have a valid legal argument file it with the proper agencies.  They have our information, if they don’t want to share it with you, that’s on them.  Anyone reading this can see that you are just doing your usual harassment.  Which pleases me because they get to see what we have to deal with.

  • Analicia Cube

    You do realize that communities are allowed to have groups and gather without filing paperwork with the government.  You only legally have to file paperwork if you are a 501c non-profit.  We never claimed to be one before this past year.  We did so because we raised scholarship monies for youth and other groups in Santa Cruz.  This is my LAST response to you.  If you have a valid legal argument file it with the proper agencies.  They have our information, if they don’t want to share it with you, that’s on them.  Anyone reading this can see that you are just doing your usual harassment.  Which pleases me because they get to see what we have to deal with.

  • Dexter Cube

    According to conversations with the Attorney General’s office in their words it was a “non issue” because so little money was made.  Feel free to contact them if you have issues with our timeline.

  • Dexter Cube

    According to conversations with the Attorney General’s office in their words it was a “non issue” because so little money was made.  Feel free to contact them if you have issues with our timeline.

  • diane

    I follow this group, I give back to my community through this group and would like to feel That this group helped guild me in being vigilant which recently helped catch a predator.
    I am inspired by Analicia! 
    Thank you

  • diane

    I follow this group, I give back to my community through this group and would like to feel That this group helped guild me in being vigilant which recently helped catch a predator.
    I am inspired by Analicia! 
    Thank you

  • Not for me thanks

    The above is absolutely true Xanthippe, and your post offered no evidence to refute my claims.

    In the flower case, TBSC DID show up at court, DID make quotes in the paper demanding the man be tried to the fullest extent of the law, and DID make false claims regarding his background.

    In the child molester case, TBSC DID NOT show up at court, DID NOT make quotes in the paper demanding the man be tried to the fullest extent of the law, and DID NOT make false claims regarding his background.

    This isn’t false claim, this is verifiable statement of fact.  “Huge comment” about Greiner on your own private fb account is far different than showing up on the courthouse steps and demanding justice (as you see it) like a lynch mob, as you did with the flower case.

    I’ll hold up the mirror, and suggest your blind support of TBSC also shows how clueless and out of touch with the true history you are.

  • Not for me thanks

    The above is absolutely true Xanthippe, and your post offered no evidence to refute my claims.

    In the flower case, TBSC DID show up at court, DID make quotes in the paper demanding the man be tried to the fullest extent of the law, and DID make false claims regarding his background.

    In the child molester case, TBSC DID NOT show up at court, DID NOT make quotes in the paper demanding the man be tried to the fullest extent of the law, and DID NOT make false claims regarding his background.

    This isn’t false claim, this is verifiable statement of fact.  “Huge comment” about Greiner on your own private fb account is far different than showing up on the courthouse steps and demanding justice (as you see it) like a lynch mob, as you did with the flower case.

    I’ll hold up the mirror, and suggest your blind support of TBSC also shows how clueless and out of touch with the true history you are.

  • SeaLover

    Great article on a great woman.  What the writer fails to mention is that Analicia Cube is mostly a inspirational figure at this point and not the real guts of the group. Arguably, Ken SkinDog Collins is the v2.0 leader of TBSC in terms of taking action to politicians, protests, cleanups as well as vision where to take TBSC in the future, the original founders and leaders, not so much.  There has been talk that with leaders such as Ken and the vigilant activists like Samantha Olden and Chrissy Brown and Janell Whiting, TBSC will return to its activist roots and make Santa Cruz safe for families and normal people again. Ken Collins says himself the days of Berkeley type liberals running this town are over.  TBSC v2.0!

  • SeaLover

    Great article on a great woman.  What the writer fails to mention is that Analicia Cube is mostly a inspirational figure at this point and not the real guts of the group. Arguably, Ken SkinDog Collins is the v2.0 leader of TBSC in terms of taking action to politicians, protests, cleanups as well as vision where to take TBSC in the future, the original founders and leaders, not so much.  There has been talk that with leaders such as Ken and the vigilant activists like Samantha Olden and Chrissy Brown and Janell Whiting, TBSC will return to its activist roots and make Santa Cruz safe for families and normal people again. Ken Collins says himself the days of Berkeley type liberals running this town are over.  TBSC v2.0!

