
Aside the Show - The Untold Story of Julia Pastrana

Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History (MAH)
Sat Jul 29 1pm - 5pm Ages: family friendly

About Aside the Show - The Untold Story of Julia Pastrana

The journey of Julia Pastrana - a Mexican Carnival artist who lived in the 19th century- packs enough oddities for a whole Netflix series but remains unknown by most. As a bearded lady, Pastrana traveled all over Europe and the US throughout her life and after it for over a hundred years after her death!

Julia’s story speaks directly to the souls of anyone who has been rejected or vilified for being "different” and to all those of us who fight for equality. A group of creatives will be performing, speaking about and exhibiting art that was inspired by her life Saturday June 29th from 1-5pm at the Museum of Art and History downtown.

Free Event

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