Classes & Lectures

Grow Great Garlic! Organic Garlic in the Home Garden and Small Farm

Cowell Ranch Historic Hay Barn
Sun Nov 5 9:30am - 12pm Ages: 18+

About Grow Great Garlic! Organic Garlic in the Home Garden and Small Farm

Led by Sandhill Farms garlic grower Pete Rasmussen and Chadwick Garden manager Orin Martin, this workshop will include in-depth discussions of all aspects of growing great garlic, from soil preparation and seed selection, to planting and harvesting tricks of the trade. We'll also have roasted garlic available for workshop participants to taste.
Following the workshop there will be a selection of rare and heirloom garlic available for sale to plant in the home garden. Note that garlic seed available at the workshop is limited; if you'd like to pre-order prior to the workshop, see
This workshop takes place rain or shine.
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