  • Robert Norse

    Analicia Cube is a high-spirited,strong-voiced, effective activist whose TBSC agenda and actions menace poor and homeless people in Santa Cruz and empower the darkest elements of our community.

    Missing from G. Perry’s article are some key accomplishments of her Take Back Santa Cruz and allied or infiltrated groups, now grown in power with their leaders in significant government positions.

    TBSC accomplishments: They and their needle-rattling allies have closed down the only Needle Exchange in Santa Cruz—doing so without public hearings or evidence of any real problems at the Barson St. site.  They have stopped a second marijuana club from opening in the Harvey West in another medieval anti-mariuana move.  They’ mobbed a court to keep the innocent Ken Maffei in jail for three weeks (the guy who brought his own flowers to the SCPD memorial and was then falsely accused of stealing posies). 

    They raised the temperature of anti-homeless sentiment,  serving as a forum for those who want to defund the very limited homeless shelter services that currently exist.  Their clean-up’s for years have not advised their participants to respect homeless campsites (the only shelter Santa Cruz’s 1500-2000 homeless have). 

    They have spread the hateful and false broadside that sleeping and camping are crimes (something currently being entrenched in the Public Safety Citizens Task Farce).  This has resulted in harassment and assault against homeless people, as documented in the famous (but frequently suppressed) video of Clean Team activists bullying a homeless camper (See ).

    They have colluded with and encouraged the most reactionary and dangerous higher-up’s in the SCPD (such as Deputy Chief Steve Clark—notorious for his ceaseless attacks on activists, homeless people, and “liberalism” in Santa Cruz).

    Additionally they have driven previously sympathetic critics who disagree with their obsessive and futile Drug War posture from their website.  T.J. Magallanes, the founder of The Clean Team website, has repeatedly noted that TBSC activists kidnapped his site and their hostility made his presence in town uncomfortable.  (See )

    Those who come out for medical rather than police solutions to social problems created by the illegal status of methedrine, cocaine, heroin, and other drugs are reportedly removed from their website and discussions.  The futile enforcement of these laws, of course, funds police departments nationwide and gives politicians a boogeyman to intimidate and coopt politicians.  The toll in ruined lives and wasted money is immense here—yet that is one of their main “law and order” selling points.
    What’s really depressing is how these clear issues are ignored not only in Perry’s article but in the mainstream media generally.  In response liberals like Lane, Posner, and Pleich surf this sick tide and buy into the Public Safety mythology in order to ride the wave of groundless hysteria that Cube’s group and related ones have created.

  • Robert Norse

    Analicia Cube is a high-spirited,strong-voiced, effective activist whose TBSC agenda and actions menace poor and homeless people in Santa Cruz and empower the darkest elements of our community.

    Missing from G. Perry’s article are some key accomplishments of her Take Back Santa Cruz and allied or infiltrated groups, now grown in power with their leaders in significant government positions.

    TBSC accomplishments: They and their needle-rattling allies have closed down the only Needle Exchange in Santa Cruz—doing so without public hearings or evidence of any real problems at the Barson St. site.  They have stopped a second marijuana club from opening in the Harvey West in another medieval anti-mariuana move.  They’ mobbed a court to keep the innocent Ken Maffei in jail for three weeks (the guy who brought his own flowers to the SCPD memorial and was then falsely accused of stealing posies). 

    They raised the temperature of anti-homeless sentiment,  serving as a forum for those who want to defund the very limited homeless shelter services that currently exist.  Their clean-up’s for years have not advised their participants to respect homeless campsites (the only shelter Santa Cruz’s 1500-2000 homeless have). 

    They have spread the hateful and false broadside that sleeping and camping are crimes (something currently being entrenched in the Public Safety Citizens Task Farce).  This has resulted in harassment and assault against homeless people, as documented in the famous (but frequently suppressed) video of Clean Team activists bullying a homeless camper (See ).

    They have colluded with and encouraged the most reactionary and dangerous higher-up’s in the SCPD (such as Deputy Chief Steve Clark—notorious for his ceaseless attacks on activists, homeless people, and “liberalism” in Santa Cruz).

    Additionally they have driven previously sympathetic critics who disagree with their obsessive and futile Drug War posture from their website.  T.J. Magallanes, the founder of The Clean Team website, has repeatedly noted that TBSC activists kidnapped his site and their hostility made his presence in town uncomfortable.  (See )

    Those who come out for medical rather than police solutions to social problems created by the illegal status of methedrine, cocaine, heroin, and other drugs are reportedly removed from their website and discussions.  The futile enforcement of these laws, of course, funds police departments nationwide and gives politicians a boogeyman to intimidate and coopt politicians.  The toll in ruined lives and wasted money is immense here—yet that is one of their main “law and order” selling points.
    What’s really depressing is how these clear issues are ignored not only in Perry’s article but in the mainstream media generally.  In response liberals like Lane, Posner, and Pleich surf this sick tide and buy into the Public Safety mythology in order to ride the wave of groundless hysteria that Cube’s group and related ones have created.

  • Steve Schlicht

    People who take offense to Analicia and attack her are jealous of her success. People who take offense to and attack Take Back Santa Cruz members are jealous of their success. That’s fine. That’s a measure of success. Analicia inspired me to volunteer my time doing community service. She’s the first person who ever motivated me to do this. And how did she do it? With her tireless motivation to improve our community. And a positive attitude. She doesn’t just bitch. She gets things done. She scares people but it’s not because she’s scary. It’s because what she can accomplish is scary. Thanks for writing a fair and balanced story on one of Santa Cruz’s most inspiring personalities.

  • Steve Schlicht

    People who take offense to Analicia and attack her are jealous of her success. People who take offense to and attack Take Back Santa Cruz members are jealous of their success. That’s fine. That’s a measure of success. Analicia inspired me to volunteer my time doing community service. She’s the first person who ever motivated me to do this. And how did she do it? With her tireless motivation to improve our community. And a positive attitude. She doesn’t just bitch. She gets things done. She scares people but it’s not because she’s scary. It’s because what she can accomplish is scary. Thanks for writing a fair and balanced story on one of Santa Cruz’s most inspiring personalities.

  • L Bandle

    There is no harassment in asking you to tell the truth Analicia, something you seem to be having a hard time doing in our dialogue here.  If TBSC leaders are so inclined to tell tales or outright lies over simple issues, why should the community trust all the serious claims you and TBSC often make on matters that face our community. 

    I made a statement of FACT that TBSC was NOT in compliance with CA law until this year when you were contacted by the CA Attorney General. You deny this, claim harassment and glibly tell me to contact the authorities. Your problem, Analicia, is that I already asked the authorities after repeatedly contacting your organization and getting either no reply or a response telling me no information would be released.

    On 06/05/2013 I contacted the CA AG’s Registry to see why the required information regarding your non-profit was not online. Their response was that TBSC a) was not registered b) not in compliance with CA law c) that the CA AG was going to send TBSC a notice to register letter.  If you don’t believe me here is a screencap of the official response.

    On 07/10/2013 the Registry of Charitable Trusts received your initial registration form, signed by your sister.  You claim the AG’s office didn’t contact you but the timing is puzzling given that your initial filing showed up approximately 1 month after the AG’s office said they were going to contact you.

    What is extra evidence that TBSC was not in compliance with CA for 3 years and was forced to get into compliance comes from a letter from your sister to the AG explaining the non-compliance. In it she says “I was unaware of the requirements to file with your office until recently.” Is you sister psychic? Did she just, out of the ether wake up one night and realize TBSC needed to be registered with AG?  Or, contrary to your claims, was TBSC was contacted by the state like they said they would and told to submit the required paperwork.

    You promise this is your last response to me and that might be a good idea for you since every response you have offered me is not only is “pulling punches” but has at the least been a misstatement of fact or at worse, a lie.

    Our dialogue was a simple exercise in seeing and showing how TBSC and it’s leaders handle compliance with the law as well as to what extent you are willing to be truthful.  In this test, you failed miserably.

    Lastly,requiring community and political leaders to tell the truth isn’t harassment Analicia.  It’s a foundation of any true democracy.  Stop pulling punches.

  • L Bandle

    There is no harassment in asking you to tell the truth Analicia, something you seem to be having a hard time doing in our dialogue here.  If TBSC leaders are so inclined to tell tales or outright lies over simple issues, why should the community trust all the serious claims you and TBSC often make on matters that face our community. 

    I made a statement of FACT that TBSC was NOT in compliance with CA law until this year when you were contacted by the CA Attorney General. You deny this, claim harassment and glibly tell me to contact the authorities. Your problem, Analicia, is that I already asked the authorities after repeatedly contacting your organization and getting either no reply or a response telling me no information would be released.

    On 06/05/2013 I contacted the CA AG’s Registry to see why the required information regarding your non-profit was not online. Their response was that TBSC a) was not registered b) not in compliance with CA law c) that the CA AG was going to send TBSC a notice to register letter.  If you don’t believe me here is a screencap of the official response.

    On 07/10/2013 the Registry of Charitable Trusts received your initial registration form, signed by your sister.  You claim the AG’s office didn’t contact you but the timing is puzzling given that your initial filing showed up approximately 1 month after the AG’s office said they were going to contact you.

    What is extra evidence that TBSC was not in compliance with CA for 3 years and was forced to get into compliance comes from a letter from your sister to the AG explaining the non-compliance. In it she says “I was unaware of the requirements to file with your office until recently.” Is you sister psychic? Did she just, out of the ether wake up one night and realize TBSC needed to be registered with AG?  Or, contrary to your claims, was TBSC was contacted by the state like they said they would and told to submit the required paperwork.

    You promise this is your last response to me and that might be a good idea for you since every response you have offered me is not only is “pulling punches” but has at the least been a misstatement of fact or at worse, a lie.

    Our dialogue was a simple exercise in seeing and showing how TBSC and it’s leaders handle compliance with the law as well as to what extent you are willing to be truthful.  In this test, you failed miserably.

    Lastly,requiring community and political leaders to tell the truth isn’t harassment Analicia.  It’s a foundation of any true democracy.  Stop pulling punches.

  • Douglas Deitch

    “As far as how to create that place, Cube has some ideas. “So the first thing you need to do is stop being an attraction, right? You try not to attract every person who’s addicted to drugs,” she says. “We’re dealing with organized drug cartels. We need to work that angle, so that’d be more enforcement.”

    Analicia: If you were a member of a transnational organized drug, arms, and human trafficking cartels that supply virtually all the contents for the 10,000+ syringes distributed for free monthly containing the drugs that seem to be related to the vast majority of our local crimes and violence … wouldn’t you be certifiably insane to set up shop anywhere else but in “safe” Sanctuary City such as Santa Cruz, where you can operate effectively with virtual complete immunity? Isn’t this irrational 1987 Rotkin inspired law and policy creating the “attraction” you mention?

  • Douglas Deitch

    “As far as how to create that place, Cube has some ideas. “So the first thing you need to do is stop being an attraction, right? You try not to attract every person who’s addicted to drugs,” she says. “We’re dealing with organized drug cartels. We need to work that angle, so that’d be more enforcement.”

    Analicia: If you were a member of a transnational organized drug, arms, and human trafficking cartels that supply virtually all the contents for the 10,000+ syringes distributed for free monthly containing the drugs that seem to be related to the vast majority of our local crimes and violence … wouldn’t you be certifiably insane to set up shop anywhere else but in “safe” Sanctuary City such as Santa Cruz, where you can operate effectively with virtual complete immunity? Isn’t this irrational 1987 Rotkin inspired law and policy creating the “attraction” you mention?

  • Robert Norse

    Inspires you to do what, Steve? 

    Join a rigged Task Force that is preset to smear homeless people as criminals for life-sustaining behavior?

    You didn’t respond to any of the concerns I raised about TBSC, so one can only assume you have no response. 

    Yes, I do envy Analicia’s effectiveness, but that isn’t what motivates my criticism. 

    Also the wrong kind of effectiveness isn’t something to be praised if it results in violence and hostility against a class of people.

  • Robert Norse

    Inspires you to do what, Steve? 

    Join a rigged Task Force that is preset to smear homeless people as criminals for life-sustaining behavior?

    You didn’t respond to any of the concerns I raised about TBSC, so one can only assume you have no response. 

    Yes, I do envy Analicia’s effectiveness, but that isn’t what motivates my criticism. 

    Also the wrong kind of effectiveness isn’t something to be praised if it results in violence and hostility against a class of people.

  • Dave Speidel

    Wow.  Mr. Bandle sure is a fanatic about community groups having the correct legalities and paperwork.  Good for him, I guess.  Most people who read this article are more focused on Santa Cruz’s issues of drug-dealing, property theft, the trashing of our beloved forests, etc.  I’m guessing Mr. Bandle’s point is that TBSC’s paperwork isn’t totally in order, hence the Cubes are suspect, hence TBSC is suspect, hence everything TBSC is trying to accomplish is suspect, hence all the people that support and are part of TBSC are suspect.  That quite a leap of logic.

    Thank God TBSC is focused on the issues that are ruining our town.  I’ll say one thing – if the Cubes weren’t doing it, someone else would be.  The issue isn’t the Cubes, Mr. Bandle.  It’s the issues that concern the working people of this town.

  • Dave Speidel

    Wow.  Mr. Bandle sure is a fanatic about community groups having the correct legalities and paperwork.  Good for him, I guess.  Most people who read this article are more focused on Santa Cruz’s issues of drug-dealing, property theft, the trashing of our beloved forests, etc.  I’m guessing Mr. Bandle’s point is that TBSC’s paperwork isn’t totally in order, hence the Cubes are suspect, hence TBSC is suspect, hence everything TBSC is trying to accomplish is suspect, hence all the people that support and are part of TBSC are suspect.  That quite a leap of logic.

    Thank God TBSC is focused on the issues that are ruining our town.  I’ll say one thing – if the Cubes weren’t doing it, someone else would be.  The issue isn’t the Cubes, Mr. Bandle.  It’s the issues that concern the working people of this town.

  • Jimmy L.

    Read the article J_____(not L Bandle).  She doesn’t care what you think. That’s the point of the story.  We can all see how you are grabbing at straws, attempting to discredit her and TBSC.  It’s a bullying tactic for sure. As long as Santa Cruz is #1 in the state when it comes to theft and larceny-people will always want to be part of TBSC.  Deal with it.

  • Jimmy L.

    Read the article J_____(not L Bandle).  She doesn’t care what you think. That’s the point of the story.  We can all see how you are grabbing at straws, attempting to discredit her and TBSC.  It’s a bullying tactic for sure. As long as Santa Cruz is #1 in the state when it comes to theft and larceny-people will always want to be part of TBSC.  Deal with it.

  • Steve Schlicht

    You show once again why you know so little about what is really going on. With you, it’s always about narcissism under the guise of a “message”. What have you really done that’s made a difference here Robert? You have a track record of failure, in large part because your methods always revolve around attack and intimidation. You build walls instead of bridges. Even within your own “groups”, they marginalize you. You’re quite the hypocrite. Nothing is ever good enough for you. Quid pro quo. You’re not good enough for us. The homeless deserve a better advocate than you. When their best advocate walks around in a dirty bathrobe, it’s time to find a better spokesperson. You want to be taken seriously? Get serious.

  • Steve Schlicht

    You show once again why you know so little about what is really going on. With you, it’s always about narcissism under the guise of a “message”. What have you really done that’s made a difference here Robert? You have a track record of failure, in large part because your methods always revolve around attack and intimidation. You build walls instead of bridges. Even within your own “groups”, they marginalize you. You’re quite the hypocrite. Nothing is ever good enough for you. Quid pro quo. You’re not good enough for us. The homeless deserve a better advocate than you. When their best advocate walks around in a dirty bathrobe, it’s time to find a better spokesperson. You want to be taken seriously? Get serious.

  • CarlaB

    Steve, it’s interesting that you want to lecture people about being taken seriously when you get caught making jokes about junkies dying in Santa Cruz. And then get angry that not everyone found the humor in it.

    In any other town that head a Mayor and City Council members who gave a damn about integrity of City Commissioners and respect to the public, you would have been kicked off that Board you are presently sitting on. But, we’re in Santa Cruz and the quickest way up the political food chain right now is to kick anyone in the teeth who speaks out in favor of NEP,or homeless rights, or protecting public space, or voicing concerns about a position or an action TBSC takes.  So the truth of the matter, is that you making jokes about junkies dying in that TBSC forum thread, probably helped your public service and maybe even political advancement career.

  • CarlaB

    Steve, it’s interesting that you want to lecture people about being taken seriously when you get caught making jokes about junkies dying in Santa Cruz. And then get angry that not everyone found the humor in it.

    In any other town that head a Mayor and City Council members who gave a damn about integrity of City Commissioners and respect to the public, you would have been kicked off that Board you are presently sitting on. But, we’re in Santa Cruz and the quickest way up the political food chain right now is to kick anyone in the teeth who speaks out in favor of NEP,or homeless rights, or protecting public space, or voicing concerns about a position or an action TBSC takes.  So the truth of the matter, is that you making jokes about junkies dying in that TBSC forum thread, probably helped your public service and maybe even political advancement career.

  • Steve Schlicht

    Crocodile tears.

  • Steve Schlicht

    Crocodile tears.

  • RC

    Glad to see others are on to the truth behind the lies of TBSC. They are a vigilante group against the homeless, while they ignore the drug dealer and white gang banger problems in SC which makes up most of the crime. However, the privious mentioned are all housed mostly on taxpayer welfare, so TBSC ignores them or even befriends them. Their group has their share criminals in its membership.

    What is their obsession with RVs? Are they anti grandma and grandpa taking to the road after retirement?

  • RC

    Glad to see others are on to the truth behind the lies of TBSC. They are a vigilante group against the homeless, while they ignore the drug dealer and white gang banger problems in SC which makes up most of the crime. However, the privious mentioned are all housed mostly on taxpayer welfare, so TBSC ignores them or even befriends them. Their group has their share criminals in its membership.

    What is their obsession with RVs? Are they anti grandma and grandpa taking to the road after retirement?

  • Jimmy L.

    Hahaha, what lies?  The lies you like to make linking TBSC being against homelessness?

    If you follow the group they are against everyone who makes SC an unsafe place for everyone else.  True, whether you live in a trailer, or on West Cliff Drive.

    There is a virtual community on Facebook that goes on every day to help share community feedback geared toward solutions.  Their group is single handedly making SC a safer place.  SCPD, County and City Staff are grateful being that PD is so short staffed.  You do realize SC leads the state in theft and larceny right? 

    TBSC didn’t make up this statistic its been proven 3 years running.  Look at the poignant conversation surrounding the mayor appointed Public Safety Task Force this week.  They are talking about the subject of homelessness.  Crime is a big problem in Santa Cruz which requires complex solutions.  TBSC is not addressing homelesness. It is addressing community bad behavior. 

    They have close to 7,000 members online.  What other group can say they have that following in SC? I am sure not everyone that is in the group is a saint.  But if you join, you must believe that something needs to be done to address this problem.

    Quit hating. Join the movement.

  • Jimmy L.

    Hahaha, what lies?  The lies you like to make linking TBSC being against homelessness?

    If you follow the group they are against everyone who makes SC an unsafe place for everyone else.  True, whether you live in a trailer, or on West Cliff Drive.

    There is a virtual community on Facebook that goes on every day to help share community feedback geared toward solutions.  Their group is single handedly making SC a safer place.  SCPD, County and City Staff are grateful being that PD is so short staffed.  You do realize SC leads the state in theft and larceny right? 

    TBSC didn’t make up this statistic its been proven 3 years running.  Look at the poignant conversation surrounding the mayor appointed Public Safety Task Force this week.  They are talking about the subject of homelessness.  Crime is a big problem in Santa Cruz which requires complex solutions.  TBSC is not addressing homelesness. It is addressing community bad behavior. 

    They have close to 7,000 members online.  What other group can say they have that following in SC? I am sure not everyone that is in the group is a saint.  But if you join, you must believe that something needs to be done to address this problem.

    Quit hating. Join the movement.

  • Shandara Gill

    I realize this post is extremely late but I have referenced this article several times to folks and I though I would get brave and actually post my thoughts on such an open public forum!

    Thank you for writing a both passionate and informational article about TBSC’s fearless leader Analicia Cube. I’ve been a member of TBSC”s Facebook group since I moved here, three years ago. I’ve always appreciated the group’s genuine interest in the community here, and their desire to protect the community from violence. In recent months, however, I have struggled with TBSC’s intention, and have thought about leaving the group several times. Because there are so many militant members of this group whose answers to the growing drug and homeless population in Santa Cruz are to put them on a bus and ship them off somewhere far, far away-I feel the integrity of the group has become a grey area. I think that Cube has a responsibility to the group’s intention to filter those negative comments; and quite frankly, to protect the group’s reputation, she needs to be a facilitator of positivity and hope or we become apart of the problem, not the solution. So, with all due respect to you, Ms. Cube, Yes, you are the queen! It is your responsibility as the voice of this group to protect the intention and end negative perceptions of what TBSC is trying to create.

  • Shandara Gill

    I realize this post is extremely late but I have referenced this article several times to folks and I though I would get brave and actually post my thoughts on such an open public forum!

    Thank you for writing a both passionate and informational article about TBSC’s fearless leader Analicia Cube. I’ve been a member of TBSC”s Facebook group since I moved here, three years ago. I’ve always appreciated the group’s genuine interest in the community here, and their desire to protect the community from violence. In recent months, however, I have struggled with TBSC’s intention, and have thought about leaving the group several times. Because there are so many militant members of this group whose answers to the growing drug and homeless population in Santa Cruz are to put them on a bus and ship them off somewhere far, far away-I feel the integrity of the group has become a grey area. I think that Cube has a responsibility to the group’s intention to filter those negative comments; and quite frankly, to protect the group’s reputation, she needs to be a facilitator of positivity and hope or we become apart of the problem, not the solution. So, with all due respect to you, Ms. Cube, Yes, you are the queen! It is your responsibility as the voice of this group to protect the intention and end negative perceptions of what TBSC is trying to create.

  • Kevin Rothwell

    Eloquent and inspirational, as usual. Attaboy Robert! Keep on fighting the good fight. Santa Cruz needs you now more than ever. :-)

  • Toby Nixon

    Unfortunately, the Stalking of my person, the false accusations about me and the subsequent suit that was filed and won by me against the City of Santa Cruz…. Says that it’s not simple hate. It’s an organization that stalks, harasses and disenfranchises the homeless.

  • Toby Nixon

    I am now wearing a Body Camera all the time in public, in Santa Cruz. I will be giving cameras to all the homeless. You’ll remember me from harassing me before. This time though, we’ve already been to court over homeless people wearing cameras… And you lost. Don’t forget that Steve. We are going to fight back against your gang stalking gas lighting and penetrating personal information by your collusion with the police, which is also illegal.

    I am making a little picture book for facebook, which you are still blocked from seeing… Which identifies TBSC members and allows for homeless people to pick you out as the perpetrators of harassment.

  • Toby Nixon

    I am now wearing a Body Camera all the time in public, in Santa Cruz. I will be giving cameras to all the homeless. You’ll remember me from harassing me before. This time though, we’ve already been to court over homeless people wearing cameras… And you lost.

  • Toby Nixon

    I am now wearing a Body Camera all the time in public, in Santa Cruz. I will be giving cameras to all the homeless. You’ll remember me from harassing me before. This time though, we’ve already been to court over homeless people wearing cameras… And you lost. I won. You couldn’t sue me for filming in public. I have that right, absolutely.

  • Toby Nixon

    Organized Drug Cartels using transient Homeless People? You’re full of it. Homeless people don’t have the money for drugs. You’re plainly saying that Santa Cruz is an attraction for the homeless, who are part of Organized Drug Cartels.

    Really? Do you have any real proof of this in the years you’ve been doing this?

  • Toby Nixon

    Anytime you harass people, we will have this and other pictures of you, so that those you harass can easily pick you out.